Hi-Fi Corner
Has anybody trid this out? I read a review at http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_4_4/bagend18.html and they said it was very good at time alignment, which made me think it might be good with a Naim system.Mike
I have been a great fan for this forum for quite a while and got a lot of advice out of it. It is my first post, I owned my first naim kit about 2.5 year ago, as follow : CD 3.5/92R/90/Intro 2 then added on 02 flat caps after a year for 92R & CD3.5. 02 months ago, my dealer had a almost new S/H SBL (black finish) & Snaxo 2-4 (both only 5 months old, as owner upgraded to NBL, apparently he is a company director as I was told.) Dealer had suggested the active route to me, so after the demo, I...
Is there any way I can use my two power amps without having to purchase a Naim cross over? My speakers are 3 way so I would like to have my 250 for the tweeter and mid and use the 140 for the bass. Do Naim make a lead that would go from a 72 to these...
Hello erverybody!Thank's again for all the advice I got for turntable shopping - I'm a happy lp12 owner now.The deck I got: lp12, ser.no.: 032562 (ebay GBP 290), Ittok LV II (loot GBP 175), K 18 (loot GBP 65), Valhalla (audiomarkt GBP 45).The deck...
At the moment I am the proud owner of a Nait5 integrated. Cd's are played with a NAD C541 (HDCD version) cdplayer. Within a year I would like to upgrade to a CD5 and a FlatcapII. I have to deside which of those will be the first upgrade. I don't have...
I purchased my first piece of Naim gear last Saturday.....a CD5. I am well impressed with the resulting sound. My system is LP12, Basic, K9, Musical Fidelity pre amp 3a, power amp 140, with Rogers LS3/5As' on Linn Kan stands. Can't stop playing CDs',...
My local Naim dealer in Toronto (Robert Fulton at Stewart's Audio & Video) has been passing on his wisdom regarding dedicated spurs. Some of his recommendations are similar to what we read here on the forum, and some are a little different: Use at least a 20 amp breaker, although a 30 amp is preferred. Use shielded mains cable (BX), to reject RFI. Run two mains lines, one for the CD player and one for the amps. He believes the CDX spews garbage back onto the Mains, and the amps sound edgy...
Ok so I admit it, I'm completely obsessed with trying to improve my hi-fi. The hi-fi consist of several metal boxes with Naim on the front. I've tried tightening all the screws, sticking blue tac here, there & every where. I've placed them on MDF, glass and currently hang them from nylon rope (looks better than it sounds doh!) I've chucked sand all over my X-overs (placed in another metal box to protect from RF. (it's purely coincidence my initials also happen to be RF). I've even reached...
Vuk has made it - his (pre-Mana) ideas on system supports, his website, and his profession are plugged in the new Listener. Congrats, Vuk, way to go! But/and where would you be without us?Regards.Phil
I'm moving into my new flat this weekend, and I have two options for placing the intros:1. against a bay window - where the wall comes up to about a metre or two.or2. alongst the length of the room.Which would be 'better'? what I have read on the...
OK. My used CD 3.5 arrived today. It was well packaged and had the transit screw in. Loading a CD and pressing play gives me the ERR message. There's a 4 pin doobrie covering the 2 DIND on the back which I assume is right, leaving the last DIN for...
For the last few weeks this site works very well.As few of us had complained about some odd things that happened to us, I think it is time to say that the site functions very good ! Arie
Does anyone know Linn's customer service email address, as I have a nice email to send about my thoughts on the Trampolinn.Their website's been down all weekend and therefore I can't obtain the address.Andy (itching to press send).Andrew L. ...
I have an offer of a pair of ex dem SBL's in cherry at a price to be negotiated. I guess these are going to be a scarce item fairly soon and I have always wanted a pair. Snag is they have come a bit sooner than I anticipated.Two questions-I have IXO...
I'm auditioning a secondhand CDi this weekend - what should I look (out) for ? All advice gratefully received.
ChapsPresent system is as followsNATO 5/GARARD 401/CDX+XPS/82+SUPERCAP/250/SBL's.I shall be mounting the above in the Hutter system which hopefully is only a few days away.My listening is 40% tuner,50%CD and 10% vinyl.There has been a lot of chat...
I just bought a new 92R pre-amp (a very good deal at Bay Bloor Radio in Toronto Canada). I plan to pair it with my CD3. I am now looking for a Naim amp to match with this combo. I understand that this 92R pre-amp can be powered by the 180 power...
LINN Isobarik, latest version with passive crossover, black, in perfect conditionViennaDM 3000.-Please e-mail me: j.keller@gmx.net
I have a Nait1Was just wondering what are the differences in design / specs and sound ??Anybody know what the power is on the 2, I know the 1 is 18wpc ( 8 ohm )Just a bit curious as I notice that ALOT of people have a Nait2 either in use or in the ...
I just trade my speakers (credo's) for Sonus Faber Electa Amator 2. I was not happy with the sound of the credo's.I used my full Naim system (CDX,102, flatcap,psu, 180) withn the orignal naca 5.But with the sonus fabers this speaker cable sound...
For those who still care about the Lingo connector issue, I finally had the Conn 401/E installed in my LP12. My Linn dealer had never heard of it when I ordered it several months ago and the the distributor's rep who installed the cable and tuned my...
hi folks:i spent the better part of last friday at infidelity comparing cartridges on my lp12 which has been there for service as well. simon kindly made available the following cartridges for audition: linn arkiv B, ortofon contrapunkt B, ortofon...
Howdy folks,the analog-bug bit me (again)a couple o weekse ago.I'm (patiently,...well,trying to be,that is)searching for a (s/h) turntable to use with my Nait-2. I know the Nait has a fine phono-stage,soI'd like to use it.I'd like a TT that's on the...
I've searched the forum for references to Epona PSUs.Is anyone using them? If so, I'd like to hear your views/experiences etc. On the forum if that's OK (Paul?) Alternatively direct...mark.packerKEINSPAMDANKE@kcl.ac.ukjust remove the ...