I have olive 1998 vintage system, including- nac 52-super cap-nap250. The source is cdx2/2+xps2. The whole system is wired by NAIM(p.l/h.l).
My options are-
1.Re-capping all boxes
2.To purchase a s.h nap300(not d.r)Instead the 250,and when the opportunity comes,to upgrade s.h 552(not d.r).
My question is-
Does the s.h equipment upgraded,will lead to a significant difference in the end result?
Posted on: 25 November 2018 by Richard Dane
Have the Olive kit and the XPS2 serviced, then decide. You may feel that the system is rejuvenated to the point where you don't feel any pressing need for upgrades. And if a further upgrade does appeal then at least any comparison will be on fairer terms.
Posted on: 25 November 2018 by living in lancs yearning for yorks
Not sure if I am answering your question directly, but I have 52/supercap and upgraded from Olive 250 to a non-dr 300 and found a huge improvement. Liked it so much I got a second 300...