Naim Uniti Nova + Super Lumina Speaker Cable
Posted by: arekey on 09 December 2018
Hello guys,
I need some advice. There is the possibility for me to buy a 5 meters pair of pre-loved Naim Super Lumina speaker cables with 50% off. For several reasons it's not possible to give them a listen in my system (Naim Uniti Nova + B&W 804D3) and there is no refund possible too. I tried to find a dealer with these cables in stock for a home demo, but there is no one next to my location in germany.
At hifi+ there is a review of the SL SC in which he mainly praises the SL SC but with some comments concerning me. I will quote:
"However, that all being said, Super Lumina is not the richest sounding of cables, and I think that – and the price – make it more of a candidate in the more fuller sound of Classic, 500, and Statement pieces; the combination of Uniti and Super Lumina is exceptionally detailed and focused, but does lack a little body."
"An interesting comparison here before we leave the Naim ecosystem is how Super Lumina compares to comparable Chord Company cables, like Sarum T. The two in many respects have much in common in terms of detail, inherent musicality, and pace, but the Super Lumina is the faster sounding of the two cables, where the Sarum goes for a fuller, richer sound."
My system with Naim Uniti Nova + B&W 804D3 is at the bottom end of being "full" and "rich". For my taste there's slightly too much detail and on the other hand slightly less "body". Now I'm concerned to buy these cables without listening (buying blind without a home demo) but on the other side I really do not want to miss such a good opportunity (50% off is a really good price).
So, can somebody of you share his experience with Super Lumina Speaker Cable + Uniti Nova (ideally case) or at least his experince with SL SC concerning the hifi+ statements SL SC having slightly "less body" and missing slightly a "fuller, richer sound"?!
Thank's a lot for your help!
Posted on: 09 December 2018 by Popeye
What cable are you using at the moment?
Posted on: 09 December 2018 by feeling_zen
Even at 50% off, save the money and don't do it.
As good as the Nova may be, it doesn't warrant that type of cable. You'd likely hear a noticeable improvement but not one to justify the cost. The performance of really high end cable is limited by the fidelity of the components connected to it. There are people who use SL on even fairly enty level Naim gear. I'm not one of them. I'd not bother myself with it short of a 500 system but that's just me.
For the same money you can get a second hand NAP250 which will do more. And if you prefer not to increase box count, well then the simplest option is to do nothing and spend it on music instead.
As to those with experience of SL with a Nova; be careful. They are likely to be very few and far between and anyone who actually spent that money to partner it with a Nova is never going to admit it wasn't worth it. I doubt their ears will even admit to their brain it wasn't worth it at that cost.
Posted on: 09 December 2018 by arekey
At the moment I'm using HMS Concertato 2x 4 meters with bi wiring configuration at the speaker end. These cables have WBT nextgen WBT-0610 Cu plugs at each end. HMS is a german manufacturer with high reputation. These cables are at the entry to medium level of their portfolio. The recommended retail price (RRP) of these cables is 1280,-€.
Posted on: 09 December 2018 by aznblue
Agree with FZ, money better spent elsewhere. Maybe get a PL and buy some music.
Posted on: 09 December 2018 by arekey
[@mention:35920103255542881] you are probably right. Spending that much money, even with 50% off, is not in line with a Uniti Nova. The reason I was thinking to buy these cables was with future box upgrades in mind, etc. and with a price point (50% off) I could probably easily sell again if they do not fit in my system. But honestly the next box upgrade is probably 4-5 years ahead... so I don't really know what to do at the moment.
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by feeling_zen
What I'm hearing is that money is burning a hole in your pocket.
Remember, if you tuck the money away for the cables for 4-5 years, that money can then be also used for that upgrade, And then you will have the flexibility to spend it on a variety of things which may or may not be cables. A lot can change in 5 years.
In 5 years time, you may be thinking, "if only I had another $2000 I could stretch my current budget to a NAP300dr, but I bought those cables 5 years ago instead."
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by hungryhalibut
Given that Naim amps don’t usually respond well to biwiring and that the SL cables will be a better match than your existing cables, I’d go for it. They are wonderful cables and half price seems a bargain. While it’s obviously a bit OTT with your Nova, so are the existing cables.
I suspect you don’t have dedicated mains with your Nova, and you may want to do this. It won’t cost much and will give your system a solid foundation. The other solid foundation is a good support, which you probably have already. If not, you should get one.
Everyone has their own views on putting systems together. I use SL cables and don’t have a 500 system and others use them happily with a Supernait. There is no right and wrong.
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by arekey
[@mention:35920103255542881] haha ok ok you're right! I should think about not buying these cables seriously, although such a good price, because it's really a lot of money for speaker cables... But finally I want to mention that it's hard to find high end cables that are as much living room friendly and flexible as the Naim Super Lumina Speaker Cables. I hope I will not buying these cables in 5 years with a box upgrade anyway (for a price worse than the actual offer)
[@mention:4804681823084713] perhaps the description of my current speaker cables was misleading. These are single wire speaker cables but with speaker links integrated at the speaker end of the cables. So there are 2 plugs at the power amp (Nova) with one cable and 4 plugs at the speaker's end for each loudspeaker. What are your impressions of the SL SC regarding the hifi+ statements (see quoted above)?
