DBL setup recommendations
Posted by: Jo66 on 12 January 2019
Hi all Naim experts, helpers... , a german DBL owner needs some advice.
Some years ago I´ve catched second hand DBL speakers from England. I was looking for them because you can place them near the wall.
When I was comparing them directly with my old speakers. The most impressive improvement was their capability to reproduce voices more natural and besides ohter benefits that they had a better low range.
Then I had to move in a flat where I listened with partly active speakters (low range) whereas mid-range and tweeter where driven by a tube-amplifier,
Some days ago I moved back home to my DBLs and now I have to choose which speakers to keep. I do rum the DBLs passive with a NAP 250. What surprises me is that when I´m listening to well known tracks my partly active speakers (comparaitive slim ones) reproduce low frequencies quicker, deeper and with more punch.
Now my questions for the DBLs: 1. Setup in the room, minimun size, e.g. distance from side walls and so on? 2. Is there a possibility to test the solidity of the gasket? 3. What to expect when moving to run them active in a suitable way, let`s say a solid starter package 4. As I read in the forum, it`s possible to run the DBLs with different amplifiers, of course all of them more or less premium quality. IMHO the woofer needs the most powerful amp, whereas for midrange and tweeter a more moderate perfomance amp should be sufficient because of the good efficiancy of the DBLs (91/92 dB). 5. Due to the good efficiancy (the same as my partly active speiakers) it should be possible to rum the tweeter with my tube amplifier (triode, 2x25 watt on 8 Ohm)?
I know a lot of questions and I´m going to ask my dealer, but I would like to have some uncommitted opinions.
Thanks in advance,