Improved sound quality, and I only changed my Fraim stack order.....
Posted by: crackie on 25 November 2018
I have an observation that I thought I would share.
Three weeks ago I shifted my 252 to the top of my Fraim stack & also put my 300 head unit under that. So now my stack is 252/300 head unit/n-DAC/HDX/Supercap/555PS/300PS. I figured what the heck I’ll give it a go - as I looked back at 100’s of old posts and system pics. that seemed to have at least 90% of members with the pre-amp always on the top level (big hint there I guess in hindsight) because I never really did give correct stacking order much thought. Perhaps I should have...........
So I pretty much left it alone for a week and did a critical listening session and wow, it improved a lot, left it alone again for a week, then had another listening session and, yep, it wasn’t my imagination, it really was better. Left it another week and what do you know what - I am not mad - it possibly cannot be an unexplained sound quality boost of other factors in play - my mood , house ambient noise floor, mains power time of the day luck of the draw etc. in play for 3 seperate sessions to prove otherwise. The music has really opened up now, more detail, slightly better soundstage, the music is now much more involving & interesting to listen to.
OK, it’s not a massive difference, but I have got to say its a very noticeable and quit a worthwhile one.
The only other possible (long shot) explanation is my SL cables have done their last burn in performance boost (I think very unlikely as my SL interconnect is 12m old, SL speaker cable set is 7m old and my SL cable set for my 300 has been in place for 5m now). Everything else in my system has been in place for 18m or greater and used very regularly for music, movies, gaming etc.