Wilson Audio Sabrina anyone?
Posted by: MangoMonkey on 20 November 2018
anyone had a chance to compare the Wilson audio Sabrina with kudos titans 606s/707s? These seem to be roughly the same price in the US.
Love my Alexias 2s , Wilson’s are exceptional ... and made in the USA
are they fun/engaging speakers?
Fun and engaging yes, but mos importantly brings the music to life , immersive and beautiful. As a retiree I get a lot of listening time. My system is so reliable and easy to use .Naim and Wilson constantly brings amazement to my living room. It’s truly something special .
Around here not that common of a pairing but I did here a system a few years back at a show, possibly the Sabrina's paired with a 282/250DR/HiCAP DR combo, don't recall the source but playing through a MSB DAC. Was one of the better sounding room's at the show IMO. If you can get a demo, probably worth a listen.
Hi MM,
I have listened to the Sabrinas playing on the end of 500 series electronics and somewhat unsurprisingly, they sounded rather good.
Budget permitting though, I recommend listening to the Yvette. It is the daughter of the Sophia, which I greatly enjoyed on the end of my Naim 52/135s at home. They were gorgeous to listen to. Wilson designed the Sophia (and I believe the Yvette) to be a fairly benign load, so Naim amps can dig out the best from them. The bigger Wilson speakers need a powerstation to really grip them well.
They certainly sound different to Kudos or Neat but that doesn't make them better or worse, just a different flavour of excellent. If you are looking at these in the USA, then it would be plain wrong to ignore the Magico S3 Mk II. The Magicos are much more expensive in the UK but more evenly matched in the USA. Do let us know how you get on.
Enjoy! FT
I recently listened to the Sabrina's driven by a Dartzeel integrated and Bergmann air bearing tonearm TT. I thought the sound was very good and def could hear how they would be a good match with Naim. Quick and very linear music delivery. They look quite nice too Happy hunting Mango...
Probably a very tall guy. But somehow puts some perspective over them. Seems just perfect for my room if I could ever get them...
It’s those Day Of The Tentacles speakers again! They may sound good, but strange looking things they most certainly are.
Mango, Keep it local.
I have not compared to the Kudos, but I dig the Sabrina big time. I have listened for about 10 hours over various days with modest Naim gear. My feelings:
- great detail in the trebles. All the percussion instruments twinkle like stars
- capable of delivering big bass, but it can get boomy. That probably can be tweaked to one's liking with positioning, or with better electronics
- great big soundstage. The Sabrinas can fill up a room with realistic and pleasing sounds
- no ear fatigue - at least for my ears. I had the stuff cranked up pretty good too.
- Sabrina seems to sound better at higher volumes. They sound better when cranked up, than they do at "background" level.
I also checked out the Magico A3 and the S3. Both were good, the S3 was reaaaallllly good. Oh my... The A3 is a good value by comparison, but sonically speaking I found the other options reviewed here more engaging.