RasPi 3B - Noob Guide

Posted by: Obsydian on 20 November 2018

If i wanted to setup to Raspberry Pi to use Bubble to stream Tidal to my Naim streamer, what else do I need and how do i configure.

I understand the Raspberry Pi is a good solution, but do i need a bare bones version or one with a DAC built in.


Posted on: 26 November 2018 by Guinnless

It looks to me like `sudo` isn't working.  Hence 'root' commands not being found and permissions errors.

Try the following. These should run fine on any Ras Pi system
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Posted on: 26 November 2018 by Obsydian
Guinnless posted:

It looks to me like `sudo` isn't working.  Hence 'root' commands not being found and permissions errors.

Try the following. These should run fine on any Ras Pi system
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Thanks GUINNLESS, the two commands worked fine and no errors, but the same error when trying to apply the Bubble commands:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bubbleguuum/bubbleupnpserver
sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

Posted on: 26 November 2018 by dknk
Obsydian posted:
Guinnless posted:

It looks to me like `sudo` isn't working.  Hence 'root' commands not being found and permissions errors.

Try the following. These should run fine on any Ras Pi system
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Thanks GUINNLESS, the two commands worked fine and no errors, but the same error when trying to apply the Bubble commands:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bubbleguuum/bubbleupnpserver
sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

pi@:> sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

Then you can use add-apt-repository
Posted on: 26 November 2018 by Guinnless

Try this. I've used this before.

cd /tmp
$ wget http://www.bubblesoftapps.com/bubbleupnpserver/BubbleUPnPServer-distrib.zip
$ cd /usr/local/bin
$ sudo mkdir BubbleUPnPServer
$ cd BubbleUPnPServer
$ sudo unzip /tmp/BubbleUPnPServer-distrib.zip
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

The easiest way to get the BubbleUPnPServer running is to use the provided launch.sh script, firstly making it executable:

$ sudo chmod +x launch.sh
$ sudo ./launch.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &

That second command is running the launch script and sending all its output to /dev/null (which means it doesn’t appear on your terminal). The final “&” means it is run in the background so you get your terminal prompt back. Check it’s running like this:

$ ps aux |grep Bubb
13089 pts/0 Sl 1:18 java -Xss256k -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar BubbleUPnPServer.jar
13212 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto Bubb

The log file for the service can be found in /usr/local/bin/BubbleUPnPServer/BubbleUPnPServer.log.0 so if you are still in the same directory, typing tail -f BubbleUPnPServer.log.0 will show you the latest messages (use Ctrl-C to stop viewing).

Posted on: 26 November 2018 by Guinnless

Should you desire the latest `ffmpeg` then you can download the static builds from here
in the "Linux Static Builds" section.


Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Obsydian

Thanks GUINNLESS/DKNK - i did title the thread NOOB for a reason 

Right i believe Bubble is now installed fine, so moved onto the next step:

http://address:58050   [replacing 'address' with the relevent IP of your Raspberry Pi]

How do i check if Bubble is running, as entering the Raspi IP i cannot login to Bubble.

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Guinnless

ps -ef |grep Bubb
Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Obsydian

Tjanks still can't access Bubble, after entering the command got the message below

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ps -ef |grep Bubb
pi 4029 2191 0 12:41 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto Bubb
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

But still site can't be reached using a browser login

http://address:58050   [replacing 'address' with my Raspberry Pi]

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by dknk

From your grep output, Bubble is not running. To be sure, check with grep again this time ignoring case sensitivity (add -i).

ps -ef |grep -i Bubb

I'm not clear how you installed Bubble, which method did you use?

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Obsydian
dknk posted:
Obsydian posted:
Guinnless posted:

It looks to me like `sudo` isn't working.  Hence 'root' commands not being found and permissions errors.

Try the following. These should run fine on any Ras Pi system
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Thanks GUINNLESS, the two commands worked fine and no errors, but the same error when trying to apply the Bubble commands:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bubbleguuum/bubbleupnpserver
sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

pi@:> sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

Then you can use add-apt-repository

DKNK - used this method, which worked fine without errors.

Entering the command gives the same result (below)

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ps -ef |grep -i Bubb
pi 4922 2191 0 14:11 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i Bubb

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by dknk

Looks like you simply need to start it up then.

$sudo systemctl start bubbleupnpserver


To have it start up automatically after a reboot:

$sudo systemctl enable bubbleupnpserver
Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Obsydian

When i enter the command to start, i do get the PI login, after entering the password, i get an error:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ $sudo systemctl start bubbleupnpserver
Failed to start bubbleupnpserver.service: Unit bubbleupnpserver.service not found.

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by dknk

Well, you have installed the Ubuntu (ppa) method of bubble so it's not set up to use Raspbian (Debian) systemctl method. 

I'm guessing that this may work: 

sudo start bubbleupnpserver
Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Obsydian

No same issue (as below)

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo start bubbleupnpserver
sudo: start: command not found

I also tried the following the Ubuntu instructions, again an error.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ $sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bubbleguuum/bubbleupnpserver
Error: must run as root

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by dknk

Hard to tell whats up, something appears wrong. Anyway you are learning. Here is an easy way to get bubbleupnpserver installed on a bare bones RASPBIAN STRETCH LITE installation. Stick with the methods, if you add ppa or others you are just asking for trouble as it does not conform to the Raspbian (Debian) way.

