Hi-Fi Corner
Thanks for the responses below. Unfortunately the CDI was sold before I had a chance to decide!So now the decision is a used CD3.5 vs a new CD5. Either would be set up with a flatcap, and 92R/90. The difference in cost is about $900 US.BTW, I was...
Hi all,I just acquired a 92R/90-3/Flatcap and need to upgrade my cd player. Options include putting a 3.5 or 5 with the flatcap, or even a CDI. I'm a little worried about the longevity of older CD players. Any thoughts would be appreciated!Thanks,BEC
A friend has one of these and wants to service it.Thanks,Alex
Having recently purchased a rega p3 I have begun to think of ways to tweak its performance. First was getting the Expressimo Heavyweight for the RB300 arm. This is a well worthwhile upgrade! I have just now got myself an audio-technica disc stabilizer...
hi, i picked this up from http://www.isolation-racks.com/system/index.htmlany one tried this device care to share experiences with us??enjoyken
My current system is a cdx cd player, 180/hi-cap/180 ampand Ruark equinox speakers.I have had the equinox's for some time now and with the new Allae's on the scene am wondering if I should trade them in for the Ruarks?What do you think?NB
Yippieh!!!!!!! I just purchased a s/h NAT 01 - build in 92/93 - for € 1200 (735 GBP)!!!!Endless days will pass until the boxes arrive - have to pay first (trust demanded -> Ken's thread), after evrything is cleared and influenced by me being...
hiHaving found some Linn Kan II speakers I am now on the look out for some Kan II stands. while searching I have come across what look to be Sara stands. (the same as Kan stands but bigger) So if any ones having a hard time tracking these down email...
Does anyone have pictures of the following?-Linn Kan-Linn Isobarik-CDSI-Musicworks mains block-Wiremold mains blockI'm planning to use them for the site. Some of the pages need pictures and general tarting up. Any and all pics are most welcome- e-mail...
How can I find the year of manufacture of Naim gear from the serial number?AQD
ChapsI have enjoyed listening to my main system, over the past few years, through SBL's and my secondary system through Saras.Despite my enjoyment, my son and my boss are always commenting that the system appears bass light. This led to conversations...
Elswhere on this forum I was adviced to use sbl with the grills on. Benevolent the advice was, it did not convinced me because I found that I liked every possible speakers with the grills off and the sbl was no exception. Without the grills, the sound...
Just a very simple question:Anyone happen to know the current retail price of the ARO?Ta,Chris LP.S. I know I'm just being lazy but I can't be bothered phoning just now!
Hi,Having been reading a lot lately in various publications (particularly in the HNR) about the venerable LS3/5a, I took the plunge and bought a pair without prior auditioning! Before I comment on the sonic results, I will discuss some practical...
I have the opportunity to buy a 1995 NAC82 with a 1995 Hicap for a very good price. My setup consists of a CDX, a Nait5 and a NAP180 so I really need a new preamp. But since the NAC82 and Hicap are both 7 years old I am not sure if it's a good buy....
I have the chance to purchase a s/h standard unit. This particular one is cut for an Aro with the standard Phonosophie power supply. The owner got the chance to switch to a s/h LP12 with an Armeggedon and has put the Aro it did have on the LP12. He...
Does anyone here on the forum have any opinions regarding placement of a CD3-5 directly on Black Diamond Racing Cones (themselves resting on a Neuance shelf)? I've seen a couple references to these in the forum (by Vuk and Mike H) as well as...
dont want this to be a long thread, but i just want to understand a little bit more how you guys get the timing right. if selling, and the buyer pays by cheque, do you only release the goods when the cheque has cleared? if buying, and you pay by...
Hican anybody tell what the difference is between a Linn Kan I speaker stand and the Kan II speaker stand and also the sound organisation Kan stand. The reason being that I have managed to track down a pair of Linn kan II speakers but have now got to...
I have the chance to purchase a s/h standard unit. This particular one is cut for an Aro with the standard Phonosophie power supply. The owner got the chance to switch to a s/h LP12 with an Armeggedon and has put the Aro it did have on the LP12. He...
Well, I've just got my LP12 from the courier this morning and after suffering the embarrasment of trying the install the inner platter with its clear-plastic bearing sheath attached (nobody told me about this !!) I'm rocking and rolling.At the moment...
hi folks, question i have always wanted to ask but was shy: why are fuses in mains plugs considered a "bad" thing sonically? extra impedance because of the "thinner" fuse wire??? signal refelections caused by change of impedance?? or what???talking...
was sufficiently curious to grab a handfull of fuses to check his own set-up this weekend!Steve
Hi!I was wondering if anybody has tried Diapason speakers on his Naim-system. I have seen a pair of Diapason Nux speakers for 2000 Euro. I am looking for speakers at that price and was wondering if I should give these a listen. If they are a bit like...
Hi all--Spent part of the day taking a break from law school and visiting a friend. He has a Nait 5, Arcam Alpha 8 CD and AE Aegis 3 speakers; electronics are on a Quadraspire rack. I took my Nait 1 and Creek CD60 over and off we went to compare....