SBL will it work in a small room
Posted by: Richieroo on 19 December 2018
Hi ....... as a matter of interest will the SBL work well in a small room - mine is 8.5ft x 11ft ........ its years since I have heard a pair........they have always intrigued me....
They could do, but prepare to be flexible on positioning - i.e, which wall, and how far apart etc.. How well damped is the room? Are the walls solid? Is the floor solid? All these things, if affirmative, are good news with SBLs.
Hi Richard....... my rear walls are solid, speakers would positioned along long walls firing across room, floor is suspended - but is very solid and quite non resonant. The issue I have at present is a room mode that co-insides with port peak output on the pmc's - around 58hz. Ultimately I am after a speaker that is infinite baffle - that can be sited in close proximity to the rear wall. Hence my interest in the Kan ... which I will try early in the new year....... it struck me though the SBL could be a really good option.
Hi Richieroo.
Sounds as if SBLs could work a treat for you, as they have got a very dry/ lean bass. Great speakers even run active with 4 135s . ATB Peter
Sounds like SBLs might be just the thing then.
I assume they are dry/lean to compensate for the boundary reinforcement ....... I have listened to some on you tube ......... and they sound quite well balanced and taught - when tight up against wall....ideal. I would imagine they would respond well to the 500dr........
I notice there is a Mk1 and Mk2 versions... what are the there a change in sonic character??
Maybe SL2s might be an even better match for you system. They are bit more finicky to set up correctly, but they are better ultimately imo. KenC is running a pair in a small office space and seems very happy. They sound great even at low volume in case you also need to do some work. There are pairs for sale online atm.
ATB Peter
Are there any issues with drivers degrading ........ as these little blighters are getting on a bit ... like me.........
I'm just listening to a pair of Mk1 SBLs firing down a 10ft wide room and I'm around 9 feet from them. They're close to solid walls and across a hardwood floor. I spite of their years, and mine, Chris Jones is sounding pretty good to me.
I've recently acquired the necessary black boxes and Naim cables to try these active and although the amplification is "just" a pair of NAP180s I'm looking forward to what they do, I'm guessing your hardware will do them far better justice
Thanks.....good to hear your findings....I will finish my kans.... 1st then reconsider....
letting go of my Kans, bought from Moorgate Acoustics circa 1990 is a regular cause for regret, I've followed your post on this with interest and look forward to the results
Got mine in a 4x3m half-glazed conservatory, on the back end of a brace of olive 250s.
They sound bl00dy good to me.
Hi CT .... I got into the small speaker Kan type thing.....before the Kans came out. I bought a kef kit.....3 way .... one of the units was a midrange B110. I built a 3.5 ltr midrange cabinet .... out of 9mm ply and part filled it with fibreglass.....I tested it and connected direct to my amp..... omg it sounded fantastic!!! .... so the linn kan and ls35a were no surprise to me..... I am really looking forward to getting my souped up kans running...... I will feed back.
Hi Richieroo. I considered the ls35a option this time around too but plumped for the SBLs earlier this year in place of SCM11s..... I'll keep an eye out for your progress on your other thread, good luck with the build.
Don’t forget IBLs, though there are no replacement mid/bass drivers left (AFAIK) so careful checking will be necessary.
I’ve had my Mark 2 SBLs [2nd hand] for about 18 years now. They were first set up in a smallish sitting room [14’ x12’] with a conservatory added on. It was an old house with solid walls and a suspended wood floor. I had them firing down lengthways and listened to them in the conservatory, so was in fact quite a big space. In those days, I was not fortunate enough to have the front end I have now, but they sounded very good on the end of my original olive system [82, HCx2, 250]. They are an amazing loudspeaker and just keep getting better with each upgrade.
The Proac Tablette 10 or 10sig would be worth a listen in those circumstances. I’m listening to Schofield/Metheny right now and it’s sublime.