Padded Cell
island sale...What am I bid for a mention in the next Local People thread?
As we may get some time to read a book over the holiday let's have some suggestions.I prefer non fiction.Those of you who appreciate the work of Antony Beevor may enjoy Jutland 1916 by Nigel Steel and Peter Hart.Both of the writers are at the IWM and...
Let's have some views on who was the greatest person that ever lived.I nominate Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.What do you all think?G
I'm considering converting my old 35mm film in to the digitial domain. Does anyone have any recommendations for film scanners.I could spend around £300 and would prefer Canon if possible as it would probably mean having to install less software...
Can anyone tell me how to remove a program from the start up sequence. I just want to open it when I want. I am sure I clicked to prevent this being in the start up but there you go "it" has deceided otherwise.TIAHoward
I am not expecting a huge amount of replies on this subject, but here goes anyway. Do any of you follow the Mosconi Cup (USA v Europe) 9-ball pool. Its a very competitive competition and if you like Pool or even snooker then its great to follow. I...
I'm attempting to compile the ultimate Bullshit Bingo compendium. Got anymore?about the same/ above and beyond the call of duty/ above board/ absence makes the heart grow fonder/ absolute disgrace/ absolutely fantastic/ abusive behaviour/ according to...
Not good news, from 2006 cricket (tests and 1 day) will be on Sky only with highlights on Ch 5. Since I cannot get the latter, and have no intention of getting the former for what is more or less the only TV I ever watch then I'm personally annoyed....
Great news for many I feel.Fritz Von Wannabet ?
Somewhat amusing....
Never slow to jump on what could be a highly rewarding bandwagon I have decided to allocate myself my very own thread.As one who has made his mark in life - the peaks have been scaled and the depths have been plumbed; I feel you could all benefit from...
Just wondering what happened to Ludwig.
Seasons greetings to all.I am currently running Norton Anti Virus and Personal Firewall.The question is, I am protected from Spy/Addware? If the answer is 'no' would I know about it or notice anything out of the ordinary?Regards...George.
Fairly new to the forum & not quite up to speed on some of the lingo/abbreviations, so sorry to be thick, but what does "bump" mean? Thanks, matt
(on a Mac)I'm thinking about moving from my Pipex 512Kb unlimited broadband to one of the cheaper, faster-but-limited ones (PlusNet 2Mb as it happens).Pipex offer a 1Mb, 8Gb bandwidth package for £30 all-in, and PlusNet offer a 2Mb, 1Gb package...
Let's avoid arguments.Anyone fancy a group hug ?
It seems this is causing some concern among comedians.If this is taken too far comedians will be as interesting as the jokes in X mas Crackers.Coming back from London on the train yesterday i read the Independents arts and books review pull out.In it...
A month ago I was driving along and a twit-woman opened her car door as I was passing putting a dent and a scratch in my car, and causing her door to swing back and hurt her foot. She yelled quite loudly and I - and her passenger - was more concerned...
It's December, the month for a greater number of drink-drivers who drive slowly and erratically, ocasionally getting in my way while I ferry punters around the countryside of Mid-Staffordshire and beyond.Whilst I will never condone drink-driving, most...
Given we're talking MP3s, is there any point using anything other than iTunes, which is free and seems to work?cheers,Paul
Only 60 minutes now. So much for being able to update an ongoing post. Is this less "spacey" than opening a new thread to update your own thread?Howard
Well, I thought it was funny, anyway... British kung-fu
As far as I can recall, that protection conferred upon intellectual property by copyright law continues only as long as the owner of the copyright is actively protecting the property in the marketplace. So it is fair enough for Microsoft to send in...