Hi-Fi Corner
I'm going to be sending my Klyde to Expert Stylus in the new year, since my increased vinyl useage recently is showing signs of mistracking.Whilst the arm is off, I'm tempted to remove the lift / lower device, as I remember Malcolm Steward commenting...
I have an Naim 02 tuner plus Magnum Dynalab ST-2 whip antenna. Any recommendations on type of cable to be used with the antenna (the one provided is too short), plus info on correct outdoor grounding, would be appreciated.Paul
Over the past several months, I've been watching and recording the prices for Naim equipment on Ebay, Audiogon, and AudioWeb. This was done out of simple interest in the subject. Over the course of this time, I ended up picking up a SNAPS, a Hi-Cap,...
Really like Naim, especially when building up slowly ... The upgrade path is usually paved and true. It sure is delightful hearing each upgrade reproducing music even better !
Some days ago I received the January/February issue of the German Hifi magazine image hifi. Werner Höglmaier (a Naim fan) tested the Fraim and wrote a very positive review.His conclusion: In the future, when people ask for his advice which...
I was reading Jimmy Hughes wax very lyrical about this device in Hi-Fi+Any comments? Anyone heard it? Can be used with Naim CDP?Alex
Hi I was playing around with my TT setup last night and initially thought that if I rearrange how my equipment was setup on Mana I might get better results. My Rega P9 was sitting directly on top of my 52 which sits on the top shelf of my two tier...
I bought a house in a health resort. The people expect here that one is very calm between 8 o'clock in the evening and 8 o'clock in the morning. In order to be able to hear also in the evening still music in the necessary volume, let I the insulation...
Hi all I have an active system which has been moved recently and I am now unsure of the wiring. Can anyone supply or tell me where I may find a wiring and connections diagram, my system is as follows.CD5/32.5/3X250/OLDER STYLE NAXO WITH NAP...
I am thinking of buying a burner and had considered the HHB 830. Any of you cats got experience of such pieces of kit?AQD
This weekend I hope to finally move my system onto a 6 shelf Quadraspire rack I picked up weeks ago. The delay is due to my having to move lots of furniture around in order to get the rack set up properly.As my system now sits on an old Argos tv/video...
It's no good - I can't contain myself anymore! I'm lucky enough to say that I've got my NAP500 and this is a very good amp. Mine's be installed for about three weeks now and it's really beginning to show what it's capable of. I've got a really wide...
Has anyone tried these on the end of Naim electronics? I'm considering buying a used pair but wondered whether they are dogs or stars before I investigate.
I might as well give this a shot. This forum, it's my best, and probably only, chance. I need the little, rectangular, metal, Linn badge/logo that goes in the center of the dustcover. It's the older gold (I think) colored badge for the grey/smoke...
Does anyone know how much the Naim Fraim costs in the UK.thanksMark
Are Nakamichi back into making tape decks again?Puzzled?I picked up a Richer Sounds catalogue, for a friend you understand , and found they currently have Nakamichi DR8 two head decks for 199.95 ukp (were 549.95!), and DR10 3 head decks for 299.95 ukp...
So, got bored and popped over to the Hi Fi Choice forumMr Pig is ripping 9 colours of shit outta them about SACDSays it'll never work..take off......etcThey luvin him alreadyHe got pissed off and had to go lie down, got sick of people havin a goQuite...
I recently installed a (K) Prefix (Michell Orbe/ SMEV/Lyra Helikon/52/SCap/135s)- initially powered from my `52. The improvement was huge(even cold)in every area of peformance. I then added a seperate power supply to the Prefix- another equally large...
How long have NAIM been using Black SNAICs ?I have just purchased 2 Black SNAICS one from my NAC62 to NAP140. The other is from my Flatcap to CD3.5. On installing the cables I have noticed that the SNAIC from Flatcap to CD3.5 is already BLACK ! I know...
Does anyone have experience of using Chord Co. Solid II or Anthem. I plan to dem them between my NAC62 and CD3.5 as soon as my new Black SNAICs have run in (Pre to Power and Flatcap to 3.5).thanksMark
and would it be described as the difference between a 140 to 102, or 102 to 82 or is it a very minor improvement. Have people actually traded an older 82 for a newer? Anyone know when the latest revisions were made - ie year or serial #. Should I...
Folks, I am looking for a source for inexpensive cables to connect non-Naim sources to Naim pre's. Markertek sells a 4-RCA to DIN cable for $6.95. Anything else?--Eric
I am looking for some insight regarding where to position the better of two power supplies (a dual railed SNAPS and a Hi-Cap). I am in the midst of purchasing a second-hand CD3.5 (replacing a Rotel RCD-950) to go along with a 32.5/Hi/110/LP12 setup. I...
HelloI'm moving house this weekend and have finally found that CD tray-ish shaped piece of plastic that comes with the CD3 but can't work out how to fit it. As it states that it is essential to fit this thing before transit to avoid damage I'd be v....
Hi I have just bought the nap160 and nac12n pre and power amps I metioned in my other post. I'm really pleased with it apart from 1 minor thing. At some point the green on/off switch has been broken and then bodged. It still works but looks a bit...