ND 555 - Rumour Update

Posted by: Trevor Wilson on 05 February 2018

Dear Naim Forum,

By now the rumour mill is in full swing about our new ND 555 500 Series Network Player.  It’s been somewhat stoked by an unfortunate early announcement in the USA. So here are the facts and a glimpse of the current situation.


The ND 555 (pictured above) is a real product and will be launched and delivered this year. We will show it at Sound and Vision – The Bristol Show this month, but at present we have no plans to demonstrate it.  The team are still working very hard to prepare the product for our intended plans, but events are as they are, so the very least we can do is confirm the existence of the product at this time for all interested parties.

Experience from recent events has made us consider how and when we release and launch products. As such, we will only publicly demo the ND 555 when we are confident that we have extracted every last drop of the emotional connection to music I know you and I expect from a Naim 500 Series product.

I look forward to seeing you and chatting in Bristol.

Managing Director, Naim Audio