Thanks to ? for cable wisdom (who was that masked man?)

Posted by: John Boon on 16 September 2000

Following some sage advice about saving useful posts, I copied the text from a particular post about cable arrangementg on the old forum to a Word document. The poster seemed to have something of a similar equipment roster to mine and was easy to follow.

Recently I found time to try out the advocated cable arrangement tricks and (to my surprise)could hear a distinct improvement!

The post started thus "In my experience cable arrangement can make a HUGE difference - really brought the system "alive". The author apparently has CDSII/82/Supercap/180/ES22s.

To whomever you are, many thanks,

(it also works well with CDSII/52/Spercap/135s on Mana).


Posted on: 17 September 2000 by Bas V
Hi John,

I'm a new member so I don't know what you are talking about here. But as I'm willing to give everything a try, could you please send me this Word-document by e-mail? Then I can try it too and share my experience with the other members! Thanks,


Posted on: 17 September 2000 by calum scott
post the whole document here so we can all see it.



Posted on: 17 September 2000 by John Boon
Thanks George for the re-post and Peter Chappell for the original post.

I wonder how many other really useful old-forum posts were archived by folk ? Would it merit a new thread here for the contribution of resurrected gems ?