Naim Nait5i-2 Question

Posted by: mikeybaby on 01 December 2018

I have two Nait 5i-2 amplifiers that sound different. One is a 2008 build and the other is a 2010 build. They both sound great but they are different in presentation. The 2008 is punchier with more bass and treble but the newer Nait flows a bit better with a flatter sound and a slightly wider soundstage. I dont know which to keep. Did Naim change anything with the later Nait5i ?

Posted on: 01 December 2018 by Daniel H.

I don't believe Naim changed anything. To make a fair comparison, both units would have to be plugged in and used for a few weeks to properly run them in (if that isn't the case). The differences you are hearing might be because both units aren't fully run in.

It could also be that one or both units needs to be recapped. The third option is one unit is damaged in some way. 

Posted on: 01 December 2018 by mikeybaby
