Naim Fraim specs

Posted by: RaceTripper on 14 October 2018

Are the Naim Fraim specs for dimensions listed on the website up to date and precise? I am deisgning a two stack system to intregrate with my system and room, and don't want surprises? This what is listed.

Standard level 175 mm
Medium level 250 mm
Tall level 324 mm
Base level 155 mm
(all inc. glass shelf

I may use Fraimlite as a top shelf to finish off each stack, but no components will sit on them (just records and stuff). The height for that is given as:
Standard level 150 mm

My plan for the two stacks (from bottom up):

Left side: total height = 480mm (~19") (the bottom of the turntable wall shelf is ~27)
Base to support HicapDR and NAPSC
Standard level to support NAP-250DR
Standard Fraimlite on top of that.

Right side: total height = 730mm (~29")
Base to support Herron Audio VTPH-2 (it is 4" high incl rubber feet and should have about 1-2" ventilation on a normal shelf)
Medium Level to support ND5-XS (i.e. ~7" to clear the VTPH-2a with plenty of ventilation, about how I have it now).
Standard Level to support NAC -282
Standard Fraimlite on top of that.

There is a chance I may use normal Standard Level Fraim (rather than Lite) for the top two shelves, if I decide to spend the extra $$$. Those would add 25mm (~1") to each stack.

I suppose another possibility is to do just one stack for everything and save money not buying a second base.

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by hungryhalibut

Racetripper, I have the answer for you. Say to your dealer - look mate, I’m spending loads of money on two stacks of Fraim, so please would you throw in six Fraim chips for free. They are not going to say no. 

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by RaceTripper
hungryhalibut posted:

Racetripper, I have the answer for you. Say to your dealer - look mate, I’m spending loads of money on two stacks of Fraim, so please would you throw in six Fraim chips for free. They are not going to say no. 

That's great advice and normnally I would, but he is giving me a break on the Fraim and he made me a very, very sweet deal on the Dyn C2s I just bought. Don't want to push my luck (but yes, I was planning to ask for a break on them).

Edit: they confirmed price and will give me a break on them.

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by hungryhalibut

Excellent. And I like the idea of University City, MO. Cool sounding place, and even better as U. City. 

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by RaceTripper
hungryhalibut posted:

Excellent. And I like the idea of University City, MO. Cool sounding place, and even better as U. City. 

Yeah, we call it "U City"
I live on Cambridge Ave. Princeton Ave is to the south and Cornell Ave to the north. I can never keep them all straight, even though I've lived here for 15 years.

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by iliria
Peder posted:

1???? ILIRIA,...WRONG,..
Naim Fraim Chips contribute to better Soundquality.!

2???? ILIRIA,...
A very bad advice,..which also contributes to the worse Soundquality.!

3???? ILIRIA,...You wrote "on accessory snake oil"

Unfortunately,this is how "fake news" arises,if you have not tested so you know of course not..You can not sit and advise and pronounce if you do not know.
I get so tired of such statements.

◾Answer,...WRONG,WRONG and WRONG.!

Peder, you may have tested and speak from experience. However, you seem to forget that where one does hear an improvement another does not. It's all subjective. It depends on a myriad of variables and ultimately on human ears.

There is no need to "shout" the word "wrong" as if some miscarriage of justice has been carried out. You may get tired of statements like mine but it is a forum and statements get made which depend on people's opinions. And I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but you can not sit and tell me what to do either. I am free to express my opinion just as you do yours.

If the Naim chips affect the sound quality produced by equipment when placed on the Fraim then they are integral to the functioning of the product. And if that is indeed the case then the chips should be included with the Fraim and not sold separately as an accessory. Hence why I mentioned "accessory snake oil".

Posted on: 08 November 2018 by CharlieP


Great advice by HH for dealer to contribute the chips.  If not, then you could add them later.  I look forward to hearing how you like the improvements the Fraim will make to your music.  And if you are able to compare the additional contribution of the Chips compared to “less engineered” disks, then please also report.


Posted on: 08 November 2018 by French Rooster

i put finite elemente cerapucks under the spikes of the bottom fraimlite:  clear improvement.

Posted on: 09 November 2018 by RaceTripper

I have another question about the Fraim and Fraimlite. Are the legs interchangable between Fraim and Lite. For example, if I have a medium Fraim level and a standard Lite level, can I reverse the legs to make a standard Fraim level and medium Lite level?

Posted on: 09 November 2018 by yeti42


Posted on: 09 November 2018 by RaceTripper

Thank you for confirming. Good to know I can make the change if I want/need to move my phonostage from bottom to top.

Posted on: 09 November 2018 by varyat

Def keep the phono stage on a top shelf if available- top shelf is the golden shelf on a Fraim. 


Posted on: 09 November 2018 by RaceTripper
varyat posted:

Def keep the phono stage on a top shelf if available- top shelf is the golden shelf on a Fraim. 


Why would the top shelf be best for a phonostage? I was a planning to go [from bottom up]: phonostage, ND5-XS, 282
The phonostage will have the med level. Everything else will be on std levels.

Posted on: 09 November 2018 by ChrisSU
RaceTripper posted:
varyat posted:

Def keep the phono stage on a top shelf if available- top shelf is the golden shelf on a Fraim. 


Why would the top shelf be best for a phonostage? I was a planning to go [from bottom up]: phonostage, ND5-XS, 282
The phonostage will have the med level. Everything else will be on std levels.

