Home Theatre
I woke up the DVD5 and it refused to display an image on BNCs RGBHV or YUV signal. It displays something distorded like a large red line on black background but that's all.I also have no sound on cinch or Din output.I switched the unit off, reseted...
The Pioneer PDP-436SXE is top of my list along with the Panasonic TH-42PX60. Budget is £2K approx. The rest of the system is yet to be decided - I've just placed my order with Sky. However I believe there is a new Hitachi (the 42PD9700) that...
Has anyone experienced this "bug" ...You finish watching a DVD movie. You stop the DVD but do not remove it because you want to watch the extra features on another evening. You press OFF on the remote. It turns off (you leave the switch on the back...
Hi there,I've just put a DVD with some MP3 albums on it into my DVD5. And lo and behold, it brings up a list of all the folders on the DVD and starts playing the MP3s !I'm sure this is not listed anywhere as working and wondered if anyone else has...
I just fitted an Optical cable from the Sky HD to the AV2, which as I understand it should enable the Dolby 5.1 sound to be played by the AV2 through the 5 speakers/Sub, where encoded onto the relevant HD broadcasts. I believe using the info button on...
Well with the Narcom remote I was "meddling" last night and found the following:I have a CD5x going into my 202. When I hit play for the CD the 202 switches over to the correct channel automatically. However, if I want to go back to another source...
hi forum.i have been using cheap kef eggs as surrounds in a 5.1 set up for too long now and am going to audition nsats with nsub at a dealers soon.are there any other surround speakers that i should demo while im at it?heard a lot of good reports on...
I am curious as to why Linn and Naim produced HT receivers with built in DVD players. Why not produce a conventional home theater receiver without the DVD playback included? Why not make a single box device that is optimized for multi channel audio...
After 3 weeks of messing round with new DVD players Denon 1920 - lip sync probs, Arcam DV79 - problem with led display on player and DV137 - numerous issues !! - I finally saw the light and auditioned the N-vi. What can i say - superb and i've now got...
Finally my HD box is coming next Friday. I will be using it with an AV2/200/175/N-Sub/Allaes/N-Sats and a Panasonic 37" 600-series Plasma.What connections are needed and what are good quality cables to use for those connections?Obviously an HDMI cable...
Dear Friends,Before the Autumn, I want to fit a DVD reader in my little PC.I am not a Home Theatre enthusiast, and most of my DVDs are classics like Kind Hearts And Coronets, though there are some with reasonable quality as well.I don't need to be...
Following on from a post the other day I thought I'd start a thread to post n-Vi bugs whilst they are still fresh in the mind to try and help debug this software.Here is mine for today:1) Select "Disc" and listen to a CD.2) CD finishes. 3) 30 minutes...
Hiya,Johns wifey here....I have just put on the plasma and tv drive and powered up the N-vi and i have NO sound. Have checked all the leads and everything there seems in order! I am NOT a happy bunny. He has got the right hump...worst of all i am now...
I now have the above and can play the 640 kbps and the 448 kbps versions. However the AV2 switches to Auto 3:2:1 in 448 but in 640 there is no auto option and no ability to play in 3:2:1. My DVD player is Pioneer 757.IIs my DVD player simply too old...
Probably one for AV@Naim but if anyone else knows ...I have my n-Vi setup for ym 16:9 screen, but is there any way to have it utilise the WSS trigger when the source material is 4:3? At the moment I have to manually select 4:3 on my TV.Thanks,Duncan
I thought the sky HD box was going to be the answer to all my problems - the VHS had just packed up, I'd just bought a new HD plasma and it seemed the obvious answer for recording and playback of all those HD documentaries and films. But only a month...
is there an easy way to see what my n-vi is set up on the dispay, how can you tell if it is set up to out-put prog-scan via component, also do you have to go into main menu to alter the volumme on each channel, as i find with dvds in dolby digital 5-1...
What is the best way of conecting a DVD5 to an LCD Tv?Currently using the standard scart which I know isn't good enough,RegardsPB
we all know that Naim devices are to be left switched on for a looong time for best sound results.What about the standby-mode (n-Vi for example). May I use it without sound degrade or should I leave it completely on (with is a problem because of the...
My first post, so be gentle!Just took delivery of my n-vi yesterday. Annoyingly there is a problem with the sound from the optical input (from a new sky HD box, working perfectly with my Denon AV amp previously). I am wondering if there is something...
How do I set up the DVD5 to play DVD's through the analogue RCA outputs at the back.I have set up the DVD5 to play cd's through my 552 but when I use DVD's I get nothing!RegardsPB
I have a Loewe TV and Sky Digibox in the lounge. I also have a Pioneer 757 DVD/AV2/250.2/175 into a Infocus 4805 Projector in a seperate dedicated room.How do I connect the TV to the projector and get sound and vision in the dedicated room with the...
Not sure where to post this, but just connecting up my iPod onto my AV2 and wondered in the next update whether there could be the option to name an input iPod or MP3?
can someone explain about the five year warrany, can't find any information about it on the main site pages ?
I have been waiting patiently for news given the recent problems with the n-vi. 8 weeks ago I had arranged to borrow a unit from my dealer only to be informed that their n-vi's had been returned to NAIM as intructed. My dealer has no further...