Hi-Fi Corner

BozPosted: 10 March 2002Last Updated: 10 March 2002
I have just bought a "matching" hi-cap to my existing one on e-bay as an investment towards a future upgrade I am planning later in the year when I go for a 82/250 or 82/180.In the meantime I'd like to put it to some use and want to know if I can get...
David SuttonPosted: 10 March 2002Last Updated: 10 March 2002
I have finally got to where I have wanted to be. And I'm feeling rather smug about it. A few late nights are on the cards revisiting ancient vinyl and comparing them with the CD versions.My main relief is getting my Apogee Centaur speakers reribboned....
sydPosted: 10 March 2002Last Updated: 10 March 2002
hi all, I hope you can help me with a couple of queries I have. I recently bought a NAC92/90 pre and power second hand. Brilliant sound but can anyone tell me hoe you tell the difference between the MC cards. The manual mentions 3. 323S,323E 323K. The...
RICHYHPosted: 10 March 2002Last Updated: 10 March 2002
Has anyone heard any of the DCS CD players, either in a Naim system or not. If so what are they like compared to the CDS2 and CD12. thanks
redeyePosted: 03 March 2002Last Updated: 09 March 2002
Folks..... A friend wants to buy a new amp to replace an old and now dead Harmon Kardon. He uses a Marantz cd, Arcam tuner and B&W 603S2 speakers. Now I've suggested a Nait but he's not keen on anything with that little power to throw around. I've mentioned the fact that Naim watts are different to everybody elses idea of WPC but its still the great big NO. Does anyone have any recommendations for him? As a Naim person myself I tend not to bother checking out other gear so hence I'm totally...
Chris LPosted: 08 March 2002Last Updated: 09 March 2002
Just got my brand-spanking-new ARO setup after getting it fitted by Phonography."WOW!" is pretty much all I can say. It is going to take sometime before I'm fully comfortable with the cuing, though!Quick request; I'm not that interested in getting an...
pmPosted: 09 March 2002Last Updated: 09 March 2002
In the spare bedroom I have a secondary system which is rapidly becoming a primary system due to being exiled from the lounge!The system runs through the computers soundcard, a Midiman 2496 Audiophile, bought originally for making quality CDR...
Bruce WoodhousePosted: 07 March 2002Last Updated: 08 March 2002
It is of course a simple fact of HiFi life that this law applies, each little increment to HiFi nirvana needs proportionally more outlay. True?Well I am not so sure now.I have upgraded in bursts of activity and within the last 2 years have spent a lot...
Jez QuigleyPosted: 08 March 2002Last Updated: 08 March 2002
"The Aspekt (equipment stand)works well with a wide range of equipment from Rega's £300 Brio amp through to our reference Krell set-up. Compared to our usual Mana tables the Clearlight provides more weight, and reveals the natural warmth of...
Jonathan GorsePosted: 02 March 2002Last Updated: 08 March 2002
Just curious what sort of hi-fi professional musicians use. We know Robbie Williams uses Bryston and PMC and Dave Gilmour uses Mana tables but who uses Naim?I would guess quite a few do because of its musicality.The only ones I know of are: Charlie...
CharlezzPosted: 06 March 2002Last Updated: 08 March 2002
Which are the best? and what is their respective price?ThanksCHarles
SteveandkatePosted: 04 March 2002Last Updated: 08 March 2002
OK, so it´s a rare chance I get to log on, but I have to today..Having moved to Spain, where I have had a dedicated music room built to house my new Naim system, and waited with it all boxed up for 6 months, I got to set it all up and unpack the...
LightkeeperPosted: 07 March 2002Last Updated: 07 March 2002
Hi all !I am owner of Epos 12, but really want to know how sounds Kan in direct comparison.Ozren
LarsPosted: 07 March 2002Last Updated: 07 March 2002
Does anyone know if there are any other differences between the old style and the new style nait 2, besides the cosmetic changes?Rgds,LarsIt Kan be done!
markcasPosted: 06 March 2002Last Updated: 07 March 2002
Anyone know where I can get a broken one fixed in the London area?Output stage knackered I think....and yes I know it's a bit crap, it's my brother in laws you see, I said I would help find someone to fix it.Any help would great.Mark.
RobbiePosted: 07 March 2002Last Updated: 07 March 2002
Just read that marantz and Denon will start a joint-venture.The holding company will be called D&M(how original). Any comments ? Regards,Rob(going out to lunch).
bigtrakPosted: 04 March 2002Last Updated: 07 March 2002
This topic in a way adds to some of the other threads concerning people contemplating getting rid of their Kan's. Before I got into the Naim sound I had an old Sugden A21 amp, Meridian 207 CD player and Audio Note AN/K loudspeakers. Although great...
Idris MohammedPosted: 02 March 2002Last Updated: 07 March 2002
Has anyone thought of the idea of replacing the ATC 15" drivers of the DBL to the Pioneer-TAD drivers; the 1601's in particular.I was examining the foam surround of the ATC drivers and wondered how much longer will they last in Singapore's very humid...
Evan D. JayPosted: 06 March 2002Last Updated: 06 March 2002
I am looking to purchase a Naim NAT 101 tuner. If anyone has any leads, please e-mail me offline at Evan.Jay@NASD.com. Thank you.
CharlezzPosted: 06 March 2002Last Updated: 06 March 2002
I have a CDX/Nac102/Supercap/Nap180 and old,bad Siare speakers.I found yesterday a 1994's pair of SBL in perfect condition at 990 euros (about 595£). Do you think I should go for them?? Or should I save money for something else? Thanks Charles [This message was edited by Charlezz on WEDNESDAY 06 March 2002 at 10:42.]
naimless!Posted: 05 March 2002Last Updated: 06 March 2002
Thanx to everyone, this forum has been magic!! I have finally concluded my system upgrade for a while with the end purchase of Nautilus 804's. I have read all the comments over the past 4 months since getting the hardware cdx/xps/napsc/102/180/Hi-Cap,...
Big EarsPosted: 06 March 2002Last Updated: 06 March 2002
Hi allJust bought a 3 month old supercap. Unfortunately the 52 had already been sold so until i can find a recent 52 for sale i will have to make do with my 72/135s.My question is could somone tell me which socket to use on the supercap to connect to...
LarsPosted: 04 March 2002Last Updated: 06 March 2002
I just sold my nait 3 after having heard (and bought a nice nait 2). The nait 3 was from 1994 and the nait 2 is from 1989. I've used both with the LP12 and CD2 with Kan II and Accoustic Energy speakers. My conclusion is that the nait 3 is more...
RobbyPosted: 05 March 2002Last Updated: 06 March 2002
Does anybody know of any audiophile racks/cabinets which have doors? I know Quadraspire do one but I wanted to get away from glass shelves.Failing this has anybody come with a foolproof way of keeping childrens fingers away from hi-fi? I suspect not,...
LightkeeperPosted: 04 March 2002Last Updated: 06 March 2002
My site adress: http://naimofilia.tripod.comWill be on english soon and with some nice articles too.If anyone have some nice pictures, you can be free to send.Ozren