Posted by: Dan.S on 26 September 2018

So being told by Naim customer support no 272 replacement is in the pipeline, I decided to upgrade mine to a 282 and a dedicated streamer, therefore my problem:

Should I go for an (sh)NDX or ND5XS2? Being plagued in the past with streaming issues, I'm kind of leaning towards the newer platform but I don't want to skimp on the SQ. Anyone auditioned these two side by side? They should be similar in performance, right? Could I even hope for better results from the ND5XS2?


Thank you kindly.

Posted on: 17 November 2018 by feeling_zen

You are 100% correct Simon. But few have yet been able to demo them together and until that time, sound quality is a moot point.

Ideally people wait a bit so the answer can be more clearly provided in a "buy X because the consensus is that it sounds better" format. We're not there yet.

Posted on: 17 November 2018 by Stephen Tate
Simon-in-Suffolk posted:

Therefore I would audition carefully the options. My view is the NDX is a great streamer transport work horse... but it’s DAC section and audio output is not its strength... I disable mine... I’d be surprised if the ND5XS2 audio output did not sound better than the NDX.

Hi Simon,

please excuse my lack of knowledge on this subject but does the ND5 XS 2 really have a better quality DAC & audio section than the dis-continued NDX?  Would the PSU in the NDX be far superior that it may over ride the XS2's superior processing power? just curious..

The reason why i'm asking this is because I heard the ND5 XS 2 yesterday at my dealer and to say I was impressed with it's sound is an understatement (despite what others have said here). However, just as I was leaving I spotted a ex-Dem NDX for £100 more on a shelf, my dealer did offer to do a side by side comparison but I was so pushed for time, I had to decline. He did however say that that NDX was something of a great bargain being at almost of the ND5 XS 2's price level.

He did for me however chuck a curve ball in...I haven't stopped thinking about it..ND5 XS 2 or NDX? new or old?

My heart keeps telling me 'new' but....

Posted on: 17 November 2018 by Hmack


I would suggest you arrange a demo of both, make up your mind and just go for whichever one sounds better to you. I haven't heard either, but I am pretty sure they will both be very good.

Then, and this is the important bit - unless you encounter any problems with your set-up that require some help from fellow forum members, I would suggest that you stay away from the 'Streaming' section of this forum for a bit (at least from any posts that make reference to a comparison between the ND5 XS2 and NDX). There will always be someone who posts to say that the NDX completely 'blows away' the ND5 XS2 or vice versa, when in reality the differences are likely to be much more subtle, and this just may begin to sow doubt in your mind about your own choice. Just get your device up and running, and then spend a couple of months or so getting used to and just enjoying your streamer before getting fully back into the streaming forum fold.

Whichever device you purchase will be very good indeed, and I am sure you will be very happy with it.

Good luck!  


Posted on: 17 November 2018 by Stephen Tate

Good advice Hmack.


Posted on: 17 November 2018 by Dan.S
hungryhalibut posted:

If you’ve not already bought the 282, I’d hang on a while. What the person on the phone says and the reality are often not the same. 

I'm still contemplating my options. Going for the ND5XS2 would leave my 272 PS collecting dust, while reaching for NDX2 would be a stretch for me at the moment. 

Posted on: 17 November 2018 by spurrier sucks
Dan.S posted:
hungryhalibut posted:

If you’ve not already bought the 282, I’d hang on a while. What the person on the phone says and the reality are often not the same. 

I'm still contemplating my options. Going for the ND5XS2 would leave my 272 PS collecting dust, while reaching for NDX2 would be a stretch for me at the moment. 

ND5XS2 is better than 272 w/PS or am did I read that all wrong?

Posted on: 08 December 2018 by e24djenggos

Nd5 xs2 sounds thinner than ndx1, according to my wife. To me, its hard to really hear the difference. Am still could not make the decision on which to get. I’d wait for more reviews on this two comparisons.

Posted on: 09 December 2018 by Huge

I personally found that the ND5 XS2 had quite a different overall 'sonic presentation' to that of the 272 (which is closer to the sound of the older streamers); however the NDX 2 and ND555 were closer in sonic presentation to the 272, but were also delivering better SQ in almost all respects (NDX2) and in absolutely all respects (ND555) .

However we all listen in slightly different ways, so YMMV.  You need to audition them and compare for yourself.