Hi-Fi Corner

Scott MckenziePosted: 24 May 2001Last Updated: 24 May 2001
Current System:Nait 3RArcam ALpha 7SEMordaunt Short MS814Chord Co. ChrysalisNACA5I have been offered a very good, no excellent deal on the above (it currently includes a NAP140). My main problem is that although I know the price is fantastic (I...
Steve HallPosted: 24 May 2001Last Updated: 24 May 2001
I've recently purchased a used NAXO to activate my system. Is there a NAXO to SNAXO factory mod? Im not much bothered about the S/C connector, but component wise as the NAXO is a 1994 vintage.
mykelPosted: 24 May 2001Last Updated: 24 May 2001
How do Linn amps sound? I have not heard any in years so I don't trust my memory.My GF is looking into upgrading from a mini- system. I have a possible lead on a Majik integrated for a steal.How does the linn line sound compared to naim?regards,mykel
JaybarPosted: 20 May 2001Last Updated: 24 May 2001
Is the CDX w/o XPS markedly and decicively better than the DC5+highcap to warrant changing my cd5+highcap in the months to come.Thanks,Jay
tzkPosted: 21 May 2001Last Updated: 24 May 2001
i've created neat naim-site. i've tried to add some new informations rather copying them from other naim sites, or at least provide nice visual form (product histories). there is also chance to see some vintage naim boxes.please give me feedback, how...
Steve GPosted: 22 May 2001Last Updated: 24 May 2001
I recently upgraded the amp in my bedroom system from an Arcam Alpha 1 to a used 32.5/110 combination (a vast improvement and a bargain at 250 quid). Currently I'm using a Chord Cobra 5pin-DIN to 2 RCA cable to connect my Micromega CD player to the...
JeremyBPosted: 22 May 2001Last Updated: 23 May 2001
Has anyone seen Michael Fremer's review of Stageline in this month's Stereophole?My girlfriend just called from Arizona in a very excited state because she just got her copy (I live in California and seem to get mine after everyone else). Anyway, he...
Jon MoxonPosted: 23 May 2001Last Updated: 23 May 2001
The monitor bank mono switch on my 82 is always 'half on', even when it isn't engaged. To begin with (around february) it was very faint, but it seems to be getting brighter as time passes, albeit slowly. I haven't noticed any deterioration in sound...
LennyKPosted: 23 May 2001Last Updated: 23 May 2001
Greetings:As a general rule, what is the voltage input range of the K board? Thanks for your help.Lennart Kisner
davidfPosted: 23 May 2001Last Updated: 23 May 2001
I need to re-solder my naim speaker cable to the speaker plug. Is there a special kind of solder to use? Thanks, david.
Alex S.Posted: 20 May 2001Last Updated: 23 May 2001
Since I last posted I decided to turn my attention to my listening room rather than to my equipment or what it sits on. System refresher: Uncirkused, Lingo LP12/Ittok/DV20X; CDX/CDPS; 82/2HiCaps; 2 250s; B&W 805s on Granite stands (I like em and don't care what the rest of you think). CT4.1 to speakers/Chord Cobra CD interconnect/Grahams "Hydra" (Naim) power cord/all other Naim cabling. Sits on old Sound Org tables with Base platform under the lot. As I have said elsewhere I listen (at least...
ken cPosted: 19 May 2001Last Updated: 23 May 2001
according to information on the naim web site "The bass alignment has been chosen to allow the speakers to be used either against a wall or out in the room, depending on the listener’s preferences and room acoustics. "so, will this be the first...
