Stacking Order

Posted by: HamiltonNZ on 30 November 2018

I’m sorry all another question on stacking !!!

All I would like your advice on is whether my NDX2 needs to be above my Core in my current stacking order. 

At present I have two HiCaps at the bottom of the stack. Followed by 250DR up above it. XPSDR above that, NDX2, Core and 282 on top.

There is a lot said about having the 282 on the top shelf. In my view this is correct, but should the Core be below this or the NDX2? 

I know the simple answer is try it, but since thi has just been installed I was keen for a less involved answer.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

 Many thanks


Posted on: 01 December 2018 by ChrisSU

I would consider putting the XPS lower down with the other PSUs, 

If you are using UPnP, the Core doesn’t need to be on the rack. Putting it elsewhere would give you more options to put some distance between ‘brain and brawn.’