Share your audio history

Posted by: John Schmidt on 14 August 2000

In the last days of the old forum, Dev Banerji started a thread about people's "audio biographies". I thought it was one of the more original threads there - a chance for people who've played with audio for a while to share their hits and disasters, especially with neophytes trying to make some sense out of all the hype out there. It seems a shame to let it die, so I'll step up to the plate first:

1974: I buy my first stereo at the age of 17, together with my younger brother: AR turntable with Shure M95 (I think) cartridge, Concord 250 receiver, a Sony cassette deck and Dynaco A25 speakers. Except for the cassette deck, all of these are still functioning in the possession of various family members.

1975: I'm leaving for university and have to buy another turntable since the AR "officially" belongs to my brother. I find an ad in the newspaper for a Thorens TD165 with Shure V15 cartridge. The seller has only the turntable, which he's getting rid of because he needs the money. He informs me that he bought the turntable first, because it's the most important part of the system. I purchase the turntable, and leave chuckling to myself that this oddball doesn't know, as everyone who's anyone knows, that the speakers are the most important part of the system -- after all, they are the transducers that turn electrical impulses into music. (Digression: It still amazes me that for so long I never considered the obvious parallel argument - the cartridge/turntable is also a transducer that turns vibrations into electrical signals).

1977: I have some cash burning a hole in my pocket thanks to lucrative summer employment and decide to upgrade the stereo. Speakers are still on my mind. I buy a pair of KEF Calindas and give the Dynacos to my parents. I still have enough money to buy a new receiver: Technics something or other with a cool 85 W per channel!

1981: I've graduated, gotten married, worked for two years and am on the verge of returning to graduate school. I've been getting annoyed with my KEF Calindas, because I've fried the T-27 tweeter twice. I blame the speakers, not even thinking that the amp might be to blame (Geesh!, am I slow on the uptake, or what?) As a last fling before returning to student habits, I buy yet another set of speakers, this time Boston Acoustics A200s. I'm seduced by the claim of a revolutionary design that reproduces the ideal of an infinite baffle - drivers mounted in a wall so edge diffraction is eliminated (these speakers stand about 1 metre high, ½ metre wide and only about 18 cm deep). Oh, yes, they sounded good too.

1982: After a year, we still haven't been able to sell the KEFs and decide to go to London Audio (the other London, in Canada) to see if we can trade them for something. First off, the salesman tries to convince us to keep the KEFs and sell the Bostons, but we're not having any of it. My wife turns out to a shrewder negotiator than me, and makes a deal to trade the speakers for a Grace F9E cartridge, servicing of the turntable, a Mission Isoplat, and a Music Mat turntable mat. While we're waiting for the turntable to be serviced, we wander into a listening room and get our first taste of Naim amplifiers. They're driving Quad ESLs and sound like nothing we've ever heard before!

1985: We succumb to the siren call of "perfect sound" and buy a CD player, a Mission DAD 7000. I find myself thinking a lot about that odd-looking, but great sounding Naim amplifier, especially since a friend has just bought a Nait. I discover that a small high-end audio shop has been trying to make a go of it in Sarnia, the small city where I'm living with my wife on weekends while finishing graduate school in London. As we walk into the place, I hear the saxophone lick from Dire Straits "Your Latest Trick" playing with almost scary realism. The system is LP-12, Krell amplification and Rogers LS-6s They carry Naim, and we arrange to borrow a Nait for a home demo. After about two seconds it's obvious that this unassuming, 14 W/channel black box utterly demolishes the 85 W/channel Technics receiver! At about $800, the Nait seems like a bargain, but things are just starting to get interesting. While I'm in London the following week, I phone London Audio to see if I can get a better deal. They have a second-hand 42/110 pre/power combo for about $1200. I call my wife that night, and we agree that this is an even better value. But it's not over yet. The next day my wife returns the borrowed Nait to the shop in Sarnia, and tells them that although we love it, we've found a better value with used separates. He says "I think I have something even better for you". One of the partners is selling his 32/SNAPS/250 system, price: $2500. It's more than three times as much money as we intended to spend, but after a home demo we both agree that this is as close as we've ever come to finding a truly once-in-lifetime opportunity. We buy it.

1986: The 32.5 upgrade and Hicap become available and we buy both. I defend my thesis, we move to suburban Montreal, I start a real job, our first child is born, we buy a house. Discretionary income becomes a theoretical concept discussed by financial planners, and stereo upgrades come to a screeching halt.

