More on Wireless

Posted by: DrMark on 11 April 2018

Since I was excoriated previously on the topic...seems a lot of the research is backed by money from those who stand to benefit.

Posted on: 11 April 2018 by winkyincanada
DrMark posted:

Since I was excoriated previously on the topic...seems a lot of the research is backed by money from those who stand to benefit.

I'll take my chances. I'm far more concerned about the massive thermonuclear reactor that bombards our house with ionizing radiation, for around 12 hours per day. The radiation which is known to cause a range of cancers, is actually so intense that to be exposed to it for any significant period of time causes burns to unprotected skin.

Posted on: 12 April 2018 by joerand

Has anyone ever looked into deleterious effects of using landline/corded phones? That would offer a relative measure of risks versus cellular. I'm not worried in either case since I average less than 20 minutes per week with a phone to my ear. The agricultural products I consume are a much more immediate concern to me; probably far greater 'big money scandals' therein.

Posted on: 12 April 2018 by DrMark

I agree that ag products are a much bigger issue. Bottom line is the public is sold to the highest corporate bidder in so many areas. 

As with anything rule #1 is "Follow the money". Rule #2 is "See rule #1".

Posted on: 12 April 2018 by Simon-in-Suffolk
winkyincanada posted:
DrMark posted:

Since I was excoriated previously on the topic...seems a lot of the research is backed by money from those who stand to benefit.

I'll take my chances. I'm far more concerned about the massive thermonuclear reactor that bombards our house with ionizing radiation, for around 12 hours per day. The radiation which is known to cause a range of cancers, is actually so intense that to be exposed to it for any significant period of time causes burns to unprotected skin.

But without it you and our planet wouldn’t  be here.....

Posted on: 12 April 2018 by Simon-in-Suffolk
joerand posted:

Has anyone ever looked into deleterious effects of using landline/corded phones? That would offer a relative measure of risks versus cellular. I'm not worried in either case since I average less than 20 minutes per week with a phone to my ear. The agricultural products I consume are a much more immediate concern to me; probably far greater 'big money scandals' therein.

Landline telephones are relatively benign. Mobile phones both DECT and Cellular are not... but research continues on whether the effects they cause to the body are actually harmful.

Wifi is very low power, but again continuous exposure from a very nearby AP is probably not advisable.

Laptos and smartphone radiation is significantly more present, but again research continues on how harmful its affects to the body are.

The good thing is that EM (far) field strength decays exponentially away with distance as a function of wave length, so the potency of these high frequency radiation sources if harmful diminishes quickly as you may away from the antenna/radiator... but you can see how holding a cellular mobile to the side of one’s head is probably not great to do for extended periods of time. If you need to speak a lot use the earpiece typically provided or loudspeaker...