Putting a face to the Name/Naim ????
Posted by: Popeye on 31 December 2018
Obviously I will go first. Not sure if many will want to participate in this one and can understand if you don’t but I thought it may be a nice idea to put a face to the name/names we all know.
Happy new year all!
not a lot persons seem wanting to show their faces, apparently. Your idea is good but i wonder if it may be too risky, like being followed in a street by a thief.....who will know our adress after. Perhaps i am a bit paranoiac?
French Rooster posted:not a lot persons seem wanting to show their faces, apparently. Your idea is good but i wonder if it may be too risky, like being followed in a street by a thief.....who will know our adress after. Perhaps i am a bit paranoiac?
You maybe right. Can’t see how that would happen tho.
More chance of a thief following you home from visiting your local hifi dealer if that what they are planning on doing!
I started a selfie thread on another forum in May 2014. 570 posts and 82,000 views later, still going strong and no nastiness as far as I know.
I am wondering if Popeye is actually a real person - he has far too much hair, none of it grey and way too youthful to be on this Forum . Not that I'm jealous AT ALL!
Jonners posted:I am wondering if Popeye is actually a real person - he has far too much hair, none of it grey and way too youthful to be on this Forum
. Not that I'm jealous AT ALL!
Haha, cheers Jonners
Here's me, wiv me bird:
French Rooster posted:not a lot persons seem wanting to show their faces, apparently. Your idea is good but i wonder if it may be too risky, like being followed in a street by a thief.....who will know our adress after. Perhaps i am a bit paranoiac?
It is not about thieves. It is about privacy. Imagine that you travel to China or the USA an you get locked up by the party and extensively interrogated about what Naim is about. Tell us the secret!!! Or we will force you to listen to a Sony!!! Then in all your weakness you tell them the secret: PRaT, sir...
But ... Popeye, you look even younger than I do my wife tells me.
Alas, a stormtrooper can never reveal his/her true identity.
TK421 posted:
Alas, a stormtrooper can never reveal his/her true identity.
better not to follow you in the street.... you’re in security with your guns ????????
TK421 posted:
Alas, a stormtrooper can never reveal his/her true identity.
I thought they were all clones of Jango Fett....
Fine with me...
Ah, but my photo actually is me ... albeit at 4 years old. You don't really want to see my ugly mug as it is now.
Sorry Mr Popeye, you're on a hiding to nothing, you won't get any actual photos of forum members posted I'm afraid. There's a very good reason for this, and it's nothing to do with privacy, more to do with the sad fact that most folks on here have fallen out of a very tall ugly tree and managed to hit every branch on the way down.
I feel a bit sorry for Popeye here, having unveiled himself. So I'll join in the spirit that his post was intended.
I have posted links/clues to my website here, and there are pictures of me there, so I have nowt to lose.
Here I am, on the cover of a magazine no less:
Here's Rebecca and me. This image is already on the net as it went with an article about some advocacy work. It's one of my favourite pictures of us. I don't have a magazine cover, but did 60 Minutes about 7 years ago, which was world famous in New Zealand!
And here am I with my 2 daughters Chloe and Leah taken in the summer:
tonym posted:Sorry Mr Popeye, you're on a hiding to nothing, you won't get any actual photos of forum members posted I'm afraid. There's a very good reason for this, and it's nothing to do with privacy, more to do with the sad fact that most folks on here have fallen out of a very tall ugly tree and managed to hit every branch on the way down.
Thanks Tony, I could not remember how I ended up looking like this you have finally filled the gap in my knowledge????
Okay, I'll play along but with an old photo of me looking absolutely dead chuffed to be standing in a biting and freezing cold wind on a misty afternoon (in May) by the Golden Gate bridge for a lovely lady friend of mine (from Seattle) to take some snaps!
Nice to see a few have braved it! ????