Best speaker cables for Naim Star
Posted by: Sally Horses on 05 December 2018
What are the best speaker cables to go with the Star?
My system is: Sonetto V speakers, Naim Star, Nas drive, Nordost Frey 2 power cord and Wireworld Eclipse 8 speaker cable.
I want more detail at the low to mid-volumes.
Any suggestions?
Sally Horses
What are your current cables NACA5 ?
"Wireworld Eclipse 8 speaker cable"
Wrong section though.
Things seem a little out of balance here. A Star with a £1,400 power cord and speaker wires that cost over £2,000 for a 3m pair, and then £4,000+ speakers does not sound like a sensible setup to me. I can’t help thinking that a 272/250 or even a Nova, with NACA5 and a Powerline, would be a whole lot better in terms of sheer musical enjoyment.
Agree with Hungry, the system is back to front. As a matter of interest, in what order did you purchase the system and was it auditioned? Rich
Witch hat phantom speakers cable ?
Thanks for your input.
I’m new to the forum and selected the wrong one to join.
I’ll jump over to the Hi-Fi forum.
Welcome to the world of Naim Sally Horses.
First - I 100% agree with the Hungryhalibut post. Re your question: your Wireworld speakers cables look to be not ideal for Naim; Wireworld don't publish any electrical parameter specifications & I'm only going on what I know about cable construction effects, but I suspect that the complex Wireworld construction will give low inductance, whereas Naim prefer high inductance.
The obvious answer is to go with Naim's NACA5, but alternatives such as any of the Chord Cables will do a great job. (I use Chord Odyssey) But please don't get into mad prices like your Wireworld. In UK NACA5 & Chord Odyssey are about the same price at £30-£35 per meter (plus termination), no idea about pricing in US, but whatever it will be nothing like the Wireworld madness. Finally the length, although I believe its not so important with the new amps, you should have a minimum of 3.5 metres (11.5 feet) per side to get the inductance load.
We use Crimson Electronics RM Music Link speaker cables on a UnitiQute 2b and have had excellent results. Our dealer has done a number of entry level Naim systems for price sensitive commercial customers and he gave us this great recommendation. They are cheaper and easier to manage than Naca5, and the stock plug works well into the back of the UQ. They also sound great.
Witch Hat Audio N2, Naim NacA5, Witch Hat Audio Phantom.
DNM Reson solid core cable.
Thanks for all your suggestions.
I found that using a better power cord made a huge sound difference.
My Naim dealer had me listen to several power cords and not telling me the prices.
I took the Nordost Frey 2 home and it made a night and day difference in my system.
I would have never guessed that a power cord would have done that.
I will try the Naim speaker cable along with the Frey 2 .
I did compare the Star to the Nova.
Oddly enough......upgrading the power cord made a bigger sound difference.
Also, I like having a back-up in case my NAS drive crashes and I need to play a CD.
I would recommend going for the Nordost Frey 2 speaker cables, as you like what the power cable has brought. At nearly 3K for a 3 metre set though it is getting spendy.
I use the Red dawn 2 speaker cables with other Nordost that are higher up the tier. Having longer lengths for a speaker cable does make the costs disproportional to the other cables in the range. But at a third of the price from Frey.
If your dealer stocked the Frey power cable, they should have other Nordost you can try.
All have great detail at low/mid volumes.
I doubt your Frey will be best buddies with the A5.
Dan.S posted:Witch Hat Audio N2, Naim NacA5, Witch Hat Audio Phantom.
+1 on the Witch Hat cables. I use the Phantoms and really like them. Phantoms don't have the same loudness effect/mid bass emphasis that NACA5 has, so for a balanced system I'd go with the Phantoms, for a slightly lean sounding system I'd choose NACA5. NACA5 is very hard to beat for the money. It is, however, distinctly unwieldy, which is a major irritant for me. Others may be less annoyed, or not at all.