1999: Our Mission CD player expires early in the year. There's no music in the house for several months, since the turntable was banished to a closet many years ago (It was impossible to keep small children from running around the room and setting the tone arm a-dancing). At the end of the year we decide we can handle the purchase of a budget player, but approach it with trepidation - over the years we listened to budget players with giant-killer reputations and were not impressed. The first player we audition, the Marantz 63SE, confirms our worst suspicions - utterly boring and lifeless. However, we're pleasantly surprised by the Cambridge Audio CD4 and CD4 SE. We take them for a home demo and they still sound good. We take the CD4 SE.

2000: After much consideration of the commentary on the Naim forum, I decide to get the Hicap and 250 serviced and recapped. Sheeeeeeee-it!! Straight back in the system there is a stunning improvement, even without the recommended 100 hour break-in period. Rhythm is more convincing and precise, voices are clearer, instrumental timbres are richer. At under $500, this has to be the best value upgrade possible. If your Naim amps or power supplies are more than ten years old and haven't been serviced - run, don't walk, to the nearest authorized dealer and have this done. Strangely, the CD4 SE is more fun to listen to, even though the limitations of a budget source are even more obvious.

So that's it for now. "Source first" has finally sunk in, and I wait patiently for the day I afford a source (Naim, I hope) that can do justice to the amp.

John Schmidt
"95% of everything is crud" - Theodore Sturgeon

Posted on: 15 August 2000 by Nic Peeling
I happened to save my journey from the thread in the old forum - here it is again:

My interest started as a teenager in the late 60s. My parents lived in Rottingdean, a picturesque village outside Brighton. On the seafront there was a Hi-Fi shop run by a bearded enthusiast that stocked esoteric Hi-Fi. I heard monster amps from the US (Phase Linear and Dunlap Clarke are two names I remember). The top AR speakers, Tannoys, JBLs etc. Lux equipment. The owner was incredibly kind to a spotty youth and gave me my first magic Hi-Fi moment - hearing a Revox reel-to-reel, feeding a Lux valve amp, feeding stacked Quad ELSs. This wasn't Hi-FI it was just wonderful music making.

My first Hi-Fi system was a Conesseur BD1 kit, with Acos lustre arm and Shure M95ED cartridge, into a Leak Stereo 30 (cast-off from dad) and a pair of homemade speaker with Warefedale drivers my dad helped me build. Awful, but it played loud! A friend in the same house had an ERA turntable with SME and Shure V15, Armstrong amp and IMS TLS 50s - wow! I wished I'd had his money.

Then my girlfriend (now my wife) asked me to help her buy a system. We went down to Laskys and came back with a Trio 1033B and Ortofon VMS10, Armstrad IC2000(to keep us within budget) and a pair of AR4XAs. It really was quite good. Then we married. On a trip down to my parents I visited my friend on the sea front and came back with a pair of Tannoy Lancasters - starting my love affair with loudspeakers (just at the time I knew that the source was all important - but I still love loudspeakers). My wife never really got on with the Tannoys so we kept listening to other speakers and on a subsequent visit to my parents we listened to a second hand pair of Yamaha NS1000Ms - love at first listen - we had them for ten years.

Slowly the system improved based on reading magazines to include a Thorens 160S, Hadcock 228 arm, and the start of my (second) audio love affair with cartridges - a Decca London export (if Naim made a cartridge it would be the Decca London), and a NAD 3020.

In the mid 80s we suddenly realised we were quite well off (well, no longer having to watch every penny) and with much trepidation visited Peter Thistleton-Dyer at West Midlands Audio. He said we should keep the NS1000Ms and sell the rest. We first heard the Roksan Xerxes and RB300 with Linn cartridge (amazing) and then a Naim 32.5 / 140. I will say little about Naims - since listening to my first Naim amp I have never heard any other amp from any other manufacturer I was the least bit interested in and have gone up the chain ever since. The only thing I will say is the law of diminishing returns does not seem to apply - the biggest improvement of all was replacing the 82/2*Hicap with the 52. Back to our first real Hi-Fi system - we could only afford a cheap cartridge within the budget we had set ourselves, but we listened to the Koetsu Black - and promptly went £500 over budget (I love cartridges).

Speaking of cartridges, the most magical purchase we ever made was to add an Roksan Artemiz / Koetsu Red Signature some years later. I still have it - its like owning a Stradivarius.

