RasPi 3B - Noob Guide

Posted by: Obsydian on 20 November 2018

If i wanted to setup to Raspberry Pi to use Bubble to stream Tidal to my Naim streamer, what else do I need and how do i configure.

I understand the Raspberry Pi is a good solution, but do i need a bare bones version or one with a DAC built in.


Posted on: 29 November 2018 by dknk

Hey, Obsydian you are now one of those Linux hackers, be nice to the world OK?

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Obsydian

Lol DKNK I managed that with my Android custom ROM long-time ago but them days are long gone.

Will try but sadly for some reason I cannot login and get Bubble Server up and running, status page is blank, does Bubble need restarting.

Also I set Bubble to WAV, will change to Auto.

Oh my Nova shows up twice, one with Chromecast.

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by dknk

reboot, and then you have to restart bubble manually. Once you get it figured out you can make it so that bubble starts up on reboot.

Showing up twice sounds right, there is a chromecast and upnp connection I suppose with your Nova (don't own one).

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Obsydian

Did a few restarts and shutdowns, is there a PI command required.

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by dknk

sudo reboot

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Obsydian

I rebooted and shutdown a few times via the Pi menu - with no success.

Double checked the IP address is correct using command sudo ifconfig, but still get the error VERY ODD

Internet is fine in Pi i can browse and sending this message.

This site can’t be reached

http://192.168.x.x:58050/#main is unreachable.

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Obsydian

Also checked Bubble is running:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ps -ef | grep -i bubb
pi 1702 1223 0 17:57 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i bubb

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Simon-in-Suffolk

So you have confirmed above that Bubble is NOT running... 

All you are seeing is the process that is checking to see if Bubble is running....


Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Obsydian

Thanks Simon.

Doh, I assumed a reboot would restart it.

How do I enable it again.

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Simon-in-Suffolk

Go into the directory where Bubble is and enter ./launch.sh &

you will see all logging text piped to the console.. check no error appear.. once happy close the  console... because you use & it will still run in the background when you close the console session down..

BTW use capital B in Bubble... this is what I get....

pi@rpi2:~$ ps ax | grep Bubble
2354 ? Sl 899:37 java -Xss256k -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.net.pre
ferIPv4Stack=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar BubbleUPnPServerLauncher.jar
19014 pts/1 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto Bubble

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Suzy Wong

Following this thread with interest. I have a general question.

What does bubbleupnp give me that Moode & Volumio don’t?

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Obsydian

Thanks Simon i was trying the commands below without, success then saw your post, it worked A VERY long script, but no errors closed the command window still the issue persists.

Recall i did also add DLNA ... when Server login was working.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ service bubbleupnp start
Failed to start bubbleupnp.service: Unit bubbleupnp.service not found.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ service bubbleupnp status
Unit bubbleupnp.service could not be found.

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Guinnless

As Simon suggests you need to go to where you installed Bubble.

Mine is here...
ls -la /usr/local/bin/BubbleUPnPServer

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff      659 Mar 31  2016 launch.sh


Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Obsydian

Mine is located on the root cd BubbleUPnPServer

The command ./launch.sh & runs but a get a lengthy status of all OpenHome etc...

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Guinnless

What's the full path of BubbleUPnPServer directory?

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by dknk

You have installed bubble in your /home/pi/bubbleupnpserver directory. This is a manual install. It will not start up on reboot. It has to be manually started each time you reboot/shutdown. This can be fixed by creating a startup script. But I wanted you to just get the darn thing installed and working, then the start up issue can be fixed later. Now go to your bubble directory and start it up manually.


cd bubbleupnpserver

./launch.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by Obsydian
dknk posted:

You have installed bubble in your /home/pi/bubbleupnpserver directory. This is a manual install. It will not start up on reboot. It has to be manually started each time you reboot/shutdown. This can be fixed by creating a startup script. But I wanted you to just get the darn thing installed and working, then the start up issue can be fixed later. Now go to your bubble directory and start it up manually.


cd bubbleupnpserver

./launch.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Thanks i did try that command earlier and the path is as you mention, but still no success to restart.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd bubbleupnpserver
pi@raspberrypi:~/bubbleupnpserver $ ./launch.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &
[1] 4737

I think be quicker starting over, but then as you say each shutdown back to the same issue

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by dknk

No need to start over, you have bubble installed, it starts up when you manually start it. This is all good. The issue of not starting on reboot is not an issue. There simply is no start up script set up! Relax, we can create a start up method, extremely minor thing. For now just use bubble we will get the start up thing sorted later.

