Hi-Fi Corner
Neat AcousticsStandmount and small floorstanding (1m tall) Ultimatum models are coming soon. I wonder how they'll be priced compared to the "classic" range. ie. will the MF5 cost more than the Vito? The MFS cost more than the Elite? Also, I wonder...
Got the new SBLs on Friday. Yeah, I know that I have now severely mulletted the system, but the opportunity to get new (ex-dem) SBLs at a reasonable price was too tempting. I blame Garyi for advocating the get'em when you can philosophy. (cheers...
[Put on anorak] OK not strictly a Naim question but has anyone had any experience with these Quad amps. They looked kinda interesting.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISA...Item&item=1350889444 [Remove anorak] Jay [This message was edited by Jay on TUESDAY 07 May 2002 at 10:45.]
Hi all , Just a quicky.... I have replaced the fuses in my kit for 10 amp ones & I am thinking of going for 15 amp ones now. I have recently heard that theres one in the npsc power supply. I'm presuming that its under the lid so to speak! Anyone got any idea of its location? cheers mad boy matt Mad Boy Matt
How reliable are the top end Naim CD players. I am looking for one second hand but dont want to buy something that may need money spent on it. What should I look out for. Also what do the forum think reasonable price ranges are. Perhaps it may be best...
I saw this interesting bit on Ebay. This is a Hicap with two outputs, like a Flatcap 2. The innards look like OEM. If this is so easy to do why doesn't Naim already do this?What's the downside?Arthur Bye
Does anybody know if the arm plug on the base of the Ekos is common to anything else?My dealer wants a fortune for a complete arm lead......FWIW I'm messing around with arm leads and preamps ......Thanks in advance,pm
Can anyone tell me the part no's for MC & MM phono boards suitable for a late 82? Has anyone got any for sale? RSVP. Ta
(Silly Question of the Day)What does "anorak" mean? Hereabouts it's a kind of pull-over jacket type thing. Confused, E.
Hi folks.After one heck of a fortnight whilst I decanted my earthly possessions and entrusted them with a local removals firm (save for my hifi, cameras and laptop), I am finally in an empty house. In a week or so it will be gutted, new ceilings,...
Sorry to say so, but my wife thinks my SBLs are not the most beautiful speakers on earth. However, I love their sound (system 3.5/102/Napsc/Hicap/180) and see no reason to swap them. Still I would love to make my wife happy and am now looking for...
Will this bass boom which manifests itself in the form of a one note bass line on well recorded modern CDs such as the latest Ferry/Giant Sand/Lambchop where bass is well extended disappear as my XPS burns in? (11 days now)I am sure this is due to the...
DVs work well in Aros - how well do they work in Ittoks?What's the best DV cart you can fit to an Ittok before you should have bought an Aro instead?Does anyone know the UK retail price of the various Dynavectors?I ask all this partly because I want...
Anyone had a proper (home?) dem yet?I have SBL's and am looking forward to not being able to afford them, when my dealer has a pair!I hear reports of them being very special. Designed by Roy George (DBL and SBL).Interestingly, NBL's were designed by...
Mmmmm....this is strange.I bought a cheap 42-5,snaps,90 just because it was there and I felt sorry for it! It's those big eyes and the chrome bumpers that did it! I unplugged my trusty little Nait, fired up the newly aquired items and the left and...
Hi forum members!Rega supplies a mod wich transforms an old planar 3 to P3 status. Experiences??Have you tried it?Was it worth it?Even though it´s just about 1500 euro I´m not interested if it´s just a minor improvement.(that´s...
How come the terminals on the back of my 250 run right-left,left-right(red-black, black-red)?? When I plug in the Naim naca5 connectors, one has to be plugged in upside down if you want to follow the tabs on the connector(single tab=pos.)It seems like...
I am currently using a CD5+HiCap and am very happy with the combo.My speakers were replaced in Feb. with some Neat Elites which are now just about run-in/opening up.They are a truly excellent speaker.I know i should have bought my amplification before...
I reside in the USA but found a Flatcap for sale in the UK. Can it be rewired to work with 120v mains that are typical in the USA? Is this a costly modification? Also is the IEC AC connector on the chassis different for the UK? I know that the...
QuadsI am sure someone would be interested in them.
Hi Guy's.Been out here a while, read a lot but posted little.I currently have a 3.5/FC2/72/140 system and I'm about to order a Hi-cap for the 72. I have a problem in that although the range and detail is there, after a while it seem's 'shouty' and...
Dear Forum,This may be to obvious to ask-but I will anyway! There are many threads that have centered around the clear benefits to a preamp conferred by adding a PSU. However, is there also a benefit to power amp performance when it is freed from the...
We talked about this subject several times at the past, and few of us (including me) thought that because of the nature of our hearing system, we can hear things in a way that can’t be measured. I remember that Ross said that he read an...
Hello,What's your recommendation of speaker cable to use?RegardsMorris
IIRC someone recently mentioned that their dealer used the Stageline with a dedicated Supercap through a 52. I was surprised by this as I had thought that the Stageline was not intended to be used at this level of performance. Have I greatly...