My love affair with speakers continues to this day - I never forgot the Quad ELSs and heard BKS 107s at Midland Audio Exchange (Electrostatic hybrids) and I now have electrostats that rock.

My enthusiasm at the moment is creating the world's greatest kitchen system. Again it was the speakers that set it alight for me (Dali Royal Meneut) - thanks to Maurice and Norman at Audio Excellence in Worcester for persevering to find me the perfect speakers.

Two things to finish with - what great people I have met in my Hi-Fi Journey. The other is all the great music I have discovered along the way.

Nic P

Posted on: 15 August 2000 by Tony L
First music making device was a 1950's mono Bush radiogram with a Garrard deck, valves, and 2 10" built in speakers which I was given by my Gran in about 1975 when I was 12. Great, played my T.Rex albums, what more could I want… When I was about 15 I heard one of my friends fathers systems which was a Thorens deck, Quad amp and massive Celestion Ditton 66 speakers - it could shake the doors up stairs. So…

First hi-fi was a second hand Lenco GL75, Quad 33, 303, FM3 (still got that) and a pair of JR 149 speakers. Cost 300 quid second hand in 1979, which I really had to beg, borrow and steal. Loved it, excellent first system. Played my Joy Division albums constantly on this one.

Time passes I go through an endless series of pretty meaningless "upgrades" and end up with a pretty naff system of Ariston RD80 / LVX / K9 / Musical Fidelity A1 / Gale 301 - and thankfully some one breaks in and robs most of it (well all if you are the insurance guy).

I'm insured, and now I know what the term "flat earth means"…

First real music making device 1987 A visit to Audio Counsel Oldham after reading Hi-Fi Review produces a Xerxes / RB300 / Onyx OA21 plus I still have my Gales. This system kicks ass.

Then I come into some money from a will…

Synergy 1988 First Naim stuff starts to arrive, 62/140, after a false start with a 62/90 (I prefer my Onyx), the 62/140 provides nice control, I later add a second hand Hicap and a pair of Kan IIs. The cartridge is now a Stilton Audio ATF5, and this system really rocks - it sees me through for 10 happy years without a serious upgrade.

Break it I start to earn reasonable cash in London and stuff everything up. I go through an "upgrade frenzy", get 135s, get a LP12 / Ittok, get a CD17KI, get a 32.5, sell my Kans and get a pair of Isobariks and squash them all into a tiny room. Can't live with the Bariks even though I love 'em - they are just to much for any room I will be able to afford. Ahh well, I did get to own the classic Hi-Fi Review flat earth system for a bit! I get a pair of ProAc Tab 50 Sigs, I think I like 'em…

Fix it I miss what my earlier 1988 system did, and start back tracking a bit, first by getting a P9 / Lydian B / Mana Ref, I never did like LP12s that much! I then move back to a bigger room in Liverpool, and the Tabs sound like utter crap in my new room. Really bad, in fact unlistenable due to extreme bass unruliness...

Can't cope, need Kans again...

I buy two pairs, a pair of Mk1s, then a absolutely mint pair of teak Mk2s which I prefer. This is where I am now: P9 / CD17 KI / 32.5(729) / Hicap / 135s / Kan 2s. The system now works well, the room is sometimes a little strange in the bass dept, though the Kans cope really well. It now all works again, its like my 1988 system but more refined and dynamic.


PS I really have simplified this, if I listed everything that has passed through my hands there would be no server space left at Infopop for anyone else.

[This message was edited by Tony Lonorgan on TUESDAY 15 August 2000 at 15:32.]

Posted on: 15 August 2000 by Nigel Cavendish
Always liked music on radio, TV etc but it was not until the late 70s that I actually started buying music(LPs) which I played(and enjoyed) on my brother's, and then my own, music centre.

It was 81(I think) that I first had a "separates" system - a Richer Sounds affair with a Sherwood receiver(50wpc into 8 ohms rising to a staggering 52 wpc into 4 ohms), an Ariston TT(re-badged Revolver Rebel which I still use), a Phillips CD player and JPW mini-monitor speakers. This gave me much enjoyment, it has to be said.

Then, in 1984, I had enough money and the desire to up-grade. On the advice of a friend I went to West Midlands Audio and talked to Peter. I had already decided on a Marantz CD 63SE but was not sure about amplification and speakers given my limited budget.

