Posted by: Richard Paget on 18 September 2000

Sorry, I know lots of recent posts on cd players--but little chatter on the CDi

I've been offered a CDi for £800 s/h

The current price for
S/H cd3=£500
S/H cd3.5=£700-800

Would any of you choose a CDi over a CD3.5?
Concerns I have are that I vaguely remember transport problems on the first CDi.(although the one on sale had a new transport 18months ago.
How do even naim cd players cope with age the 3.5 will obviously be much younger?
There is no facilty for add upgrade power supplies on the cdi is there?--does a CD3.5 flatcap leap frog a cdi

From my (limited) hi end cd player auditions 4 yrs ago--my impression was the difference was all tonality and presentation rather than huge differences in areas of detail,separation and soundstage--that you may find in top flight turntable auditions????

CD3.5 has been described as very rhythmical and slightly upbeat(hope to audition one soon)--probably more my style than the relaxed and silky approach. is the CDi--laid back?
(I choose naim gear and the LP12 for their immense natural rhythm and imagery over competitors--I felt they were near but not quite the best when it came to the detail-much less important)

Any thoughts would be greatfully recieved

Cheers Richard Paget

PS where in Hammersmith is the show next weekend and is it tickets only?

Posted on: 18 September 2000 by woodface
Go for the CDi! I auditioned a CDi against a 3.5 about 18-months ago and quite simply the Cdi blew it away! I also have an LP12 (Lingo/Circus/Ittock/OC9)and so was probably looking for a similar form of presentation. The CDi has all the pace/excitement but a lot more finesse. I found the 3.5 a bit rough and ready. The Cdi sounds even better since I upgraded from 92 to 82. I would audition the two though as we are all different. I would be very surprised if you prefered the 3.5 (which has been replaced anyway)
Posted on: 18 September 2000 by Rico
Most would pick the CDI over the 3.5. I would think £800 on the high side though (CD2 £700-£1000), unless it's been serviced recently, excellent condition etc.

I can't remember all of the details, but I beleive there are two transport variants for the CDI as well... this was on the old forum. If I can find more in my archives at home, I'll post later. In the mean time, any of you CDI fans shed some light?

Rico - musichead

Posted on: 18 September 2000 by Frank Abela
Sorry about this Byron!

I disagree with 'woodface' I'm afraid. I find the CDi to be a little restrained and lacking in vitality by comparison to a 3.5. I would not go for a 3 if possible. The price you have been given seems to me to be a little high for a CDi, although it has had a new transport in its favour, I guess.

I prefer the more vital 3.5 in standard form, let alone with a power supply added on.


Posted on: 18 September 2000 by David Hobbs-Mallyon

I'd go with the CDI if it comes with the original CDM4 transport (as found in the CDS). Nicking some info from Vik, this was replaced by the CDM9-PRO in later versions. Never heard this later version, but I remember comments from several dealers at the time saying this later version was not as good. For me comparatively the 3.5 sounds lightweight.

Personally I prefer the more laid back presentation on the CDI to the CDX. For me the only worthwhile upgrades from the CDI (in the Naim range) are CDS, CDX-XPS or CDSII.

Your risk is that if the mechanism goes, then you will probably get left with a worse-sounding machine, assuming Naim can replace this with something else. My CDI is still going strong, although for some reason it's never been a fan of cold weather.

David (hopefully getting his hands on CDSII tomorrow).

Posted on: 18 September 2000 by Martin Payne

I'd have said your prices were somewhat on the high side.

If you're interested in a low-mileage CD3.5 from a dealer give these people a ring.


P.S. Ignore the ex-dem list - it's a bit out of date!

Posted on: 19 September 2000 by woodface
The consensus seems to be with the CDi however, there is one dissenter! Although I can understand Franks point of view I think the 3.5 does what it does at the expense of subtlety. The CDi is much more analogue in it's sound and sound better as you upgrade the pre amp. In terms of price most dealers seem to peg them at around a £1000 which is what I paid for mine (which is mint) albeit nearly 2-years ago. If you can get one for £800 ish I think you will be more satisfied in the long run than with a 3.5.
Posted on: 19 September 2000 by Naheed
cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi. cdi . cdi. cdi.

I had one for 3 yrs then stupidly sold it to beat the 'disease' and buy a computer !!!

Funnily enough - the computer that I bought with the cash helped me to get a job with more money so then i could buy more naim gear .......

Oh by the way Ricahrd go for the cdi - its a bit pricey £800 though.


Posted on: 19 September 2000 by Jonathan Gorse

I have had a CDI for a year which I bought just over a year ago from a dealer - and I paid just over £1000 for it so £800 sounds like a pretty fair deal to me given it has had a new transport fitted.

IT's a superb CD player and is only bettered by a CDS1 or CDS2. I had a CD 3.5 on loan for a week just before I got the CDI and once the CDI had warmed up properly it was a league above the 3.5 - in particular its scale and portrayal of acoustic space was significantly better.

You won't regret either but the CDI will quash your desire to upgrade for longer.


Posted on: 19 September 2000 by Bas V
Just bought a CDI two weeks ago. It sounds much better than the CD3.5. Personally I have asked Naim what they thought about a s/hand CDI and they confirmed it sounds better than a CD3.5 and gives the CDX a good fight! I have one with the cdm4 mechanism, so it's a bit of a risk. On the other side, I have never experienced any problems with my Naim gear. So I can only say: buy it and love it!


Posted on: 20 September 2000 by David Hobbs-Mallyon
Stefano, with that serial no. it should be the CDM4 mechanism.


Posted on: 20 September 2000 by Chris Metcalfe
According to Jonathan Gorse, the CDI is only bettered by a CDS (1 or 2). I'd have to take issue with that - I'd say the CDI was great in its day but having used them at home for a total of 5 years, that the CDX is 20% better than the CDI and the CDX/XPS 25% better than that.