Have we done chocolate?

Posted by: Dave J on 29 October 2003

What with all the recent and frankly inspiring talk of pizza and curry, I don't recall seeing anything about the third essential component of a sound and healthy diet, namely chocolate.

What's the consensus - do the Swiss really know anything about it or is it just the Belgians that can pipe a praline. Has anyone tried any of the excellent varietals that you can pick up in Madrid and Barcelona? What about Rococo on the Kings Road? What about the excellent little boxes of chocolates that Tom gets in Tunbridge Wells? Why does Hershey's sound so glamorous on this side of the Atlantic yet taste so vile with it's distinct aroma of baby vomit?

Anyone mentions Cadbury's though and your out.
Posted on: 04 November 2003 by Dave J
Satan's Chocolate

I seem to recall that the quality of Cadburys' and Mars' chocolate declined (further) as a direct result of the introduction of the Yorkie.

The Yorkie majored on sheer bulk and compromised quality as a result. It was pretty disgusting state of affairs.