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by dknk
Suzy Wong posted:

Following this thread with interest. I have a general question.

What does bubbleupnp give me that Moode & Volumio don’t?

Not much really, I suppose you can transcode to wav with bubble upnp and it will maybe make streaming a bit better possibly by being a man in the middle buffering wise. Personally, I've set it up, played around with it, but don't feel the need to use it. One thing I don't care for is that its all wriiten in java, a damn memory pig in my shell shocked mind. I recall too many nightmares from years ago supporting various java enterprise applications. Java makes me queezy, maybe its better now, but i can't get past those nightmares.

Posted on: 29 November 2018 by dknk
Suzy Wong posted:

Following this thread with interest. I have a general question.

What does bubbleupnp give me that Moode & Volumio don’t?

One other comment. I've tried several of the pre built distros like Moode, Volumio, and Dietpi. I like to "Look under the hood" just because of my tech support background and being retired, I have time. Moode has my vote, the dev appears to be quite good. Of course I've set Moode up and hacked away all the fluff, bare bones, it's well done.

Posted on: 30 November 2018 by Obsydian

First of all many thanks and credit to DKNK and GUINNLESS, i have drafted a noob guide, but it is based all all their advise.

I am up and running and all is working fine, transcoding FFmpeg WAV 44.1 / 16 Bit Stereo, from Tidal FLAC.



Raspberry Pi, USB Keyboard and Mouse and a micro SD card at least 8GB, I had 32GB, then used a spare 128GB (it was spare)

Raspberry Pi is a doddle to assemble, just plug in the board to the case (if bought) stick on the heat sinks.

Connect up the keyboard, mouse and HDMI, then power up, I was advised NOT to power up first.



  1. From PC (or MAC) Install Raspbian https://thepi.io/how-to-instal...on-the-raspberry-pi/ on to the micro SD card
  2. Place the imaged micro SD into the Raspi and power up (will take you through updates and network config)




sudo apt-get install ffmpeg


mkdir bubbleupnpserver

cd bubbleupnpserver

wget https://bubblesoftapps.com/bub...nPServer-distrib.zip

unzip BubbleUPnPServer-distrib.zip

chmod 755 launch.sh

./launch.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &


To configure BubbleUPnP Server from this machine, connect to http://hostIP:58050 with your Web Browser

To find your Raspi IP address use the following command, it starts with 192.168

In the menu STATUS, ensure all in running ok and no errors, then select the media renderer, select WAV, gapless and All media.

The just select the renderer when playing from the BubbleUPnP app.


If you power down or reboot, then you must restart Bubble as follows:


cd bubbleupnpserver

./launch.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Posted on: 30 November 2018 by Guinnless

Brilliant. Glad it's all working.

My Pi is configured with a static IP (just for ease of logging on) but you just enjoy it for the moment ????

I stream local from Bubble too so rarely use the Naim App now. Just iRadio really.

Posted on: 30 November 2018 by dknk

OK Obsydian, you seem to have a good grasp at what's going on with BubbleUpnpServer. Let's get the last step done, starting up BubbleUpnpServer after a reboot. We will use "crontab" to do this. The first time you use crontab it will ask you what editor you want to use, I would select nano, it's option 2.

Anyway, final STEP!, envoke crontab for editing:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ crontab -e
@reboot /home/pi/bubbleupnpserver/launch.sh >> /home/pi/bubbleupnpserver/bubble.log 2>&1 &
Save this edit: "Ctrl x" and then "y"
This will now exit the nano editor.

List your crontab job:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ crontab -l
You should see the @reboot line as entered above.

Do a reboot to test.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo reboot

Posted on: 30 November 2018 by Obsydian

Thanks DKNK - i will try that later, as for now i unplugged the keyboard, mouse and TV.

Sadly i realized, well forgot gapless playback does not work (yes i checked it in the Bubble settings) 

Posted on: 30 November 2018 by dknk
Obsydian posted:

Thanks DKNK - i will try that later, as for now i unplugged the keyboard, mouse and TV.

Sadly i realized, well forgot gapless playback does not work (yes i checked it in the Bubble settings) 

I think you mentioned that you had a Nova? I have a lowly Mu-so and I can transcode to wav and stream gapless from Tidal to it no problem via the BubbleUpnp app on Android. You have created an OpenHome device for the Nova in the Bubble server Media Renderer settings and checked gapless?