"Ham or Smith" show

Posted by: Jonathan Gorse on 12 August 2000

So who's going then to Hammersmith? And are naim going to let us know what they'll be demoing there. Will the 500/DBL's be putting in an appearance?

I've been toying with if there's a way of us forum members identifying ourselves to fellow forum members. I've come up with the idea of a t-shirt so far with some sort of naim forum related branding on it but am unsure whether I'm being a nerd about this or if it's a good idea - what do the rest of you think? It just strikes me that -it is an annual opportunity to meet for a drink in the bar or whatever. Maybe we should all just order a naim t-shirt off the web-site (do I get a free one for boosting your sales Mark???!!)

(Waiting for hicap delivery... eagerly)

[This message was edited by Jonathan Gorse on SATURDAY 12 August 2000 at 19:31.]

Posted on: 13 September 2000 by Rico
thanks for organising this!

Rico - musichead


Posted on: 13 September 2000 by Martin Payne
A question for Naim.

I seem to remember that Naim always demo brand new equipment at shows.

I know that the pre-production NAP500s at last year's show were only just finished the day before the show, and I did feel they sounded it somewhat. However, I got the impression that the CDS/52/NBLs were also hot off the production lines.

Does the gear get a big run-in before the shows?

cheers, Martin

P.S. regarding the demo systems - I've heard NBLs a few times (very impressed), but never heard DBLs in anything like ideal circumstances. (Hey, I've almost got the system for them - I can dream, can't I?)

[This message was edited by Martin Payne on WEDNESDAY 13 September 2000 at 23:37.]

Posted on: 14 September 2000 by John Channing
I'll be along on Saturday, see you all there.
Posted on: 14 September 2000 by bob atherton

Unfortunately I can't attend the Hammersmith Show, but if you are offering the same hospitality at Bristol I would be delighted to make that one.


Posted on: 15 September 2000 by Doug Graham
All the gear that we are bringing to the show

will be "run in" and the times stated are official
We, as always will give it our best shot.



Posted on: 15 September 2000 by Martin Payne
Thanks, Doug.

Somehow I got this impression about the kit at last year's show, but I've no idea why! It did seem pretty bizarre. (May have been the new NAP500s?)

Looking forward to the show.

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 18 September 2000 by Frank Abela

You will be pleased to know that Judith (she-who-must-be-obeyed) has sanctioned the pilgrimage to the hifi show. She will also be in attendance, which could be interesting (she's more critical than I am). We'll be there Sunday afternoon.

I can't make the other days as (contrary to popular opinion) I really do work for a living.:)
