Recapping Power amps

Posted by: Simon Jenkins on 23 August 2000

Hello all.

I am new to the Forum, but have been reading for the last week or so.

My current system consists of a 72/180, LP12 with Lingo, Ekos and Dynavector 17d2, and a pair of Linn Index II's, wired up with NACA5 and a black snaic. Due to add a CD5 as soon as the factory can ship (been on order for 5 weeks now, starting to get a bit impatient).

Anyway, after reading several posts over the recent few days I was wondering what peoples thoughts were on if there would be any benefit to re-capping the 180, and how much this would cost.

The 180 is about 8 years old, but spent 3 years of that boxed up due to various circumstances.



Posted on: 23 August 2000 by Martin Payne
Yes, it's just about coming up to time for a re-cap.

Apparently the big caps can dry out if not used for a considerable period, so those three years in boxes probably do count also.

e-mail Naim for their advice.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 24 August 2000 by Simon Jenkins
Thanks for the various comments.
Guess I'll need to get in touch with Naim or my local dealer and sort out a recap.

Posted on: 24 August 2000 by Mick P

Get the thing recapped, it will sound much much better.

I note that you live in the UK.

DO NOT give the amp to your local dealer, he will take quite a hefty margin to arrange it.

Do what I do.

Drive down to Salisbury and drop the thing off at Naim. Mark Raggett is the guy to see. He will take you around the service department to explain whats involved and then he will open up your box and give you a quick appraisal of its condition.

He will post it back to you about 10 days later.

You can then pop into Salisbury, have a decent lunch, visit the Cathederal (oldest clock in the world etc)and have a good day out. Its a very picturesque city. Loads of good pubs.

I paid £88 to Naim to have my Hicap serviced and this included return postage.

My dealer quoted around £150, enough said.

So the savings financed a good day out. I even took the wife for a bit of brain washing.


Mick....always tight with the lolly.

Posted on: 24 August 2000 by Martin Payne

when I sent my system back to Naim in the early nineties (to match 6x135s) my dealer did not add any margin on the transaction at all. YMMV.

When I had my stuff re-capped last year I took it to Salisbury myself but had it sent back by courier. The boxes took quite a beating (one of them was punctured right through to the contents - quite a feat with Naim packaging). If I had it to do over I'd collect again as well.

cheers, Martin