Hi-Fi Corner

JohnPosted: 01 January 2001Last Updated: 01 January 2001
I recently changed the setup of my Mana stand. I thought I would post as it might help other people. I originally had my stand standing ontop of my oak cabinet that houses my CDs. The stand spikes sank about 1-2 mm into the oak finish. I changed this...
Richard PagetPosted: 30 December 2000Last Updated: 01 January 2001
sorry [This message was edited by Richard Paget on SATURDAY 30 December 2000 at 20:44.]
PPosted: 31 December 2000Last Updated: 31 December 2000
This has been a leap year in more ways than one.I started the year with the following system :-Thorens TD318/MP11 Boron(truly clapped out)/ Marantz CD63sig / Nait3 / Mordaunt Short MS20 on Heybook HBS1 stands and an Apollo 5 tier steel and MDF rack.(I...
CharlezzPosted: 31 December 2000Last Updated: 31 December 2000
Hi,I have got a cd3.5/Nac102/Hicap/Nap180 and i intend to buy the new Martin Logan Ascent.What do you think about that choice?Thanks.Happy new year.Charles (France)
Ron ToolsiePosted: 29 December 2000Last Updated: 31 December 2000
I have remained largely silent on my very limited experience of my Mana wall shelf. This was partially because I didn't have too much negative or positive to say about it- when I installed it it was to accomdate my newly prefixed/geddoned and Aro-ed...
Bas VPosted: 30 December 2000Last Updated: 31 December 2000
Hi!Yesterday I went to a shop to buy me a 180, 72 and a HiCap. The salesman connected the system with a Sonneteer cd player and some UKP 6000 speakers (I believe they were ARS Acoustics or something). It sounded terrible!!!Now I know that I should...
LeighPosted: 26 December 2000Last Updated: 31 December 2000
Even as a relatively new forum user, I know this question will evoke considerable comment...but here goes anyway.I am one of those Naim enthusiasts without a dedicated listening room and therefore constrained by the niceties of having the system 'fit...
Steve ToyPosted: 30 December 2000Last Updated: 30 December 2000
I am using my Flatcap 2 to power my CD5 and the difference this makes is immense.However can I also use it with a Naim Headline headphone amp as I do not have a Naim preamp.
NaheedPosted: 30 December 2000Last Updated: 30 December 2000
A while back i had earthing problems (leading to audbile hum through my speakers), so the guys at Naim suggested using the TT binding post to earth the preamp to my ac socket (this worked really well - but later i found out it was a faulty snaic at...
yuriPosted: 20 December 2000Last Updated: 29 December 2000
is it possible to bi -amp my setup with a nap140i have cd2,82,180,epos es11s. (yes i know i need a hi-cap.no doe thou)as my mate will let me use his 140 over x-mas.and i thouth it might be funwhat leads do i need and how do i connect it all up. please...
NaheedPosted: 29 December 2000Last Updated: 29 December 2000
Just realised this morning (don't ask) after a year that my ixo - hicap SNAIC was pointing in the wrong direction !!!Pointing in the right direction has brought a noticeable improvement, but does the cable need burning in again in the correct...
Andrew RandlePosted: 29 December 2000Last Updated: 29 December 2000
Dear all,Below is a copy of a response I made in the "Perception is all there is" thread.The initial post on the thread was commenting on the ratios of good vs. negative comments about the NBLs - which brings about a very important issue:"variance of...
John ChanningPosted: 29 December 2000Last Updated: 29 December 2000
Now that I have my Hutter tables sorted out I have decided to revived my vinyl playing system. This is a Lingo LP12, Akito, and ATOC5. Currently my 102 does not have any phono cards and I was wondering whether installing them would deteriorate the...
Arye_GurPosted: 16 December 2000Last Updated: 28 December 2000
Bob EdwardsPosted: 26 December 2000Last Updated: 28 December 2000
All--Preaching to the choir, I know, but heard a Audio Research system (CD2/Ref2/VT200) driving Wilson WATT/Puppies (System 6--whatever the latest is). It was bad. Specifically, it was totally tuneless--I couldn't hum along to CDs I know very well--I...
GromitPosted: 26 December 2000Last Updated: 28 December 2000
After a season of frantic Christmas purchases, my system stands atRega Planar 3 (upgraded with new motor)Naim CD5Naim FlatCap2Naim 102Naim 180Epos ES12I am sure some of you out there has gone through this before so please enlighten me. Would you:a/...
Derek WrightPosted: 18 December 2000Last Updated: 27 December 2000
My 17 month old CDS II has started to issue violent crack sounds when playing CDS - in at least 50% of all playings a crack sound is issued on all CDs. On a significient number of playings the playback is aborted with the ERR string displayed.If I go...
JaybarPosted: 25 December 2000Last Updated: 27 December 2000
What is usually recommended for these speakers? They are firing straight ahead in a slightly hard room.
KeithPosted: 25 December 2000Last Updated: 26 December 2000
Can anyone tell me where I can find out more about Hutter equipment?Do they hqave a web site?Keith
Bob EdwardsPosted: 21 December 2000Last Updated: 26 December 2000
All--I'd like to solicit some suggestions on the back end of my system (LP12/Geddon/Aro/Troika/Prefix/Hicap/72/Hi/250). I currently have an excellent condition pair of Kans (Mk 1, very late I think) which are quite spectacular. I alternate between the...
philip rubinPosted: 26 December 2000Last Updated: 26 December 2000
I am contemplating the use of a powerline conditioner - Chang Lightspeed 6400. I have a friend who lives in NYC who recommends it highly. I would appreciate some advice from others using Naim gear as to whether this will provide any improvement in...
JebPosted: 14 December 2000Last Updated: 26 December 2000
I have been looking for that green sandpaper like stylus cleaner paper here in the US - I can't find it anywhere. Any ideas?I thought Linn made the stuff - does anyone know who makes it?Is it readily available in the UK - if so, can I order it from...
Steve ToyPosted: 25 December 2000Last Updated: 26 December 2000
I find the all-naim experience to be unfulfilling, given the lack of sounstage depth and focus. It is as though the musuc is launched from a trowel somewhere between the speakers at an invisible pane of glass half way to the listening position.Enter...
Bob EdwardsPosted: 18 December 2000Last Updated: 25 December 2000
All--OK--the CDS2 and 500 are out and selling quickly. The next obvious question is when the 52 replacement will come out or even be acknowledged. Anyone have any thoughts ?Cheers,Bob
Paul StephensonPosted: 22 December 2000Last Updated: 25 December 2000
To all have a truly wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. We hope you all get something nice in stockings!/socks etc! From all at Naim.