Naims Powerstrip..???

Posted by: Peder on 18 December 2018

A friend found this ad from a Swedish hifi store,..See the text and image below.

Does anyone here know anything about this powerstrip below,..could it really be Naim's power cord for that price.?
Better power to your music-system.
price: £75:-

Music-Line Powerstrip,with Naim's own power cord.

Music-Line is now launching an instep solution,in the form of a specially selected powerstrip with Naim's own power cord,welded on solid copper tracks to all sockets.
In addition,the first two sockets are Star-earthed,to provide the best possible conditions for Cd-player and amplifier.

 In short,a very well constructed powerstrip that with few,but carefully selected and high quality components,provides a very good power connection for your music-system.

# Power strip for 6 devices.
# Two Star-earthed sockets.
# 1-wire cable from Naim (1.8 m).
# Welded connection between cables and ”Contact Plate” for best possible transition.
# Sturdy copper tracks for all sockets,including ground.

Music-Line Powerstrip with Naim's powercord,see picture..????????????

/Peder ????


Posted on: 18 December 2018 by Mulberry

Hi Peder,

Music Line is the German distributor for Naim. They offer power strips (Netzleiste) and a hydra-like distributor (Powerigel) for several years. Both are based on the regular Naim power cords, with Powerlines as an option. The latter are called Netzleiste or Powerigel Plus, respectively.

A quick search of the interweb should turn out some useful links.

Posted on: 18 December 2018 by SamClaus

I have one of those, and I wasn't aware that two of the sockets were star-earthed. They are indeed made by Music-Line (part of the same group as Naim and Focal), but Music-Line's site says very little about the Netzleiste (or Netzleiste Plus), it certainly does not mention that 2 sockets are star-earthed. They are well-made, and cheaper than the competition.



Posted on: 18 December 2018 by Bert Schurink

They are a good step up from standard stuff. I personally swear with the Ansuz powerdistribution and cables, a significant step up...

Posted on: 18 December 2018 by Mike Hughes

I’ve had a Powerigek for years. It tends to roll off the top end.

Posted on: 18 December 2018 by Peder

???? Mulberry,Samclaus,Bert,...Thanks for the information. PowerIgel I have listened to,but this cheap Music-Line PowerStrip,I have never heard of.

I sold a Vintage music-system to a guy,and he was totally fascinated by how well it played.
But he was not so knowledgeable in system-installation,he had,..among other things,a powerstrip with a switch.
I said that this has to be replaced at once,then he found this Music-Line in an advertisement.

He first looked at Wireworld Matrix2,..but then he found this Music-Line powerstrip with Naim power cord.
I said it could not be a Naim product,because it is so cheap,..but I had apparently wrong ????.

But good that I got answers,..Thanks.
He will order one tomorrow, have to start somewhere..and this is a good instep product for him as Bert said.

But Bert,..I agree with you,Ansuz is good stuff.
I myself am testing a series of new power cables, in prices from £360:- to £3600:-.
So far,it seems very promising,..It will be interesting to see what we arrive at.

/Peder ????

Posted on: 18 December 2018 by Peder

???? Mike Hughes,...Is there any kind of netfilter in the PowerIgel,my experience is that with a netfilter,it usually "roll of the top end" or hijack transients at the top.

/Peder ????