Hi-Fi Corner
Firstly, I’m not sure if this type of post is allowed. If not – sorry please disregard it! I simply do not know where to go from here.I have spent getting on for a year in a quest to buy into the world of Naim. You guys talk of having a...
I haven't seen any mention of this one in any of the forums, but I happened across an interesting site that contain a series of essays on vinyl, turntables, storage systems, reissues, tweaks, etc. The thirty or so essays are quite well written and...
If you're using a CDPS with a CDS2 or CDX with a grey Burndy and don't intend to buy an XPS then please go and buy a modified black Burndy to replace the grey one. I promise you won't be disappointed. Much more music.Alex
Has anybody out there....actually parted with the cash and acquired a pair of these yet? I've read a few comments about them based on dealer dem's and there seems to be fairly vast disagreement about whether they're the bomb or a total pile.If they...
Hi, Last year I organized a meal on the Saturday night of the show. We enjoyed an evening at a rather quirky restaurant that has live music & inexpensive Moroccan(ish) food. The turnout was small but very enthusiastic and it made for a memorable evening. I would be very happy this year to organize a similar event if you are interested. Please let me know which evening would be best & approximate numbers. Don't worry if you are on your own, you will be amongst friends! Please post on this...
HiBecause it's such a pain in the backside shifting kit about, I thought I'd ask opinions first as to which order may be best for equipment in the rack. Current order from top down is:82CDXEmpty shelfHicap250The reason I ask is that I'm borrowing an...
Music Works suggest connecting components top-down (cdp/supplies/amps), where as naim suggest the opposite (amps,supplies,cdp)...I can see the logic of the Music Works approach, get the delicates fed first.Anyone any specific experiences/preferences ...
I was presented with a last minute opportunity last night to listen to an SBL and 500 eval. Had to thank our host who was considering the 500s. His current setup is 52,4x135s,CDS II, NAT02, Roksan Xerxes X with Aro arm & SBL. All equipment on 2 Fraim tower. Have heard his system before and was impressed with the effortless presentation. The evening had already started when I arrived, 2x500 powered up and playing. Sat down and listened. The 500s are well run in as they belong to someone else...
I have a pair of Beyerdynamic DT990 which I've used for about 15 years.( They have been great )I'm thinking of changing them and have read good reviews about Sennheiser in particular the HD600.I have just seen an advert for these in a sale at...
Vuk,I tried this link Vuk's tweak home , but it doesn't work anymore. Have your tweak pages been removed ?ThanksPeter
When I listen to the NAC 52 compared to NAC 72 it sounds leaner but more controlled. I like the 72's "full body" but cannot do without a 52's more "musical" presentation. I was wondering of others felt the same way?Also, do you think Naim will address...
Hello all,Well this is my first post in what seems like a long, long time (well over a year at a guess)!.Nice to see some of the old regulars are still around (Matthew, Tony, Vuk, Pete, Joe to name a few!)Anyway, onto the reason for posting. After...
Just placing a call out to all U.S. based Shahinian fans for help.....what is the current price of the shahinian arc.....they cost around 2000 pounds....but I've seen figures of around 2000 U.S. dollars for new arc's in old 1999 audio mags. It would...
If anyone would like a copy of the original LP12 owners manual or the KAN/SARA/ISOBARIK manuals, I have them in pdf form. Also I have an LP12 20 page setup manual which is in word document form and is a total mine of information. Regards Jim
Does anyone know the technical terms for power bars which are soldered at one point: versus ones that are hooked up at multiple points:thanks!
ChapsI run two Naim systems which is not exactly cheap.I run them and enjoy them but sometimes I wonder if is really worth the time and money.I have just returned from a friends house and he has a new Arcam system comprising, CD player, pre and power...
i had assumed that a mains spur would eliminate those annoying clicks and pops that you hear through speakers whenever the boiler, or fridge, or ... switches, but i can still hear these, even though i have a 6mm (cooker cable) spur. anyone else...
Hi folks.After a break from the forum (a month, give or take, due mainly to my lack of internet access), I'm back, and my system is finally getting to where I want it to be. I finally upgraded from the Mana supports to a QS Reference ensemble, which I...
Has anyone got any experience with these, specifically the Hi Fi World issue. Are they any good? Do they work? Do you have to be one of lifes tweakers? I read the description of the afforementioned and did not understand a word of it! How easy are...
Having just purchased a CDX and hearing the better than expected improvement in sound quality over my 3.5, I have begun thinking in earnest of future upgrades. I will not be in the market for an upgrade until at least the fall, but I want to start...
Hi,I've been offered an old (SN 697xx) NAC52 in combination with a nearly new SuperCap for £3000.Now, a NAC52 of 697xx vintage is a NAC52 which should come with a 52PS. So im a little confused.Is this a valid thing to do, does it mean the NAC52...
To those of you who don't know, I'm a medical student originally from Canada. I'm living in Houma, LA (just outside New Orleans) for the next 6 months or so while doing some electives. I have an Onkyo/KEF system at home that has become part of a home...
Is the Nap 140 amplifier compatible with the Naim 2 converted into a pre-amp? And, why am I seeing a sudden increase in Naim gear? Is there a new series coming soon?