I don't think Peter was convinced about the Marantz but he concentrated on the amp where he demoed a number of options up to my limit of £400 and then he said " I also have this naim nait 3". I said that it was outside my price range. He then said it was second hand(6 months old) and he could let me have it for £400 with his personal 5 year guarantee. Well I heard it and I listened to it for longer than all the others put together.

I went home to think about it, but I could not get the naim sound out of my head, so I bought it and the Royd Minstrels it was auditioned through.

I still have the nait 3(which is still going strong)and the Royds, but I now have a CD 3.5/flatcap and a Mana rack.



Posted on: 15 August 2000 by Andrew L. Weekes
My first record player was a beautiful mono 'Hacker' unit, walnut veneered and valve powered. Distant memories are fond, but I don't think it was really designed to play Motorhead at high volume.

My introduction to 'real' HiFi was through a friend at school, who often played various pieces of music in morning assembly, preceded by a brief talk on the history / content of what was about to be played.

He used to bring with him an amplifier made by some company called Creek Audio, which, with it's lack of buttons, tone controls or flashing lights 'obviously' wasn't going to be as good as the Technics / Sony etc. equipment that I was familiar with. His arguments on how these features didn't matter and were even detrimental to the sound were lost on someone who preferred to believe the convincing arguments displayed in
the Japanese audio catalogues.

Having left school some years later and decided that my first earnings were to be spent on a decent HiFi I started to read some of the magazines, coming across an very different magazine, 'The Flat Response'. In the doctrine according to Chris Frankland, all Japanese audio was junk, and the only way to hear your records was to buy an LP12 and Naim amplification.

Bearing in mind I could buy any of the Japanese equipment stocked in the shop I worked at for trade price, it would take some convincing to spend my hard-earned pennies elsewhere. Nonetheless I decided I owed it to myself to find out what all the fuss was about, and proceeded to venture into enemy territory (much to the surprise / disgust of my work colleagues).

Walking into the den of alchemy that was my local BADA dealer, and after some discussion with the salesperson (by strange coincidence the aforementioned friend from my school days), it
was decided I should listen to a Rega Planar 3, a Nytech amplifier (remember them?) and speakers I don't remember (I'd already decided that I would buy some Mordaunt-Short speakers from my own place of work to allow more funds for front-ends).

To say I was impressed would be an understatement, my collection of heavy metal was played better than I had ever heard it. I decided to buy the Rega, a Linn Basik cartridge and a second hand Nytech amp. A pair of Morduant Short MS20's followed, bought from my place of work.

Whilst in the dem. I was asked 'If I wanted to listen to an LP12' to which I foolishly answered yes. A clever salesman ploy that you should all be wary of - even after months of new musical discoveries with my Rega, the memory of that LP12 lingered.

I soon wanted a tape deck to go with the system, and after various very cheap decks, decided to buy myself the classic Walkman WM-D6C as it was available through work for the trade price of £150, I still have this unit some 14 years later. It was a revelation, but it soon made me realise that tapes become useless as primary sources of music, since source upgrades make the old tapes less listenable. I only ever use tape for the car now.

That LP12 sound was still niggling me, and after an advert by my local dealer that interest free credit was available I took out my first loan, for the princely sum of £250 + approx £250 deposit for a black LP12 / Basik Arm and a Linn K9. A friend of mine bought the Rega, and still uses it to this day.

Now we were rocking and my musical collection, already expanded by Rega from my limited Heavy Metal collection to various pop / blues / jazz took an even greater leap. Regular lunchtime trips into town resulted in most of my disposable income going on records, usually from the collection of Rock albums reviewed by Malcolm Steward, in what was now HiFi Review magazine. I liked the fact that only worthwhile music was reviewed, and valuable copy space was not used slagging off poor albums (the competition was slagged off instead!).

The indoctrination was starting to work now, and the offer of a second hand Nait1 from aforementioned school friend was snapped up. WOW! how is it a tiny amplifier with some 14W/ch could produce such a sound? Another record colection rediscovery and I wanted more.

After more saving I decided my next LP12 service would add a Linn Ittok and a K18 cartridge, which resulted in my first dealer disappointment. Having paid the new price for the Ittok, I returned home to find dirty phono connectors on the arm cable. Further investigation revealed nut marks on the headshell where a Troika had been fitted. I was livid to think that I had been sold a used arm as I had saved hard to buy it, and was on the dealers doorstep the next morning. I was told the arm was from display and hadn't been used, but the trust had been lost. A new Ittok and cartridge was fitted (whilst I watched) and I resolved never to visit the dealer again.

