n-Sat = new Kan?
Posted by: Hans 67 on 09 November 2004
Hello all,
I have heard the new n-Sats and was impressed.
But I heard them with the center speaker and subwoofer.
Naim writes on their news page that they can also be used alone. And if we do that.
What will the result be when we use the n-Sats as a stereo pair?
Is the n-Sat the successor of the Kans?
Greetings, Hans
Posted on: 09 November 2004 by Alex S.
No, that was the Isobarik.
Posted on: 09 November 2004 by J.N.
The Isobarik came first.
The story goes that critics remarked that whilst the Isobarik was a bit special; it was not for the 'real world' and laid down the challenge of - "I bet you can't make a practical and affordable alternative".
Linn's reply was - "Oh yes we Kan".
That's allegedly where the name came from.
From my brief exposure to 'n-sats' I'd say that they are aimed at a very different market and systems than Kans were.
Kans on a good vinyl source could be very very special indeed. I've owned three pairs.
Posted on: 09 November 2004 by Dev B
I thought the n-sat sounded better at the show than any Kan I've owned or heard. The sub was great - I'd love to try with my SBLs - I'm scared my room might take off!
Posted on: 09 November 2004 by J.N.
Hi Dev,
We may have discussed it at the Heathrow show, but I use a REL Strata 5 with my SBL's and love the combined effect.
Used subtly; the rhythmic drive is not slugged - and it really does open up the sound-stage, as well as adding the obvious extra bottom end.
There's a picture in the 'System pics 2005' thread.
Posted on: 29 November 2004 by willem
Do n-Sats fit on Kan II stands and do they work with a Nait 2? - I hope they don't