Eric BarryPosted: 14 May 2001Last Updated: 23 May 2001
The Naim forum is accessible again at Morgan Stanley. Looking forward to reading all the threads I haven't had time for at home.--Eric
hifidaddyPosted: 23 May 2001Last Updated: 23 May 2001
Folks, in newsgroup uk.rec.audio someone announced a new web site with much of pics of old pre 89 equipment. Lots of pics, the 12 preamp or bolted case 250 both opened are shown.Naim enthusiastic pageNaim TunerPower ampsPreampsI found that the gallery...
ken cPosted: 22 May 2001Last Updated: 23 May 2001
lets spend a few postings helping each to design a poll that seeks views on the future of stereo as we know it today, in particular, listening to 2 speakers (maybe 3 with sub) in a non-shared (i.e single room rather than multiroom) environment. also...
MichaelPosted: 20 May 2001Last Updated: 22 May 2001
My system at present consists of CDS/CDPS/LINN LP12+LINGO/EKOS/TROIKA/NAC52/2xNAP135s/LINN ISOBARIKS connected with NAIM A5 cable.I am in the process of having the CD player head unit upgraded to CDSII and the 135's serviced by Naim.Will be...
mykelPosted: 22 May 2001Last Updated: 22 May 2001
As a follow-up to what Ron the Mon wrote in a past thread about upgrading the Kan1/2 with the new Ninka / Katan tweeter. He has done this. I e-mailed Linn about this looking for a bit of info. The following is what they replied with.Can I fit the new...
JaybarPosted: 22 May 2001Last Updated: 22 May 2001
Not only did I change cartridges, but I got rid of the trampolinn. My Linn (Ekos, Lingo, Linto) sounds completely different now. By comparison the Linn before the changes sounded downright laid-back and undynamic but had more depth (maybe due to its...
MilanPosted: 21 April 2001Last Updated: 22 May 2001
Anyone tried bi amping with a 62/90(x2). I am considering it to allow bi wiring to my speakers. System is Linn Karik 3, Snaps, 62/90, Tannoy R3.Any suggestions? Milan
DenPosted: 22 May 2001Last Updated: 22 May 2001
Currently I own a nait5 integrated. I'm considering buying a FlatcapII to power the preamp. An other possibility will be to trade in the nait5 and to buy a Nac112 preamp and a Nap150 power amp. What will sound better the nait5+flatcapII or a Nac112...
Martin MPosted: 30 April 2001Last Updated: 22 May 2001
On Saturday morning my bank account transformed from a paragon of strength to a wimp courtesy of my finally buying (or more accurately, paying for)DBLs. To enhance the Mike Tyson-like left hook on the account's health Rosewood finish was...
Adrian MehligPosted: 17 May 2001Last Updated: 22 May 2001
I've spent the past decade or so building up the following system:. SME Model 20A/Series V/Lyra Clavis DC on Mana Phase 3. Micromega Solo (CD player). Toshiba SD9100 (progressive-scan DVD player). 102/HI-CAP/250/Headline/NAPSC/ on Mana 6-shelf stand....
AlcoPosted: 22 May 2001Last Updated: 22 May 2001
Hi guys,I'm a happy bloke,with a very satisfying little system. But,...just like most of you guys,every once in a while,the upgrade-bug starts to bite..At this moment I own a Nait-2/CD-3.5 + flatcap/Kan-ll's on Target HR60 stands/Nac-a5.Whatta ya'guys...
Steve GPosted: 02 May 2001Last Updated: 22 May 2001
Looks like I've just aquired a 32.5 & 110 to replace the Arcam Alpha 5+ in my bedroom system but I've got a couple of questions: 1) How is the 32.5/110 likely to compare with my current 92R/90.3 setup when used with my Credos? 2) Is my SNAPS usable with the 32.5? 3) Any advice on small, reasonably cheap (sub 300 new or used) "Naim friendly" speakers to replace the Mission 731LE's in my bedroom system? The system already has a pretty good CD player (Micromega Leader II) in it. Cheers Steve
Phil SparksPosted: 22 May 2001Last Updated: 22 May 2001
I’ve finally got round to taking my kans active and thought the story may be of some interest.Firstly a bit of history and explanation of how I got here. I’ve been running kans for about 10 years and in my old flat they worked brilliantly....