Assuming that the higher shelves are progressively further from PSUs on the lower shelves, and give some beneficial isolation, the more sensitive boxes might benefit most from it. The tiny signal going into the phono stage would be the most sensitive, even compared to other source signals. 

Having said that, I found that putting my 282 on the top shelf and NDX below sounded better than the other way around - but I have sold my turntable.

Posted on: 09 November 2018 by RaceTripper
ChrisSU posted:
RaceTripper posted:
varyat posted:

Def keep the phono stage on a top shelf if available- top shelf is the golden shelf on a Fraim. 


Why would the top shelf be best for a phonostage? I was a planning to go [from bottom up]: phonostage, ND5-XS, 282
The phonostage will have the med level. Everything else will be on std levels.

Assuming that the higher shelves are progressively further from PSUs on the lower shelves, and give some beneficial isolation, the more sensitive boxes might benefit most from it. The tiny signal going into the phono stage would be the most sensitive, even compared to other source signals. 

Having said that, I found that putting my 282 on the top shelf and NDX below sounded better than the other way around - but I have sold my turntable.

I am doing two stacks. One on the left for phonostage, ND5-XS and 282; and one on the right for HD-DR, NAPSC and 250DR. I would like the 282 on the top shelf since that's the one I will access for the controls and the phonostahe on the bottom since it has none.

Posted on: 09 November 2018 by ChrisSU
RaceTripper posted:
ChrisSU posted:
RaceTripper posted:
varyat posted:

Def keep the phono stage on a top shelf if available- top shelf is the golden shelf on a Fraim. 


Why would the top shelf be best for a phonostage? I was a planning to go [from bottom up]: phonostage, ND5-XS, 282
The phonostage will have the med level. Everything else will be on std levels.

Assuming that the higher shelves are progressively further from PSUs on the lower shelves, and give some beneficial isolation, the more sensitive boxes might benefit most from it. The tiny signal going into the phono stage would be the most sensitive, even compared to other source signals. 

Having said that, I found that putting my 282 on the top shelf and NDX below sounded better than the other way around - but I have sold my turntable.

I am doing two stacks. One on the left for phonostage, ND5-XS and 282; and one on the right for HD-DR, NAPSC and 250DR. I would like the 282 on the top shelf since that's the one I will access for the controls and the phonostahe on the bottom since it has none.

OK, but still worth experimenting. The deciding factor may well be cable dressing and keeping them off the floor.

Posted on: 09 November 2018 by RaceTripper
ChrisSU posted:
RaceTripper posted:
I am doing two stacks. One on the left for phonostage, ND5-XS and 282; and one on the right for HD-DR, NAPSC and 250DR. I would like the 282 on the top shelf since that's the one I will access for the controls and the phonostahe on the bottom since it has none.

OK, but still worth experimenting. The deciding factor may well be cable dressing and keeping them off the floor.

That may be. I am going to try it with phono on bottom and 282 on top first, since that is most ergonomically sound.

Posted on: 09 November 2018 by hungryhalibut

You don’t really want the ND5 on the left, as it’s powered. I’d put it on the top on the right, with the hicap below and the 250 on the bottom. Put the napsc on the floor behind the rack.

Posted on: 09 November 2018 by RaceTripper
hungryhalibut posted:

You don’t really want the ND5 on the left, as it’s powered. I’d put it on the top on the right, with the hicap below and the 250 on the bottom. Put the napsc on the floor behind the rack.

When I play the turntable the ND5 is off. About the only time I play it when I am streaming music while working down the hall in my home office. It may work out better space-wise to stick to my plan, but I will take your advice with thanks under consideration.

Posted on: 10 November 2018 by RaceTripper

I ordered my Fraim and Fraimlite today. Dealer gave me a nice break on price, including the floor chips I need. With any bit of luck I'll be setting it all up next weekend.

Posted on: 21 November 2018 by RaceTripper

My Fraim arrived yesterday. Sadly, when I checked parts, one of the bases was missing three of the six cup cup retainers (part C-04). Now I can't build it until they ship me the necessary replacements from Naim NA in Canada. I know it can happen but that's rather disappointing for such an expensive item. No packing inspectors? My wife is pissed that we spent US $7K for such expensive shelves and they couldn't get it right. She is not impressed.

Meanwhile I have everything else built. I might just use the upper part of the base to support two levels without the ability to level them, pending receipt of the needed parts for the rest. 

Posted on: 21 November 2018 by spurrier sucks

$7k?! That could have been put toward the new Confidence and I know those would make a better sq upgrade. I would be pissed too if missing parts 

Posted on: 21 November 2018 by RaceTripper
spurrier sucks posted:

$7k?! That could have been put toward the new Confidence and I know those would make a better sq upgrade. I would be pissed too if missing parts 

$7k will not get me into a better pair of Confidence speakers before the rather distant future.

Posted on: 21 November 2018 by RaceTripper

I have my first stab at the setup. I will tweak some things after I can build the rest of my 'brawn' base. Many kudos to [@mention:1566878603942595] for posting the assembly playbook in the FAQ.

Posted on: 21 November 2018 by iliria

$7k??? How many shelves have you ordered?

Posted on: 21 November 2018 by RaceTripper
iliria posted:

$7k??? How many shelves have you ordered?

Two Fraim Bases, three Fraim Levels (2 std, 1 med) and two Fraimlite levels. Seven units total, plus 6 floor protectors.