DVXX2 MKII Vs Krystal

Posted by: Willy on 08 January 2019

My Dynavector at 5 years old is on it's last legs, probably more on its knees if I'm honest. If I trade it in for a new one I get a discount and that's attractive, however I'm curious if something like a Linn Krystal might be a better option, despite taking the no-discount hit. 

Anyone compared these two and care to comment?



PS. LP12, Lingo, Ekos into Superline 52/PS, Supercap, Snaxo 362, 250s DBLs

More PS. Local dealer stocks the Krystal but Dynavector, or indeed anything else would be a special order and not available for demo.

Posted on: 10 January 2019 by French Rooster
kuma posted:
French Rooster posted:

I would like to find a cart with the medium of the koetsu and the dynamics of the lyra....not easy.

To complicate all, it is impossible to try a cartridge at home.


I am still looking for a cartridge with  the midband magic of Miyabi47 plus all the good things a modern cart offers. (actually Lyra Olympus is it but it's discontinued )

I would love to try a stone body Koetsu or Airtight Supreme at home but no possibility of home dem. 


i am also tempted by air tight , but less pricey as pc7.   The best cartridges which are used in state of the art systems are often:  lyra etna, air tight supreme, ortofon anna, and clearaudio goldfinger.   Sometimes koetsu or van den hull.     koetsu seem to be magic for the medium side, but not bass and dynamics.  I had in the past the koetsu black, but found it a bit lifeless.  Very nice on voices....

Clearaudio golfinger is perhaps, from what i read, the best for dynamics, with top van den hull.

I wonder if air tight is one of the best balanced, between dynamics and medium,  (?) .