Music Room

jimlevittPosted: 29 October 2000Last Updated: 31 October 2000
I've been giving some listening time to some of the remastered versions of the Original Jazz Classics (OJC) discs. There are now so many versions of these things available that it makes one's head spin. OJC is the umbrella label put out by Fantasy,...
Andrew RandlePosted: 24 October 2000Last Updated: 27 October 2000
I'll be in Montreal next week and recall hearing that CDs are very cheap over there.How cheap and where should I shop? Bear in mind that I'll be buying some non-mainstream stuff (like Leggo Beast and Fila Brazillia). I'll be at the Hotel Delta (Avenue...
Willem van GemertPosted: 26 October 2000Last Updated: 27 October 2000
Hello,Listening to the radio on my way home I heard two songs from Patricia Barber's latest album Nightclub where she sang alone accompanied by a double bass. Sounded very beautiful and the interpretation was interesting. Any suggestions with which...
Anna ToothPosted: 26 October 2000Last Updated: 27 October 2000
Did anybody hear them play live from Cardiff SU last night on Radio 1?I thought they were great; it's heartening to hear a top selling band sounding as good live as they do on their studio album. "Parachutes" is well worth buying.
PPosted: 22 October 2000Last Updated: 27 October 2000
Just Kidding Joel Heh hehP.
Todd APosted: 24 October 2000Last Updated: 24 October 2000
As some regular forum members may have noticed, I’m rather partial to Erwin Schulhoff. He is, along with Karl Amadeus Hartmann, a greatly neglected figure of 20th Century music. I’m not a music historian, but from what I’ve read,...
Doug GrahamPosted: 24 October 2000Last Updated: 24 October 2000
Now then, wots that all about. just bought it and been doing DBL's/Nap 500 with it. Need an explaination do quite like it. Wall of sound sorta thing with glimpses of beauty.Someone has been in an institution too long, or is it me....
woodfacePosted: 02 October 2000Last Updated: 20 October 2000
Just to let you all know I bought the Eva Cassidy with Chuck Brown Album (cannot remember it's proper title) and compared to the others I have it is pants!! It contains 'scat' singing!!! Please skip this item from her catalogue to avoid disapointment.
Anna ToothPosted: 18 October 2000Last Updated: 19 October 2000
Two more for your ever growing collection of CDs from The Naim Label:Honour Simplicity, Respect The Flow by Kai EckhardtNaim CD047Kai is a highly acclaimed bassist who has featured on many albums in his musical career accompanying artists such as John...
Todd APosted: 16 October 2000Last Updated: 19 October 2000
How many versions of this should I own? More importantly, which versions should I get? Currently I own the following: Bruno Walter’s 1961 recording with the Columbia Symphony Orchestra on Sony (great, beautiful, and wonderful), the early...
woodfacePosted: 06 October 2000Last Updated: 17 October 2000
Just a bit of fun that should sort out those who listen to music from those that listen to their hifi. Dead simple: 1st correct respondent gets to set the next question. I will start it off with an easy(ish) one.Which Beatles Albumn ends with the...
David O'HigginsPosted: 05 October 2000Last Updated: 16 October 2000
Anybody heard this yet ? Sounds like a 'slow burner' to me.
Allan ProbinPosted: 03 October 2000Last Updated: 12 October 2000
Looks like I'm going to have to go first on this one then. Ambitious attempt by Radiohead to create music in a new form - and it works. Reminds me in some ways of Blur's "13", and probably the best album I've heard thats been released since. Has a...
Arthur ByePosted: 30 September 2000Last Updated: 11 October 2000
My wife (and 5 of her friends) want me to go with her to see Sarah Brightman. I've never heard her before but I know I've seen posts in the Forum about her and can't remember if they're positive or negative. Seems to me that Vuk didn't like her but...
Clive BPosted: 27 August 2000Last Updated: 11 October 2000
Oh my goodness! It's not often I find myself agreeing with Ken Kessler but I've just discovered Eva Cassidy (I bought a copy of Time After Time). What a voice! I guess I shall have to buy all the others. What are you waiting for? Buy some Eva...
Joe PetrikPosted: 06 October 2000Last Updated: 10 October 2000
Where can you buy LPs in the U.S? I haven't found a local store that stocks any records -- new or used -- so I'm looking to on-line shopping.Ideally, I'd like to deal with a U.S.-based distributor to avoid currency exchange and customs hassles. My...
Todd APosted: 09 October 2000Last Updated: 09 October 2000
Any other Renee Rosnes fans out there? I have her last two albums – As We Are Now, Art & Soul – and love both of them, As We Are Now especially. Modern jazz on par with some of the classics. I believe it would properly be classified as some “Bop”-type music, though I’m not positive on the labels used. Since I’m mostly a classical nut, I’m sure my comments may cause some ire with more die hard jazz fanatics. Any way, my rambling does have a point...
LightkeeperPosted: 09 October 2000Last Updated: 09 October 2000
Hi !Here in Croatia one eminent dealer advise all people that they should listen only classical music. Now, he have a hi-fi magazine in which he also advise that people should only listen classical. For me that is an apsurd thinking.He was doctor of...
Graeme CreePosted: 19 September 2000Last Updated: 08 October 2000
First – get ye to and take a look around. Check out the Top 10 and listen to some sound bytes.Our first challenge is to identify some styles of cjazz that appeal to you.Here are some options for starters:-1. Acoustic...
Tim CollinsPosted: 25 September 2000Last Updated: 07 October 2000
Thought I would share my views on this artist. Recommended the CD from a friend (Shine Eyed Mr Zen) and blew my mind away. If you like blues (Robert Johnson variety) this is for you. One guy, one slide guitar, that is apparently played on his lap, and...
Simon JenkinsPosted: 29 September 2000Last Updated: 06 October 2000
Anybody else got this yet ?Must admit that after first listen it's probably one for Bowie anoraks only, probably why I like it.The old 60's and 70's recordings are not the greatest quality, but hearing Bowie and Ronson playing together for virtally...
Andrew L. WeekesPosted: 01 October 2000Last Updated: 03 October 2000
Did anyone in the UK listen to 'Loose Ends' yesterday (Sat 30th Sept)?There was a superb guitarist at the end playing some acoustic guitar, very much in the style of Michael Hedges.I only caught the last few minutes of the show, and was distracted...
Miguel OlmoPosted: 02 October 2000Last Updated: 03 October 2000
I am starting my vinyl collection (mostly jazz), and I am looking for titles as: Miles Davis Quintet w/Coltrane, Bill Evans Trio w/Lafarro, Sonny Rollins-Way out Wes-Contemporary Leaders..., MJQ-Django-Concorde, Red Garland Trio, and many more...
calum scottPosted: 01 October 2000Last Updated: 02 October 2000
I'm taking the kids to the "parks" for a couple of weeks and I'd appreciate any recommendations of record/CD stores in the central Florida area which would give dad some light relief.Thanks,Calum
Bob EdwardsPosted: 18 September 2000Last Updated: 01 October 2000
Are there any other Husker Du fans out there ? I have been a fan of theirs for a long time and sometimes wonder if I am the only one here who can play Flip Your Wig at levels (seemingly) approaching a manic live Husker show.On a related note--does...