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-jdk
wget https://launchpad.net/~bubbleg...server_0.9-5_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i bubbleupnpserver_0.9-5_all.deb
sudo systemctl start bubbleupnpserver
sudo systemctl enable bubbleupnpserver

To configure BubbleUPnP Server from this machine, connect to http://hostIP:58050 with your Web Browser


Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Obsydian

Thanks DKNK, another flagged

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-jdk
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
oracle-java8-jdk is already the newest version (8u65).
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
lxkeymap python-cairo python-gobject python-gobject-2 python-gtk2
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

NOTE: As per the above error i also ran the command later (Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them)

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ wget https://launchpad.net/~bubbleg...server_0.9-5_all.deb
--2018-11-27 15:20:48-- https://launchpad.net/~bubbleg...server_0.9-5_all.deb
Resolving launchpad.net (launchpad.net)...,
Connecting to launchpad.net (launchpad.net)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2018-11-27 15:20:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by dknk

First command means you have oracle java already installed. Wrong url in second command, I think this forum posting does something to shorten the url. Expand the url, right mouse click, copy link url, paste in to screen or notepad.


Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Obsydian

DKNK and GUINNLESS, many thanks, DKNK keen eyes spotted the hyperlink shortening, I think that was the error state.

I logged in and configured Bubble, though the ffmeg and media was showing as missing.

Setup the bubble Android app, let me try and setup, if not I'll be back.

Ultimately I want a setup to transcode Tidal to WAV.

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by dknk

You are getting there, and yes ffmpeg is not found. I've just installed it and looking at why bubbleserver doesn't see it even though it says it installs a version. I don't need bubbleupnpserver, but I have time today, and I like messing around in Linux.

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Obsydian

Thanks DKNK.

I uninstalled the Android app and installed Bubble Next DS, also checked my settings as per the Bubblesoft site, but still no joy with the ffmeg.

Question what should be my OpenHome renderer with the prior Bubble Android app it showed Bubble, but with Next DS only shows my Naim streamer.

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Guinnless

I've tried both Android Bubble and Bubble Next DS.  I prefer the standard Bubble. Next DS will only show your Naim streamer, my Qb doesn't show up.

ffmpeg need to be install on Pi.
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
This should get you an older but working version.  Bubble Server should then see it and you can select the option to decode all audio.

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by dknk

Sounds like a plan Guinnless, but the bubble install .deb file contains a static ffmpeg. However, when bubble starts up it does not find it. Even if you install ffmpeg by apt-get it still does not see it after a restart, not sure why. So I tried another Bubble install method from their site, I think you mentioned it earlier.

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
mkdir bubbleupnpserver
cd bubbleupnpserver
wget https://bubblesoftapps.com/bub...nPServer-distrib.zip
unzip BubbleUPnPServer-distrib.zip
chmod 755 launch.sh
./launch.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

This all works, ffmpeg from apt-get is found and runs under user pi.

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Guinnless

[@mention:76187608726740196] yes it all worked for me using the above method. ffmpeg was an older version but worked just fine but curiosity for the better of me and I decided to do an update by getting the static libs from ffmpeg's homepage. 

When playing music you can see when the track changes from FLAC to WAV and the update made the transition quicker. I heard no SQ benefits but didn't really expect to. ????

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Obsydian
dknk posted:

Sounds like a plan Guinnless, but the bubble install .deb file contains a static ffmpeg. However, when bubble starts up it does not find it. Even if you install ffmpeg by apt-get it still does not see it after a restart, not sure why. So I tried another Bubble install method from their site, I think you mentioned it earlier.

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
mkdir bubbleupnpserver
cd bubbleupnpserver
wget https://bubblesoftapps.com/bub...nPServer-distrib.zip
unzip BubbleUPnPServer-distrib.zip
chmod 755 launch.sh
./launch.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

This all works, ffmpeg from apt-get is found and runs under user pi.

Thanks guys, the last one or two lines may have not worked, see script below, after the final command nothing happened and it did not progress to the next line, i.e. pi@raspberrypi:~/bubbleupnpserver $

pi@raspberrypi:~/bubbleupnpserver $ unzip BubbleUPnPServer-distrib.zip
Archive: BubbleUPnPServer-distrib.zip
inflating: BubbleUPnPServerLauncher.jar
inflating: LICENCE.txt
inflating: bcprov-jdk16-146.jar
inflating: launch.bat
inflating: launch.sh
pi@raspberrypi:~/bubbleupnpserver $ chmod 755 launch.sh
pi@raspberrypi:~/bubbleupnpserver $ ./launch.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

Posted on: 27 November 2018 by Obsydian
Guinnless posted:

[@mention:76187608726740196] yes it all worked for me using the above method. ffmpeg was an older version but worked just fine but curiosity for the better of me and I decided to do an update by getting the static libs from ffmpeg's homepage. 

When playing music you can see when the track changes from FLAC to WAV and the update made the transition quicker. I heard no SQ benefits but didn't really expect to. ????

No difference, a few rave on this forum and others it is as good as ripped