The next LP12 service was taken to another dealer, but the usual improvement in sound that results from this wasn't forthcoming and so another dealer lost my business (I later found they had packed out an area between the top plate of the LP12 and the plinth with cardboard to stop the top plate rattling). Soon after this they went bust and I bought some cheap Hi-Fi at a liquidation auction for my partner Barbara to use in her flat.

Going back on my golden rule of never giving business to people I feel have ripped me off, I returned to my original dealer, as the alternatives required too much travel and inconvenience. I was informed about the Cirkus upgrade and Trampolinn but decided to go with Cirkus / new baseboard instead, as I had reservations about the Tramp.

Having gone as far as I could afford with the front end, I decided to buy some better speakers. After trying some Epos ES11's (which didn't work in my room) I settled on the more expensive, but much better Linn Kans - once I got these home I knew they weren't going back, even though it was more than I had budgeted for.

Having moved in with Barbara, and bought our own house, Hi-Fi upgrades seemed more distant, but whilst searching through Loot for used cars I came across a reasonably priced Nait3, and by now I was yearning primarily for more inputs to cope with the Linn, a tuner, cheap CD player, tape deck and TV audio.

A quick trip to Croydon with Barbara and we came home with a Nait3. The greater power, convenience and better sound was a worthwhile improvement for the modest cost.

The next LP12 service resulted in an enforced upgrade, as Linn decided they would no longer make stylii for the K18 and mine was worn out. This meant a downgrade to a K9 stylus or the tempting proposition of a moving coil, an option now available as the Nait3 has seperate phono boards.

Despite reservations about running costs of moving coils, and a desire for a reasonable CD replay system, I decided my vinyl was worth the investment in a Linn Klyde MC. When I returned home I wished I had gone MC years before and several of those all day sessions with albums littering the floor ensued.

The next stage was to investigate CD players, as vinyl was becoming harder to source, but I soon realised I needed to spend a lot of money to get close to my LP12. Linn's Mimik (I hated it) and Naim's CD3 (musical, but not good enough) were tried at home, but when a realised several thousand pounds needed spending I looked to cheaper interim solutions.

After a mad bit of pricing in my local Richer Sounds, I bought a Marantz CD63 KISig, which was listenable, even if it was boring and lacking musicality - at £250 there was nothing I could find better on the market. With funds still being saved for a good CD source, I've tried the unusual route of modifying the Marantz with a low-jitter master clock, resulting in a total trasformation of the player. I can now listen to it for extended periods, without the desire for a lump of black plastic. It will do the job until the funds build up - something that is all too slow now I have a 15 month old son, and the need for another new(er) car recently!

The arrival of baby son also resulted in the fitting of a Trampolinn, as the LP12 had to be moved from a floor stand to a wall shelf, as I didn't fancy the chances of my Klyde suffering an onslaught with the little ones toys. The target wall shelf resulted in a degradation that I wasn't happy about, but the Tramp has reduced its effect substantially.

There's still a long way to go, and I succumbed for a second time to the salesman's trick, 'We've got an SBL active system set up in the dem room (Linn LP12 Lingo / Ekos / Troika / Pre-amp? / 4x135's / SBL's) - would you like a listen'. The temptation was too much and I spent a fantastic afternoon listening to the best recorded music I've ever heard from a HiFi system.

I will get there, eventually .


P.S. Does anyone else out there have young children who seem take an interest in music? My son has been exposed to music in the house from before birth, and often stops what he is doing, makes his way over to the optimum stereo listening position and gazes at the HiFi for the duration of a single track, before disappearing in the direction of this toys.

He's seems to be particularly enjoying the Prom season at the moment, as I've been using it to expand my very limited knowledge of classical music - he'll sit on my lap in the 'Hi-fi chair' and apparently listen quietly for some time during the pre-bed wind down!

Andrew L. Weekes

Posted on: 15 August 2000 by Ron Toolsie
Although this link can be found within my homepage, here it is extracted from it and pasted into this appropriate thread.

