Hi-Fi Corner
Apparently there's a show going on in Manchester between the 17th-18th November 2001 at the Hilton Airport Hotel.Anyone going? Anyone know who's exhibiting? Seeing as I missed the Hammersmith Show and am likely to be up north, then I may partake.Seems...
Briks are mean mother******g speakers! I think I have the positioning spot on now, just wondered about any more I can do to optimize them in between wheel-barrowing new CD's home from the record shop.I've read about the improvements to be had if the...
What´s the better way ? to test betters et of components or do a step by step upgrade ?In my case I have CD3 + 72 + 140 + REGA XELTarget system (too expensive) will be CDX + 102 + NAPS + 250 + REGA XELHow to do a step by step ?
I have a question or two about the my Naim CD2. I'm new to the forum so please be patient if I ask "dumb" (for you guys) questions. I've heard that there were two verions of the CD2 and that the transport is the main difference. Also, the later...
My buddy Svelte Dave has recapped the 110s and Hicap and the sound is very impressive but I think that the bass is a bit on the thin side.I opened up the 110s and had a look at the replacement 10 and 46 microfarad condensers. I think that Dave has...
I intend to hook up a Teac DAT machine to the system. The converters in the Teac are,I believe, 20 bit.Would there be any advantage in taking an SP/DIF cable from the digital out and plugging it into a 24 bit DAC before sending the signal to the 32-5 ?AQD
This is probably a stupid question but what the hell. Bear in mind I have no understanding of electronics but it seems to me that most of the amps I have heard that do PRaT fairly well have bi-polar output devices. Do Naim use these as well? Is there...
Im looking to move to surround sound for my DVDs. Currently I have a Sony 7700 playing through 82, 2 x hicap, 250, Epos Es22 to a Panasonic 42" gas plasma screen. Sounds good, but Im missing the surround effects. I was considering getting a Yamaha DSP...
I think that is what I shall call my interconnects as of later this week, for they are *toasted!*Yup, I'm borrowing a demo pair of conventionally run-in Chord Anthem interconnects, while my own two pairs are *toasted* using the Nordost Cable...
Hi all,Just a quick question. Came down to the living room this morning, and noticed my 250 was buzzing (not through the speakers, but from inside the case). Anyway, being a less than careful sort, I stuck on some music, and had my breakfast - by the...
For my Rega P3 I'm looking for a wall shelf. Rega has a special model to fit their TT. QS also has a nice looking model. Anyone tried or compared these shelfs?Theo(In Holland their seems to be no Mana dealer?)
Has anyone here tried the PS Audio Juice Bar (http://www.psaudio.com/products/juicebar.asp), 6 outlets ? I borrowed one, and opened it up to disable the LED (with permisson), and it is star-wired inside indeed with 3 hospital-grade Power Ports...
In all the discussions of racks over the past couple of years, one model is conspicuous by its absence: the Townshend Seismic Sink Stand. It's readily available in the UK, gets great reviews whenever any of the mags give it a listen - even in group...
Hi, Folks.After a long forum abstinence andextended listening, i found a newtopic to report on ;-) .As you can see out of the title it must havesomething to do with drugs, and that's it.Beside the music (which indeed could bea sort of drug), i mean...
Hey fellow CDX users!!Got me some worries mate with me player makin som kinda eeeeeeeeeeekk noise when yer like put cd's in ........Anybody know was goin on man??cos me is like worryin bros!!Elp mee pleasey pleaseMad boy Matt.
A couple of weeks ago I got one of these:To try on one of these:Mainly because it looks so much neater than one of these:Although initially skeptical of the somewhat over-the-top claims by the manufacturer, I'm convinced that the Expressimo "Heavy...
I've just discovered the wiring on the circuit I'll be using for my system has no earth wire. When I get a separate spur installed should I rectify this?Peter
Hi!Someone is going to send me a s/h naim-box from UK to Vienna: How should we declare this package for customs? We are going to send by Royal Mail.Thanks for any advice!Jun
System 1 – P9, CD17KI, Walkman Pro, 32.5 / Hicap / 250 / Kan IIs. The record storage is from Ikea, and is the cheapest option I have yet found for getting the job done neatly.
Hi Steven,I know you are on the beach somewhere, but could you contact me, please? (cf rack/delivery) - Urgent!CheersUwe
Just installed my second Fraim to support the hi-cap, cdps, and 250. Gave it a spin even though sleep calls....nice one Naim ! Simply more of the " concentrate on music and less on the hi-fi" thing. Oh yeah...a little trick I discovered after setting...
Unfortunately I am still in the passive side of the house, however I was thinking about the attributes of each design approach today and came up with the following:Passive* Circuit designs have to deal with higher current ratings and dissipate more...
I am offered a 1994 CDS for 1400; unfortunately I cannot demo this piece before I buy it, but I have 2 friends with CDS1s so I know that I want it.Is 1400 a good price? I am now playing CDs with my CD3.5/Flat and am about to upgrade my whole system to...
Seeing all those pics of other people's classy Naim systems got me curious as to what else is out there... [This message was edited by Mike Sae on TUESDAY 23 October 2001 at 08:48.]
Coming next... NA-SW1 subwooferIn jest,Mike S