20 amp vs 15 amp spur

Posted by: John on 28 September 2000

I just had an electrician install a 15amp breaker. He wouldn't install a 20amp breaker without a specified 20amp recepticle. The 20amp recepticle would have two vertical prongs and 1 horizontal. This of course would cause me to change all my power cords. This is electrical code in B.C., Canada.

How important is the 20amp breaker? He told me a 20amp curcuit breaker with a standard recepticle would be a fire hazard. If the 20amp breaker is important how do I get around this issue. I am obviously concerned about fire issues.

By the way the sound is amazing with even the 15amp breaker.

Any help appreciated.


Posted on: 30 September 2000 by Jez Quigley
I'm about to have my separate spur & earth installed, I'd love to hear about your experiences (in as much detail as you care to type), What did you use, how was it done/configured etc. Any tips? Things to tell the sparky. Describe the sound before and after etc etc, I'm only getting it fitted once, so I want to understand it and get the best from it, needle and thread.
Posted on: 30 September 2000 by John
Hello MrT, I am sorry but I don't remember your name. I remember where you live though. I don't have your phone number can you please e-mail it to me so we can talk further. It sounds like you have had the same experience.
