Importing from USB to Core

Posted by: andrew jameson on 14 December 2018

I've just downloaded three albums from the internet in WAV, copied these to a USB stick and imported to the Core via 'Manage Music' then 'Import Music'. All of the files have copied fine with the track metadata (albeit in filename eg. blah_blah_blah.wav rather than track name format if you get my drift) but the artwork hasn't come across and the 'Edit Metadata' option doesn't appear to be live for these particular albums (as it always is for albums ripped direct to the Core).

Anyone got an idea as to how i can get the metadata of these albums to behave in the way that a normal rip would do?

Uniti Core support page doesn't seem to give much guidance

Posted on: 14 December 2018 by andrew jameson

Ah so now i remove the USB disk and it appears that the files haven't been copied to the SSD even though the import status clearly said importing 31 files. I'm confused ... how do i get these bleedin' files off the USB and onto the Core proper!

Posted on: 14 December 2018 by andrew jameson

Apologies for endless stream of posts!

Managed to find some help on the Uniti support resource. Opening the Core on my laptop (Mac OSX) it looks as though the files are in the Core downloads folder but don't appear in the music folder and i can't copy them across!

Any help appreciated!

Posted on: 14 December 2018 by ChrisSU

Anything that’s not a CD ripped on the Core needs to be kept in the downloads folder - that’s what it’s for. You cannot edit metadata for such files on the Core, you need to do this with a metadata editor on a computer. 

Posted on: 14 December 2018 by ChrisSU

Just to add.....these albums will still be integrated into your music library. You don’t have to browse them separately just because they are in a separate folder, as the server will search and index the metadata, not the folders. 

Posted on: 14 December 2018 by David Hendon

Yes it’s just as Chris says. It is explained in the online support on the Naim website.

