Hi-Fi Corner
I thought some of you might be interested in a recent visit I had to Grahams Hi-Fi in North London. I have for some time been considering upgrading my system and took the opportunity of having a demonstration to determine the best way forward...
I just bought a Rega planar 2 for cheap (When i say cheap i mean really cheap 65$ us!). The cardridge on it is an old Nakaoka MP 11. Do you have some cheap suggestion for a new replacement?Bernard Paquet
I wonder wich coaxial cable i should use for my tuner? There's so much coaxial cables, so that's why I'm asking. Right now there's a standard KTV 75ohm coaxial cable. Is this cable OK for usage?Btw, I only have a NAD 412 Tuner./ J
hi Folks:1) Any experience with Setting up Sonus Faber Signums in a room that is only 11 feet wide (long wall placement is NOT possible)?2) Are the adjustable iron/wood stands MUCH better to warrant the price difference? These may be a MUST, since I...
I assume there's a good reason/nothing to be done about this, but thought I'd check anyway! The observation is that the volume levels of the CDX/XPS into input 3 of the 52 are much higher at a given volume knob setting than the LP12, using a...
Hi,Has anybody ever tried a Chord Odyssey SpeakerCable. What are your impressions.Further I'd like to ask people who have changedfrom NAC 102 (with NAPSC and Hi-Cap) to a 82how much better the 82 is. Should I go for thator even save my money for more...
I recently went through the full rebuild process for my DBLs.If you're interested, here are some pics of the process. Apologies for the quality of some of them. I was snatching a pic here-and-there, whenever I remembered.This really is a back-breaking...
Can NBLs reproduce scale in the same manner as DBLs?Presently, I feel that my SBLs (passive/52/250), fine as they are, do not reproduce scale, which I define (perhaps inaccurately) as dynamic range and bass weight (or combination). Note that I do not...
Yep, I'm afflicted. I got a wooden floor . Can't swap it for a solid one, can't move house at present. The only consolation is I'm certainly not the only one !So we are doomed to put up with the classic symptoms of ploddy bass, loss of pace and...
Quite recently someone made passing mention of a "new" Lingo. My Linn dealer has not heard anything about this. Does it really exist?Who has seen and listened to the new Lingo?Paul
I read Ken's Hi-Fi Ex thread with mentions of all their basement dem rooms and talk of the Cornflake shop.I thought I'd ask which dealers have good dem rooms/set up.I have a few experiences:Grahams: Not great rooms but good set-up, as you'd expect....
Here's the latest on my goings around with my ProAc Response 2 speakers.I delivered the speakers to a local dealer and he promised to usher them along in the diagnostic and repair process.A week later I had heard nothing.I called his store - no answer...
Anyone had success cleaning the stylus on a Troika? Is there any recommended proceedure or product out there? There are so many cleaning products available and I don't want to damage my cartridge experimenting. Thanks in advance,Chris Bellµ
on my way back from foyles bookshop today, i passed through hifi experience. as i entered the basement where all the dem rooms are, there was a wadia 86i+classe amps + BIG b&w system playing in the reception area. the mono power amps are BIG -- could be more thana foot high -- and those b&w's --- my god! the wadia 86i looked rather cool, so did the classe pre-amp. i was so impressed i immediately negotiated a trade in of my entire naim system for that exact one. nirvana at last!!.... you...
We talk a lot here about stands and supports. We all agree that something to put your equipment on is better than nothing. Naim's latterday advice that it all sounds great on the shagpile is a memory.So I'm asking the question because I'm genuinely...
Hi Peter We met in Robert Richie's shop in Montrose on Saturday, I am in the process of trying out power supplies etc. as you know and would appreciate another pair of ears as a second opinion on some matters. If you could e-mail me your phone no. I...
Sorry this is a bit off-topic, I've searched previous messages, but couldn't find the answer to this:I've seen comments about the 45rpm spindle adapter that used to be available for the LP12 saying that it can cause motor damage. It seems to me that...
From the weight of the tweeters, the bearing/decoupling metal plate seems to bend to the back on top and to the front on the bottom.So the tweeter only bounces on the bottom, the top lies down on the back of the front...Do I need new mounting plates?...
It isn't these cd reflector shields? The size of a cd, sits on top of the cd under the puck during playback so as to ensure the cd relects as much info as possible????? pedro
I picked up my new HiCap on Thursday. Wow ! what a transformation to my system. Straight out the box there seemed to be more of everything. The soundstage was better, more seperation, greater depth. The most noteable thing was more bass, more...
Hmm I have Linn Index 2 speakers to my Nait 1. And I think that it's to much treble. I have NAC a4 cables. Could it be that? Or is the possitioning very sensitive? (the speakers stands exakt 6,5 cm from the wall. I Have my swedish (10 öringar),...
I am finding the hum levels coming from my Supercap and CDSPS, and to a lesser extent from the 135's, increasingly irritating. This is especially so when the system is not in use. The system resides in our living room which means it is not dedicated...
I wonder if some one that love the Naim sound tested the new "Super Spikes" from norway? And could give a report on this? Thanks / J [This message was edited by Jonas_Bj on SUNDAY 10 February 2002 at 17:08.]
I want the luxury of controling the volume from where I sit without having to run back and forth to the source. Will Naim pre-amps let me do this?
I happened upon my dealer's dem room yesterday to find the following system playing some tinkly jazz to itself:Naim CD5 on the top shelf of QS Ref (sans holes) on the left, 102 on the top shelf of QS Ref (bog seats) on the right, with a 180 on the...