Proud owner of some IBL's

Posted by: Simon Jenkins on 25 September 2000

Just thought I would let you know that I am know the proud owner of a pair of IBL's, and they sound great. Haven't had a chance to set them up properly yet so am hoping they will sound better still when they do.


Posted on: 28 September 2000 by bob atherton

Congrats on the arrival of your new babies. I use IBL's and IMHO are only bettered by DBL's ( maybe NBL's as well, but not given them a serious listen yet )


Posted on: 29 September 2000 by Simon Jenkins
Thanks Bob,

Must admit, I am really impressed with the IBL's. Really fast and dynamic, great mid/treble. They dont have the deepest bass, but the bass is very fast and extremly musical.

A vast improvement over my old Linn Index II's. Not really sure how they compare to the other Naim speakers. Have heard SBL's and NBL's, but only in the showroom, never set up properly. Thought the NBL's were fairly awesome, SBL's were good, but not really sure if they are worth 2500 pounds. Ceratainly not if you compare the price I paid for the IBL's.

Never even seen a pair of DBL's in the flesh so couldn't really comment. Also never heard intro's or credos either.

After a week of living with the IBL's I wonder why Naim discontinued them. I guess it's because they are a bit of an oddity. They work wonders in my reasonably small listening room, but would imagine they sound a little dwarfed in a large room.

I also love the fact that allthough the sound better at loudish volumes, they dont lose much by playing at the more moderate levels that those of us with neighbours have to use a lot of the time.


A very happy IBL owner.

Posted on: 29 September 2000 by Simon Jenkins

Guess thats a good reason. Shame though.


Posted on: 29 September 2000 by Andrew Randle
Baffling as to why the Credo and Intro suddenly brought sales back up again, when they offer a similar package to the IBLs.

* Maybe they are better than the IBL (never heard the IBL).
* Maybe its the marketing of the product, particularly with their image being used more frequently.
* Maybe it is the availability of the product (I never really saw IBLs at the dealers)
* Or, maybe people prefer an 8" to a 5"....

I am sure that the Intro/Credo have served Naim well by helping to discover what it is they need to shift even more boxes..... without selling out to the "lifestyle sans substance" path.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 29 September 2000 by mr saucisson

The Credos and Intros are not better than the IBL. They do different thngs well, ie have more bass. They are not, however, better speakers, unless you have a large room.

I seem to remember a post from JV saying the same as Bob - that if you want a better Naim speaker, you need DBLs. I would concur, and can't imagine swapping mine for anything (never heard DBLs though!). I seem to remember him saying that Naim used to give dems using CDS/52/4*135, and that people were always amazed at the fact that they were not a weak link in such a system.

Not sure about the marketing, I couldn't afford Naim kit when IBLs were part of the range. The point about 8" over 5" probably remains as true and universal as ever though!


Posted on: 29 September 2000 by Andrew Randle

I haven't heard the IBLs so I cannot comment directly on what is best. However, I've heard the Credos and Intros and I personally do not like them, they are not articulate enough for me.
In fact I prefer the Intros to the Credos.

.... but hey I've got Kan IIs so I won't be buying them anyway.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 29 September 2000 by bob atherton
The point about 8" over 5" probably remains as true and universal as ever though!

Hi Ben,

What with this & your 'hard' facts, this all getting very VIZ.

To continue in this vein may I suggest it's what one does with a 5" that matters. IMHO the bass of the IBL is one of the most articulate I have ever heard.

I used to use SBL's and found the bass would sort of come & go a bit. I find the IBL to have very consistent & extremely tuneful bass.

FWIW I found the bass to go a great deal lower when I went active :-)


Posted on: 29 September 2000 by Andrew Randle
I bet the midrange was better on the IBLs too.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 29 September 2000 by Eric Barry
Slim floorstanders, even with small woofers, seem to be very popular in the current marketplace.


Posted on: 30 September 2000 by Arye_Gur
bob atherton ,

I wonder what path should I go in order to make my IBL's active.

My system is CDI/Linn axis/Nait3-flatcap/IBL's.