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by hungryhalibut
I haven’t really found that the Classic boxes are fuller than the Uniti products, so I’d suggest you ignore what they wrote.
As to your cables, it’s fine to run single lengths with two sets of plugs at the speaker end, but less good to run double lengths and then wire them into single plugs at the amplifier end.
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by hungryhalibut
That said, given your speakers I’d be inclined to forget the SL cables, sell the existing ones, and buy two lengths of NacA5 and a 250DR.
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by arekey
I would use the SL SC with SL speaker links.
I want to jump directly to NAC-N XXX with 300DR one day. I want to skip the 250DR. At the moment box count is relevant, so I have to stay with the Nova only. That's why I was thinking about the SL SC with 50% offer right now for my Nova...
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by ChrisSU
On the face of it, SL cables are of course disproportionately expensive for your system, but if the price is right, just get them, try them for a while, and if any improvement doesn’t seem worthwhile, sell them and get some NACA5 instead, with F-connections if necessary.
I was faced with a similar conundrum last year when my dealer offered me a set at half price, and offered to refund me for the 5m pair of NACA5 I’d just bought. So the SL ‘only’ cost me £1000. I had previously listened to the SL at my dealers, and was quite surprised at the big difference they made, even between a 200DR and Kudos X2s. On paper this looks like madness, as the full price of the cables is almost as much as the amp and speakers combined. Just accept that in the eyes of normal people, we are all mad!
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by arekey
What did the SL to the sound of your system (especially to the bass, fullness, richness -> regarding the hifi+ statements)? I would think it's possible to compare your 200DR with my Nova, I think the Nova sits somewhere between 202/200DR and 282/250DR.
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by ChrisSU
When I compared SL to NACA5 at my dealers, I found that it seemed to bring the whole soundstsge forwards, into the room, giving a clearer, more detailed sound. I didn’t spend a long time listening or trying to analyse the differences, but the changes were very easy to discern. Whether you would find the same with a Nova, I couldn’t say.
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by Obsydian
Logic, would suggest not the best VFM move.
Heart, would say (for me) just do it.
On balance i would buy it, at 50% of you can easily resell it.
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by ameden
Arekey, SL cables for the Nova seem way over the top IMHO (no disrespect to either item)…
As and when you go to a 'multi box' system in the future, there will be other great pricing opportunities on SL cables, with more available in the pre-loved market...
..and this gives you time to listen to some SL cables and others, before you buy...
Keep your money for now and invest it wisely..
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by Mulberry
Hi Arekey,
no matter how you decide on the Luminas, getting other speaker cables should be on your to-do-list. The HMS cables are well regarded, but electrically a pretty bad match with Naim amps. Mr. Strassner designs his cables with a low inductance in mind (on of his main goals). Naim amplifiers like to see a certain amount of inuctance between them and the speaker. Otherwise they won't work as well and could even become unstable (there are countless threads on why this is the case, just try a search).
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by Dan.S
Your speakers are refined enough to benefit from anything you throw at them. So, if box count is the real constrain here, sure go fo the SL cables. But going for NacA5 instead of SL will lift your SQ as well. They are really that good! Change the power cable as well, while you're at it.
Posted on: 10 December 2018 by Joppe
I have heard the SL cable a few times and never been disappointed, heard them with neat speakers at dealer and at home with my previous Dynadio speakers. Last time I visited my dealer I had a quick demo vs. my current speaker cables (chord epic reference). The demo was (for convenience) performed on a Nova and Audiovektor speakers, and I believe it’s was good enough to show of the differences between the cables. Personally I’m planing a home demo, possibly over the holidays... But was I offered a pair of suitable length at half price I would not hesitate, I could always sell them on in the unlikely event they don’t match well with my current Magicos.
Posted on: 11 December 2018 by arekey
Hi guys,
a short update to my story...
Yesterday my mind went for the Naim Super Lumina speaker cable 50% offer (pre-loved)... aaaand I bought them !!! I also ordered a set of brand new Naim Super Lumina speaker links at my dealer, because it's hard to find these speaker links pre-loved somewhere here in germany. Price was ok too. The pre-loved SL SCs are a 5m pair now. Initially I just needed 4m but I assume that 1m more is fine and more flexible if moving to a new room.
I think my B&W 804D3 speakers are refinded enough to show some cable differences, also the Naim Uniti Nova. Probably SL SC are way over the top for a Nova, I know that, but the pre-loved SL SC's price is very attractive and I hope I will ugrade to Naim NAC/NAP separates in some years ahead. If the SL SC will not match I will sell them again.
Thanks a lot for the discussion and all your advice. It was really helpful for me.
Best regards
Posted on: 11 December 2018 by hungryhalibut
That’s good. Do let us know how you find them once installed.
Posted on: 11 December 2018 by arekey
I will! But that will be just next year, January... now it's time for vacation
Posted on: 11 December 2018 by analogmusic
I think you will like them very much ....
Posted on: 11 December 2018 by arekey
[@mention:51970829765277081] I already have Naim Powerline installed. Nevertheless thank you for the hint.