Hi-Fi Corner
How the hell can I get an e-mail to Andy Weekes?
Just got back from a weekend in Germany and spinning a couple of disks last night, wow.The addition of a Hicap and NAPSC is really starting to show.Most striking is the improved level of detail and clarity in the top range. The slight harshness that...
Well, its Tax Time for me tonight. Hope to be getting a sizable refund check as I writing off everything including the kitchen sink. All legit AFAIK - we'll see what the A$$countant says.I'm hailing from the US - when is Tax Time in the UK? In other...
I know some of you guys have quadraspire stands. I'm thinking of going the same way but need advice on the appropriate column heights. I realise as far apart as possible is the ideal but I don't have that luxury. I particularly want to keep overall...
I know I'm going to get all kinds of S**T on this thread 'cause for some reason some folks don't like the kind of speakers I'm using, but here goes--My Apogee Centaurus minor speakers have developed a sibilance on a very limited frequency range in the...
Hi folks.I've a chance of a pair of what I believe are Shahinian Compass speakers (but they might be Starters) - in fine nick, with no dings or scuffs.I'm thinking that they would work well in the second system, which has a Nait-2 amp. Are the...
Has anybody heard these speakers and what do they think of it? I heard they were designed to be placed close to the wall. Is that true, it seems hard to believe.I can buy a pair at a good price and I do think they look gorgeous. With the Classik and...
I hear many times an argument that Naim goes well only with Naim.This claim confuses many new buyers who don’t have the moneyfor a full Naim system.There is no problem to combine Naim amplifiers with non Naim source and speakers – and sure...
Hi everyone!I'm a first time Naim owner. Just got a CD5 recently in a non-Naim system. Only had it for about 2 weeks but it already sounds wonderful. Best sound I've ever heard coming out of my 10+ year old Reference 3a MM speakers! Every CD I've...
I have been using my Nait II for a long time with different kinds of cables, but never used the NACA5 cables as advised, but never ran into peoblemm yet.2 months ago after buying a pair of Celestion A1, I plugged it in with a new pair of half decent...
Hi guys,I have made a rather radical decision. I have offered my total system for sale...I have decided to move in with my girlfriend and her neighbours even complain when something drops on the floor. Thereby, I don't have the room for proper setup...
At this very moment I'm listening to music on: CDS2+XPS NAC82+Supercap DBLsand....(wait for it)...NAP150Haha! Ha! Hahaha!It actually doesn't sound as bad as I expected.Getting delirious, waiting for the NAP500. Should arrive tomorrow. Weee!E.
I am looking for a second hand CD player... either CD3 or 3.5, of around 4-5 years old. How much do you think I am looking at? TQ
"If your browser does not display our menu system correctly, click here"New text on the naim-audio.com entry screen ?Seem to recall a post concerning problems with the java (?) menu a week or so back. Typical Naim efficiency.Impressive./david
I was wondering whether the new supply for the 552 preamp can be used to power lesser pre-amps (like the current Supercap can). Does anyone know?Steve B
My system is Arcam Alpha 8 CD player, Naim Nait2, Epos12. Should I buy CD5 or Nait5 first ?I will apreciate any suggestion.Thanks,Ozren
HelloI´ve got the chance to buy a Naim Nait 3 second hand, or a new Rega Mira 2000!I know Rega sound and I like it,but I don´t know anything about Naim!My friend Steve Toy told me that Nait 3 was superior to Mira!I´d like to have...
I was looking at the pictures in the manuals of how to add a PSU to a CD5 and all the pictures show the CD5 powered from the PSU, but the signal connection going from the CD5 direct to the pre-amp. I had expected that the signal to the pre-amp would...
http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b22303722Sad or what?JonJon
Just a quickie!Which of the cap range can I use on my 72(hi,flat,super)?yoursextremely bored at workmike
If anyone out their with some pics of the Walnut finish SBL; could you please post some...I'm a little vague as to what constitutes Walnut versus Cherry.What finish are the SBL's depicted on the front page of the web site.Cheers Guys..happy snapping
Just to answer the last questions, yep I'm in the process of selling the Intro's, and buying SBl's in Walnut...they have been ordered...hence the enquiry on the finish and what the veneer look like.In regard to the Arc's .....yes I did buy a pair to...
Other than the price, does anyone here know the differences (or similarities) between these two? Is the Prefix worth twice the cost of the Stageline?Mark
Hi,Simple question: How good is a XPS (I am a happyowner of a CDX).I guess it's the best upgrade I can do at the moment and I'm really curious about the differencebetween with or without an XPS after some time (not just during a demo).Thanks for any...
I seem to remember reading here on the conference some discussions about various inputs sounding better than others... but if I recall correctly those discussions had to do with 82's. Memory is faulty.Any recommendations about which is the best...