Posted on: 30 September 2000 by Franz K
Dear Bob

Next week I expect my s/h 250 to arrive. This will bring me to CDX/82Hi/250. Currently I am using Ruark Icons. I have heard a lot abaout IBLs and I may have the opportunity to buy some s/h. However I never had a chance to listen to them.
From what I have read on the forum they must be wonderful speakers.
Whith what system are you running them? How do they compare to SBLs for example?

Thanks Franz

Posted on: 30 September 2000 by Franz K
OOPS no surname. Since there is the general agreement that you shouldnt post without your complete naim on this forum I updated my profile.


Posted on: 01 October 2000 by Simon Jenkins

In my limited experience of SBL's the only real difference between them and the IBL's is the bass. More of it from the SBL's. They use the same tweeter, but a different bass/mid driver.

From the old Naim brochure, the IBL's have a frequency range of 45hz to 20Khz, the SBL's 18 or 20 Hz to 20 Khz.

The SBL's also play slightly louder, 88 or 89 db sensetivity compared to 86.5 for the IBL's. My IBL's still run to pretty neighbour unfriendly volumes though.

The other thing is IBL's are easier to set up. No gasket kits etc.

If you have a large room IBL's may not suit, worth trying to hear them at your place if at all possible.

I did not listen to them at home, but the person I bought the speakers off had a similar size listening room to mine.

IMHO the IBL's are a fairly awesome speaker, and I have no intention of changing until I'm in the market for something of NBL level or above.

Also got to listen to them active and this makes a huge difference (currently running mine passive with a NAP180), especially to the bass.


Posted on: 01 October 2000 by bob atherton
Hello Arie & Franz,

I think that in my system most people would consider that I should not yet have gone active. That said the only person on this forum that has heard my system, apart from me is my friend Mark. IMHO when I went active it was a big step forward in every area.

At the moment my system is fully loaded LP12, Roksan CD 1.5 plus DAC & PSU, 32.5 ( recapped & 72 boards ) Hicap, SNAXO, Hicap, 2 x 250 IBL's. This is all _very_ carefully set-up on Mana & Greenline supports. My room is 14' x 14' and the IBL's work very well in these dimensions, not missing any bass at all really.

I went active because I acquired from a friend his 62, Hicap, 250, and I took a bit of an educated risk, but it has paid off. I would not recommend anyone going active until they have at least the level of front end and pre-amp as me. Of course a better pre-amp would be ideal.

So Arie I would suggest getting at least 72, Hicap, 250 first. I found going active in my system to have no trade offs at all. The system just got better in every way.

The biggest difference was the scale of the presentation, much, much bigger. It also became a lot more natural, less hi-fi & much more music. The thing that surprised me most is the consistency of the system now. Sure some day are better than others, but the bad ones are fewer & even they are pretty good, compared to the passive configuration.

Franz, the IBL's to me don't sound that much like SBL's. I used to use SBL's with 135's and the system always seemed on a knife edge. One day it thrilled & the next it was disappointing.

I'm not entirely sure that the IBL tweeter is the same as the SBL, it sure sounds different. To me the IBL sound like a smaller brother of the DBL. If you have ever heard DBL's a like what you hear, I'm confident that the IBL would not disappoint.
I would not put IBL's in a large room or if you are into head banging volumes. Aside from that I can't fault them. Some people say the bass is a bit lacking, but for me it is so darn tuneful that I forgive them of that.

The IBL is definitely a Naim speaker. If you find that the slightly forward, dry presentation of Naim speakers does not suit you then I would steer clear of the IBL.

If on the other hand you have ever heard any Naim speaker really 'doing it' then I would try the IBL. If you serious about looking for a pair, wait till you find some with the latest drivers. I think they came in at about 82***, but check with Naim.


Posted on: 04 October 2000 by Franz K
Dear Simon dear Bob.

Thank you both for your comments. Seems like everything is arguing in favour of IBLs. I do have a small listening room, and not very much space left for speakers. Furthermore the s/h price isn^t that bad in comparison to s/h SBLs. I am expecting a s/h 250 in exchange for a 90 today (I am pretty excited to see what the difference will be like- then cdx/82/hi/250).
After that there are only the speakers left for further improvement (currently Ruarc Icons) Unfortunately the IBLs which I was interrested in are not for sale anymore. The owner decided to keep them- It does make sense from the way you described them. But I will take my time and keep looking for some others. Everysooften some do show up at the s/h market.
After that I will give my purse some rest I guess.

