Hi-Fi Corner

JaybarPosted: 06 November 2000Last Updated: 07 November 2000
I am currently using Naim CD 5 CD player in a non-Naim system and I wonder about the adviseability of after-market power cords?
AlcoPosted: 07 November 2000Last Updated: 07 November 2000
Hi folks,Today I got an e-mail from a Hi-Fi dealer who'sspecialized in s/h audio gear. He is not aNaim-dealer.(that may explain this...)Well,...he was offering an old NAP-250 and also arecent NAP-90, They both have a price of only 800Dutch guilders...
JaybarPosted: 03 November 2000Last Updated: 07 November 2000
I have a spectral DMC 12 pre-amp and DMA 90 Power amp, what level of Naim pre-amp and amp would I need to switch to for superior results. I doubt if the Nait 5 would do it. Spectral has good pace and rythm.current systemSpectram DMC 12 PreSpectral DMA...
PPosted: 05 November 2000Last Updated: 07 November 2000
My system is currently - CDS2/72/hi/180/credo/base and I'm contemplating an upgrade, but I'm not too sure of the route to take. I need some advice. Should I : Buy an IXO & another 180? and go active? Buy a Snaxo/hicap/180? and go active? Change the 72 for an 82/add another hicap or supercap it and sell the 72/hi? Change the 180 for a 250? I'm drawn towards the 82 route - I obviously would love to have a 52/supercap but I have a marriage to consider here! I am also a complete novice when it...
Arye_GurPosted: 05 November 2000Last Updated: 07 November 2000
Hi,I suggest we list the most expensive system we'd ever listened to and the BEST one we'd listened to. As I think most of us have systems that are a kind of compromise depand on what our bank account allows us to spend here we can try to find out...
Bas VPosted: 05 November 2000Last Updated: 07 November 2000
Hi!I have just sold my REL subwoofer, now I will buy the NAT-03, Intro's and NAC-A5. This will leave me with five units, but I only have four shelves. Which to stack?Another question, which could solve my question. I will sell my MA's and the money...
JaybarPosted: 03 November 2000Last Updated: 06 November 2000
1) Spectral Amp2) Hi Cap for the CD 53) Hiugh Current Power Supply for Spectral Pre-amp4) Linn Lingo5) Linn Linto6) CD 5
Bas VPosted: 28 October 2000Last Updated: 06 November 2000
Hi!I can get a very early NAP250 for UKP 235. Should I buy this, if working correct, or is this too old? And what does this look like? I am planning on upgrading my pre-amp to a 102...Regards, Bas
Arye_GurPosted: 06 November 2000Last Updated: 06 November 2000
Hi,Sitting on this hour (23:34) and posting to the forum, I find hard sighns of beeing addicted to the forum.Don't know how or why - I think a lot about the forum and I'm looking very often to it even while working.So I must take a break and I'll...
Arun MehanPosted: 04 November 2000Last Updated: 06 November 2000
I was just reading the specs of the new Lexus LS430 and was astonished to find out that Lexus had moved from a Nakamichi audio system to a Mark Levinson audio system. Perhaps it's time that Naim looked into the mobile audio arena. It would be really...
Tim CollinsPosted: 05 November 2000Last Updated: 06 November 2000
Have finally joined the "club" - cd5, nait 5 and intros2 and so far very impressed. The equipment seems to sound better at home than it did at the dealers - which seems to be a common observation. on this forum. Anyway, any thoughts on the "ideal"...
RockingdocPosted: 05 November 2000Last Updated: 06 November 2000
I know it's not a Naim question, but having come across this forum's wealth of experience I wonder if anyone knows a supplier of turntable belts in various sizes?I have been heavily modifying an old Townshend Rock and would like to try some flat...
Ian PrestonPosted: 05 November 2000Last Updated: 06 November 2000
Occasionally my spkrs make a static-like crackle` when left on. What is this?
Jon MoxonPosted: 10 October 2000Last Updated: 05 November 2000
With my analogue troubles, I've been thinking of embracing digital and buying a proper CD player.I've come across a CDI and having managed to negotiate the price down to something affordable (a quarter the price of a new CDX), and convince my wife to...
RockingdocPosted: 05 November 2000Last Updated: 05 November 2000
Is it worth having a power supply serviced by Naim?I have just had my 1991 CDS head-unit upgraded to CDS2 and am totally overwhelmed by the improvement. I can't afford the new XPS power supply but as my old CDS PS is getting on for ten years...
JustinPosted: 04 November 2000Last Updated: 05 November 2000
Is it possible to go Naim active with Proac loudspeakers? Aside from having to remove or bypass the internal cross-overs, will naim's active units work with proac brand speakers (maybe the cross-over point can be adjusted) or are they voiced only for...
David Hobbs-MallyonPosted: 30 October 2000Last Updated: 05 November 2000
Having finally reached audio nirvana i.e. owning a CDSII and a 52, I am finding that nobody out there wants to insure me. Anyone out there recommend any hifi-friendly insurers. Replies on the forum or directly by email would be much appreciated.David
Franz KPosted: 05 November 2000Last Updated: 05 November 2000
Hi Everybody,Finally, I plan to upgrade my speakers. After I have traded the 90, got a s/h updated 250 together with a HiCap, and after I have replaced the speaker cables and got NACA5 I run a bare CDX together with 82/Hi/250. My current speakers are...
Arye_GurPosted: 05 November 2000Last Updated: 05 November 2000
Mark Tucker, While reading the "Top Tip" I didn't notice that it is posted by you by the name of Naim.So I apology for my rout language, I'm going to check the fuses on my Naim equipment - and for the future I'll pay much more attention to the posts...
Arye_GurPosted: 03 November 2000Last Updated: 04 November 2000
Hi,I'd read here some "hints" that there are members here who think that a 72 is a better pre than the 102.As I'm thinking of going for the 102, where are the members who are thinking so - and please tell if the 72 betters the 102 if the 102 includes...
Matt GearPosted: 31 October 2000Last Updated: 04 November 2000
I wasn't too sure which forum i should post this in, as it's not about music, but not really about hi-fi either.I'm in need of organising my CD's (have just under 200 of them at the current count), and am a bit stumped as to what sort of storage there...
Pierre IsabellePosted: 03 November 2000Last Updated: 04 November 2000
Reading the thread about spikes on a wooden floor,I startered wondering about what effect variouskinds of bases might have. Currently, they are only separated from my pine floor by coins that prevent the spikes from sinking into the tender wood.I...
Bob EdwardsPosted: 31 October 2000Last Updated: 04 November 2000
Hey all--I am currently taking a writing class in graduate school and chose to write a paper on how and why to buy a turntable. Your participation is invited--why should people today buy a turntable ?All help appreciated !Cheers,BobÏ
EdwinPosted: 03 November 2000Last Updated: 04 November 2000
I have an unusual situation (to me anyway). I have my CD3.5 plugged into the tuner input via the standard DIN. I have been told that this is the best input since it is a straight pipe which does not go through a daughter board.I have two pairs of 324...
EdwinPosted: 03 November 2000Last Updated: 03 November 2000
Does anyone know of any Kans for sale? Looking for serial #22000 or thereabouts vintage '86 with the 4-legged Linn stands to replace the ones I foolishly sold a few years ago.