Amp Upgrade

Posted by: david skinner on 21 August 2000

My system is:
RockTT/OriginLiveRB250/DenonDL304/32.5(pulled+72boards+latest spec.phono 'K's)/MyCap/90/Kan1/Black Snaic/new A5.CD is a budget Rotel originally purchased to enable my wife to access new music.
I'm deliberating over an amp upgrade from slim case 90(c.1991) to 140. The need is primarily driven by:
- perceived wisdom that Kans need more than a 90 as a minimum.
- Desire for more control with a fuller more deeply rooted bass.
- Better dynamics
- Higher SPLs without strain.

The other thing is that this has to be value for money in the context of my present system - I'm unlikely to splash out on a 102 or 82 in the near future because the CD player needs an upgrade first.

I've demmed the 140 against my 90 into Credo's and am unsure if the improvements heard were of the sort of order I'd expect with Kans. For example Credo's are also deemed to require a 140 min.are they not?

Anybody have any comments? Should I wait for a 130/150 or even a CD5?
