Linn K18 stylus

Posted by: Rockingdoc on 25 February 2001

A bit off-tack for a Naim forum, but many of us have mixed systems,so...
Does anybody know where to obtain a replacement stylus for a Linn K18 cartridge? My Linn/Naim dealer was not able to help.
I liked the K18 and only have a MM input on that system. My daughter decided to scrub the record playing with the tone arm and the cantilever snapped off.
Malcolm confused
Posted on: 25 February 2001 by Ade Archer
I'm selling a complete K18 at the moment if you check you're e-mail for details.
Posted on: 25 February 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
Unfortunately the K18 was discontinued about 2-3 years ago, and no stylii are available - I had to upgrade to MC because of this.

I'm sure Ade's is fine, but I'd be wary of the stylus suspension at the age it's bound to be.

You may find there's an Audio Technica stylus that would fit, but you'd lose the ability to screw it into place.

I still have my cartridge body + (I think) 2 stylii that are worn. If it gets you out of a hole, even temporarily you can have the body and stylii for free - just email me privately and we can arrange to meet as it looks like I'm not far from you!


P.S. I've emailed you my tel. no.

Andrew L. Weekes

Posted on: 25 February 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
Mr Pig,

Wish I'd have thought of that - would have saved me £500 frown

Mind you MC is SO much better, I can't see me going back.

Offer still stands - I've checked and have a K18 body, 1 K18 original and 1 K18-II stylus. They're all yours Malcolm if you want to get them re-tipped.

Would you bin your car because the tires were worn? ;0)

Certainly not, but I wouldn't use retreads on the car wink

Andrew L. Weekes

Posted on: 26 February 2001 by Rockingdoc
Very many thanks to you all.
I shall go the re-tip route.
Posted on: 01 March 2001 by Frank Abela
Although retipping a cartridge is a nice way of getting life back from it, this doesn't account for the problem of the internal suspension of the cartridge becoming tired. The cartridge should be rebuilt completely to do the job properly.

Also, when people say that their xxx-retipped cartridge sounds better than the original, bear in mind that this means it sounds different. Now I'm not saying it's not better, but it IS different to the original. We also don't know the effect of the change to the sound per cartridge so it is more difficult to recommend again.

These two reasons are why I rarely recommend retips to customers. It's nothing to do with profit margin. In such a low volume niche market, we don't really care about that - we're more interested in providing hassle-free service so people come back and buy more equipment off us.

If I could guarantee the results I would recommend them. There are several companies out there. Each produces different results - and all (even Expert) have had the odd problem in terms of results. With the manufacturer you have recourse. With the retip people you don't (and we've had problems in the past).


Posted on: 01 March 2001 by Frank Abela
Retipping is mainly to do with changing the cantilever/stylus assembly. Rebuilding is a complete refurbishment. You should get a virtually new cartridge with a rebuild.

I don't think you made the wrong decision.
