Couple quick questions on the Naimnet

Posted by: Cjones on 26 September 2008

How does the NNP01 room amplifier fit into the amp line up. What is Naim's opinion on where it fits into the amp list? To this point, it looks like the frequency of the NNP02 is actually better than the NNP01?

Also, the little FM Naimnet radio, does it work in the US?
Posted on: 27 September 2008 by Patrick F
yes the tuner works in the us.
Posted on: 29 September 2008 by David Dever
NNP01 uses similar amplifier circuit as NAP200, but with fan cooling and stabilized to drive typical in-wall loudspeaker cables.

NNP02 uses a switching topology that is extremely simple but very efficient, with good sound quality, too–and about the size of a NAIT2.

FM tuner is available as single (NNT02) or quad (NNT01) configuration, and the DAB section of the tuner modules can be turned off (e.g., FM only).