Parking the record function
Posted by: yeti42 on 04 December 2018
Back when I had a 282 I was advised to mute record and select an unused input to park it on, which was aux1 in my case. I couldn’t hear much difference at the time so might as well follow the advice. I carried this on when I replaced the 282 with a 552 and during a recent visit to check on the ND555 the same chap who offered the earlier advice 10 years ago now recommends parking the muted record selection on aux2, I also noticed this is where it was parked during a recent demo run by Jason Gould so I’ve been doing a bit of comparing and there does seem to be a stronger emotional connection to the music but a slightly darker presentation where I can perceive any difference, it’s not apparent on all music but does seem to persist between vinyl on input 6 (mapped to aux2) and streamer on input 1 (mapped to hdd). Music where I detect a preference includes Soul Journey by Gillian Welch, Man and Myth by Roy Harper and Rostropovich and Britten playing Debussy’s Cello Sonata.