Just curious does anybody know how IBLs compare to Intros or Credos?


Posted on: 04 October 2000 by Franz K
Dear Simon dear Bob.

Thank you both for your comments. Seems like everything is arguing in favour of IBLs. I do have a small listening room, and not very much space left for speakers. Furthermore the s/h price isn^t that bad in comparison to s/h SBLs. I am expecting a s/h 250 in exchange for a 90 today (I am pretty excited to see what the difference will be like- then cdx/82/hi/250).
After that there are only the speakers left for further improvement (currently Ruarc Icons) Unfortunately the IBLs which I was interrested in are not for sale anymore. The owner decided to keep them- It does make sense from the way you described them. But I will take my time and keep looking for some others. Everysooften some do show up at the s/h market.
After that I will give my purse some rest I guess.

Just curious does anybody know how IBLs compare to Intros or Credos?


Posted on: 04 October 2000 by bob atherton


Just curious does anybody know how IBL's compare to Intros or Credos?

Hi Franz,

They really are quite different. Think small DBL or large Kan 1 or II.


PS: I may have got the serial numbers wrong, could be after 92***, but as always check with those very helpful folk at Naim.


Posted on: 04 October 2000 by Stewart Cooper

Earlier this year, Paul Davies, Rohit Kaushal and I compared IBLs with SBLs downstream of Paul's system: CDS2/52/SNAXO/S'cap/2x250. I believe we unanimously agreed that SBLs delivered more of everything. The IBLs were far from disgraced, however - we all really liked them.


Posted on: 05 October 2000 by Franz K
Thanks folks. All your comments are quite encouraging. Since yesterday I have my 250 up and running and I am really satified whith what it does.
The only drawback with buying IBLs s/h is that I probably wont have a chance to try them before buying, unless the seller lives somewhere close bye (which is very unlikely).


Posted on: 05 October 2000 by bob atherton
Hi Jauha,

IBL's are bettered by DBL's in all areas. Bass is deeper & more natural. Mid is more open, spacious & more natural .Top end is faster, more open & yes, more natural.

So why are some of us raving about the IBL? Because they hint in a big way as to what the DBL is all about, something IMHO that the SBL does not, it does not seem to have the same chacachter.
The IBL is definitely the small brother of the DBL, not the SBL.

Minimum requirement? I would say 72, Hicap, 250. I'm sure that others may not agree with this. The reason for the inclusion of a 250 is the control over the bass driver that this amp has.


Posted on: 06 October 2000 by Kevin Hughes
what would then be the 'minimum' Naims to make these speakers sing?

On the old forum Julian recomended CDX, 82, Hicap & 250 for IBLs.

IBLs are great, but so are SBLs. I find SBLs better balanced over all, and just as capable of giving you a taste of what DBLs are like as IBLs.


Posted on: 06 October 2000 by bob atherton

My opinion is exactly that & as they say 'your mileage may vary' but I find that the IBL's sound like baby DBL's & that SBL's sound more like baby NBL's.

I used to own SBL's with a pair of 135's & although good was never as consistent as IBL's in my system. The room dimensions have changed & I am quite prepared to believe that this has a lot to do with what I am hearing. To me the IBL has less yet more tuneful & better pitched bass. This bass is IMO more consistent on the IBL's.

On my SBL's I found that the speakers could sound a bit lacking in bass on certain notes & then very full on others. If you play an electric bass as I do, it is a bit like dead spots on the finger board, they power of the note tends to fall away without the correct amount of sustain.

The top end is as detailed on the IBL but somehow it seems a bit more refined, not forcing the detail that I found the SBL's to do.

I think for me the overriding thing is that the IBL's seem to carry the tune better than the SBL. I found the SBL to be a bit more 'hi-fi' in comparison.

You can tell from my waffle that I am not an equipment reviewer, but I hope I have conveyed the gist of what the differences are.

All of this is of course very personal & subjective, but as someone who has lived with both speakers I guess my opinion might be of interest.


[This message was edited by bob atherton on FRIDAY 06 October 2000 at 16:27.]