Dum spiro audio
Dum audio vivo

Posted on: 15 August 2000 by Paul B
I first became interested in hifi back in the early '60s while still in high school. My school library carried High Fidelity which reviewed both music and equipment. At that time tubes/valves were standard and transistors very new. My first purchase, from money saved from a paper route(!), was a valve tape deck made in the USA (one of the last probably) by Roberts (or was it Robertson). I used it to tape records borrowed from the library and played on my father's hifi console (a large piece of furniture with built in speakers). Interestingly his record player was a Garrard with a wooden (teak?) tonearm. My tape deck had built in speakers or I used headphones (Koss, I think).

In 1966/67 (I'm not sure exactly) I purchased through a NY mail order outlet an AR turntable and Dynaco SCA35 integrated valve amp plus speakers (which I cannot remember). This performed much better than the tape deck which I eventually sold. This remained my system throughout the next few years except I added Dynaco bookshelf speakers about 1973 and replaced the integrated amp with a solid state Dynaco preamp and amplifier.

My first move into the "high end" was in 1978 when I purchased my first LP12 with Hadcock unipivot tone arm and Decca cartridge. The amps I replaced with solid state Quad including the infamous current dumping amp (the 405) when the new speaker wire I had purchased caused the Dynaco amps to fail. Magneplanars replaced my old Dynaco bookshelf speakers.

In the meantime, I had finally heard Naim amps at my dealer who initially had claimed they were too low powered for the money. I compared a NAC32-snaps or naps - NAP250 with just about every other Absolute Sound recommended amp. The Naim amps were obviously in a different and much better league. My first Naim purchase was a NAC12/NAPS in 1979 when the Decca cartridge was replaced by an Asak MC. My amp remained the Quad 405 and speakers, the Maggies.

The system performed much better than before but I had become hooked (correctly I believe) on the source-first mantra. I sold off the Maggies and bought an Ittok and upgraded the LP12 to Valhalla. I replaced my speakers with Stax electrostatic headphones which ran off the amp as I was getting too many complaints from the neighbours. All of this was by the mid 80's.

A new, and very good, Linn/Naim dealer (Music Works) had opened by the late 1980's and I purchased from them a NAP110 to replace the Quad 405 and then when it first appeared a HICAP (the only remaining equipment that I still have from those days and used now - after recapping - to drive my Headline). I also replaced the first LP12 with a second new one after Linn brought in changes to the plinth (etc). The NAC12 was replaced by a 32.5 and the 110 with a 140 at about the same time. The last purchases I made from the same Naim dealer before he sadly closed in 1990 were a Troika and SBLs (speakers again finally!).

By now the system was LP12/Ittok/Troika plus NAC32.5/Hicap/140 and SBLs. It stayed this way for a number of years as there was no Naim dealer to speak of locally. Naim equipment could only be special ordered - no demos. In fact, as I travelled more in North America during the early 1990s, I discovered that Naim dealers who carried much of the gear were difficult to find at all. Sometimes a Naim dealer only had a NAIT on demo plus a Naim sticker in his window. However, another Linn dealer remained locally and I purchased an Ekos to replace the Ittok (having never seen or heard the Aro), then a Lingo (no possibility of seeing or hearing an Armageddon either). The Troika was eventually replaced by an Arkiv (the original one). The LP12 was replaced by a third LP12 with the bearing upgrades. I also had purchased in the meantime a Nakamichi CR7 tape deck as I had little use for CD players. The real reason for ignoring CDs was my LP collection which was growing by leaps and bounds (and today numbers some 6000 lps).

However, further travels, especially to the UK, allowed me to hear for the first time a 52 and as the situation improved in North America, other Naim gear as well.

Presently my system includes a tuner, the NAT02 and the Nak tape deck, plus LP12/Lingo/Ekos/Arkiv B with a Linto for the front end. The amps are NAC102/Supercap/NAP250. The speakers remain the original SBLs. My latest acquisition was the Headline and Sennheiser 600s.

Years ago, I use to tell my wife that THIS WAS IT, the last upgrade (I think I may have even believed it myself for a time). Now both of us accept that the upgrade path is probably never ending. However, I have also learned that the periodic upgrade is one of the most enjoyable aspects of this hobby of ours. Where to next? The Supercap was my last major purchase and considered only a stepping stone to the holy grail, a 52. After that, probably active 250s.



Posted on: 16 August 2000 by tzk
'80 (I was seven years old) mono cassette recorder with tuner made on licence from grundig

'90 dual cassete panasonic (stereo!)

'90 first cheap polish separate system (amp/tape/tuner)+ cheap speakers

'00 nait3/nat03/cd3/project1.2e/hl-p3es