Intro and... Help...

Posted by: Sandals on 10 December 2018

Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself and, right out of the gate, ask for some help. 

I am on the Left Coast of Canada and I have been a Linn guy for years. Currently at home I have a Linn DS steaming into 2*LK140 and Aktive Katans and it is very good. In my office I have an Ariston RD-11 and a pair of Linn Kan MK1.

Since Linn has decided to drop their support of their "community" on the Forums, I have made the conscious decision to follow my life-long fascination with Naim. 

So, for my office system with my turntable and Kans, I need an amp. I have line on the following and would like opinions:

1. Nait 1

2. Nac 62 and Nap 90

3. Nait 3

4. Nait 5i


Thanks in advance. 




Posted on: 16 December 2018 by Sandals

Thanks Richard! That helps a lot. So... Based upon the progression of things, is a NAC 62 'better" then a 32.5? I know that all of this stuff is totally subjective but I am trying to get a sense of my starting point for my Naim journey. 

Posted on: 17 December 2018 by Richard Dane

The Shoebox pre-amps were fairly similar in performance - differences were mostly down to facilities - but there was grater variance back then and time/age will have widened differences too. For example, I have kept one particular NAC42.5 that has sounded better than any other shoebox pre-amp I've tried.  Similarly I have a NAC62 that gets really close to it.  I've had a NAC32.5 that was by far the worst sounding shoebox pre-amp I've come across (slow, dull and unengaging, even after a service) and the one I have now sounds so much better. Bottom line is, with kit this old don't sweat the little stuff, as it's a bit of pot luck anyway. If you can get to hear the kit you are considering buying, then that's the best scenario. If sounds good to you, it is good.